Tent Pegging Canada Virtual clinic for beginners

Tent Pegging Canada Virtual clinic for beginners

Tent Pegging Canada

4 года назад

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@수아레즈1919 - 12.05.2021 12:03

Good video! Thank you!

@UrsulaRistauSchaefer - 04.06.2021 16:49

Excellent explanation, thanks

@Supercukr - 18.06.2021 14:52

great video, thanks!

@umerkhan1564 - 25.06.2023 02:20

Great Explanation.. Kindly also checkout Tent peggers or Lancers of Pakistan where the game believed to be originated. Traditional tent pegging and horsemanship is at whole other level. Lancing skills and exhibition are a must see. Years of breeding has created an indigenous oriental horse breed that excel in speed, have a noble character, courage, beautiful balanced gaits and colours. Unfortunately it is unknown to the western world.

@lionoftech309 - 22.07.2023 00:09

In some definition of tent pegging because Tent Pegging is a cultural game in pakistan with the name of "Neza Bazi"
