Criminal Lawyer Breaks Down the Leaked Epstein Documents

Criminal Lawyer Breaks Down the Leaked Epstein Documents

CLR Bruce Rivers

1 год назад

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@stevenpatzner6962 - 30.09.2024 00:47

This podcast is GREAT 👍! Best breakdowns on the paperwork for major cases I've seen to date!

@matrixfree3480 - 30.09.2024 12:03

He was very curious😂😂😂

@Mareseatoats447 - 03.10.2024 09:58

They need to make StepOne undershorts for plus size gals 😊

@superslice28magee68 - 03.10.2024 18:45

Maybe he got money for compromat for Putler. Putler will stop at nothing to destroy our democracy.

@fairyprincess911 - 08.10.2024 19:54

Liars--all liars and predators.💩

@fairyprincess911 - 08.10.2024 20:00

Alan Dershitz 🥸 has never fooled me. I smell the stench of him over the internet😤😷.

@fairyprincess911 - 08.10.2024 20:03

He is tap dancing and we are not amused.

@tokyoagi - 09.10.2024 13:01

Hard not to love Bruce Rivers.

@lauramonaghan1383 - 10.10.2024 23:20

derseritz is GUILTY + wish he cud be locked up with DIDY+REX H.

@yourdadsotherfamily3530 - 11.10.2024 04:33

Say it with me, HONEY, POT!

@yourdadsotherfamily3530 - 11.10.2024 04:34

If he died where is the body!!! It’s very clear they just replaced this man with a Bulgarian body double

@andykerr3803 - 11.10.2024 05:20

A press secretary like Bruce Rivers would fix the country quick.
"Well, it's just my opinion BUT..." 🤷

@Raunchy133 - 11.10.2024 12:38

Anyone watched the series Happy?

Epstein was literally Sonny Shine

@sheryldalton8965 - 11.10.2024 18:02

Epstein was a Mossad agent, Israel's greatest secret weapon. How many billions of dollars have we given them just this year? Ghislane's father Tobert was an agent too. I just found out recently that he was part owner of the nuclear facility in Colorado that employee Karen Silkwood was exposing because of safety issues at the plant. She was on her way to an interview with a reporter when she had a suspicious auto accident that killed her. There was a great movie about her "Silkwood" starring Meryl Streep, Kurt Russel & Cher. Of course Robert Maxwell wasn't mentioned in it. Karen was from my neck of the woods, Port Arthur, Tx, the same town Janis Joplin was from.

@Mike_79 - 11.10.2024 21:58

Say it Trump, he even use his plane now..

@tt-ki2dw - 12.10.2024 13:38

I wonder if the Diddler ever went to St. James island

@ellythadon - 15.10.2024 06:30

Nahhh not S. Hawking 😂😂😂

@andrewbrenner7120 - 17.10.2024 14:28

Sounds like clr doesn't like Alan. Alan seems truthful

@vanessawright2223 - 17.10.2024 16:20

Alot these names are same as diddy party invites hollywierd is disgusting and its sad that people have put these animals on pedestal 😢

@vanessawright2223 - 17.10.2024 16:21

God says have no ther god before me celebrity worship leads to devil

@itn216 - 18.10.2024 19:07

Lawyers are all the same.

@Ms.Understood2.0 - 18.10.2024 21:14

Now allegedly Prince Harry was that the Diddy parties and what was he charged with? Sex trafficking. I just hope they can keep him alive long enough to take some other people down with him. I think Diddy and Epstein are one in the same..

@RS5DAN - 19.10.2024 03:46

A Fitness model 😂😂😂😂

@artparty222murphy9 - 20.10.2024 06:47

I’ll bet the woman retracted her accusations against Alan Dershowitz because he paid her I believe that

@tinageorge8058 - 20.10.2024 19:47

I believe, that all are on the list and all of these predators wives are aware of it all.

@suzanneroberts5883 - 23.10.2024 01:23

Once again you are spot on, nobody wants to picture this old dude having sex with anybody.

@bclr6843 - 24.10.2024 21:23

How is Bill Clinton not in prison? How is Hilary not in prison? This amazes me

@rubyred6954 - 25.10.2024 19:16

Epstein is one sick ENGIMA and notice NOTHING has happened to ANYONE, yet look at all the people he knew and “entertained”, it’s frggn SCARY AS HELL what we’re all these rich, professional, powerful, ahem, men doing with this guy who was an actual nobody and somehow he rose to some bizarre position power and extreme WEALTH that no one seems to even know how the man earned his freaking money!! It’s so deep and the corruption is world wide and it all just kinda went away…COME ON NOW😳🤦🏻‍♀️

@lizmacrae4970 - 25.10.2024 21:27

Retired probation officer here….you are correct whatever flavour you want is fixed….it cannot be changed but therapists and the courts benefit from the delusion that it can be fixed…furthermore the perps have committed on average of over 70 crimes before they are caught…it’s never the first time …and it’s never a misunderstanding…

@R463R - 27.10.2024 02:08

The DoJ has shown time & again their refusal to hold the wealthy ruling class & political elite accountable for their illegalities.

@LAVATORR - 18.11.2024 04:41

I'm friends with the family of one of the most respected, successful, and powerful people on the planet.

So naturally he met Epstein, and while he never admitted this in public, he did privately tell his family "I don't want to work with this man. I'm not sure what, but he's definitely hiding something."

So when people mention Epstein, I have to wonder what it was that set off his alarm bells, and if others noticed it to.

Did they know better, but found themselves seduced by his money and power? Or were they simply naive and gullible?

Or was Epstein genuinely good at hiding it, and my friend's relative just happened to be really perceptive?

@Porcelainwhite-o8z - 27.11.2024 08:11

Bruce u r so cute intelligent sweet down to earth u have a heart and funny to. U r my vacation from assholes. ❤❤ Love ur show 😊

@Porcelainwhite-o8z - 27.11.2024 08:21

All that comes to mind is SKULLS AND BONES

@Porcelainwhite-o8z - 27.11.2024 08:28

I don't believe he seduce these men it's a network, and what goes on inside these colleges the elite is . Well I'm just a conspiracy theories lol.

@Porcelainwhite-o8z - 27.11.2024 08:36

Here's the cold hard truth, men finds out ur need and uses it to control you, and sex is always involved.

@Porcelainwhite-o8z - 27.11.2024 08:38

Life is never fair

@HondoSauce - 29.11.2024 10:18

What do you do? File a 2255 after your appeal is exhausted. 😂 Jesus man, this is gold. Well, unless you’re Ghislaine Maxwell…

@smoomanchew - 10.12.2024 13:12

That plane you mentioned is the plane that trump is flying around right now !!! 😮

@kimmclaughlin2791 - 26.12.2024 06:59

It’s easy to threaten a young girl that’s y they don’t speak up when it happens

@JohnVilander - 28.12.2024 09:43

Stupid clip

@mattieyoung1644 - 29.12.2024 09:45

Those girl's knew what they were there for, they were well paid.

@susanbeck7218 - 01.01.2025 00:29

So sorry about michael. I felt like I knew them both.

@Moira-v8e - 15.02.2025 13:56

Alan thinks it's better to be aligned with the Rothschilds? He also condones an ongoing genocide perpetrated by his alignment with Netanyahu! Yeah, enough said.. Oh then he throws in Clinton for good measure!

@jbug13158 - 19.02.2025 09:12

Epstein got his first "seed money" from Ms. Maxwell and all of his social contacts from there too, her family was very influential and very wealthy. She knew all of the "aristocrats", politicians and royalty he would need to begin his sex trafficking and blackmail "business".
Prince Andrew met Maxwell in college. She is the daughter of media magnate and former MP Robert Maxwell. She introduced Andrew to Epstein in 1999.
Epstein also became a "philanthropist" and donating hundreds of thousands to scientists for their research.
That is how he got Steven Hawking to come to his island, but Hawking didn't stay with him on the island, he stayed on the mainland with the 30 other scientists that were invited to a conference. Hawking was invited (with his wife and caregiver) to the island only to go on a trip in a mini submersible.
Of course that will never stop people from disparaging Hawking as the same kind of creepy pedo as Epstein though. His wife, ex-wife and children know he was never interested in sex with children, so personally, I will always defend him when it comes to those ridiculous rumors.
Epstein's biggest reason for donating money to scientists was regarding genetics, being the narcissist he was he wanted to populate as much of the world as he could with his own "perfect" genes.
Of course he had to donate to more than just genetic research, to keep up appearances that he was actually a great philanthropist.

It's a shame that he never had to face a trial and his victims, it's a shame he isn't still in prison where he really did belong.

@jbug13158 - 19.02.2025 09:28

Thanks to Mr Dershowitz, Epstein could leave prison EVERY DAY, and return to be locked down over night. As if he was an upstanding citizen who needed to be out in society daily for legitimate business reasons. He was sentenced to 18 months, and served 13 with an "extensive work release" program.
Was that really a "prison sentence"? GRRR.

@vickytully2847 - 20.02.2025 17:33

Love this guy!

@Lauren_C - 02.03.2025 04:46

Epstein really sounds like a real-life parallel of a Devil from Baldur’s Gate/D&D.
