Driving & Off-Roading in a Truck Camper, Thoughts After 6 Months On The Road | Go North Explore More

Driving & Off-Roading in a Truck Camper, Thoughts After 6 Months On The Road | Go North Explore More

Mortons on the Move

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@phaedrus9819 - 02.05.2021 17:54

Very good; informative, her presentation is very good, supported by visuals. Worth watching.

@cbskwkdnslwhanznamdm2849 - 17.05.2021 19:14

Is off road with a lot of weight better with dually or SRW? Assuming its a weight that SRW can handle, not this particular truck camper....what do y'all think?

@garbinator09 - 26.06.2021 23:18

My wife and I are shopping looking to buy a non-slide truck camper, only for the many reasons you point out only consider a dual-wheeled 3500. We are thinking of staying within 9 to 10 feet overhang, maneuverability issues should be minimized. We do not want to tow anything. Again, keep it simple Simon.

We do not like slide units that do not allow easy access to the onboard toilet. Being older, well, it just is, when it's time, it's time.

Emergency stuck RV slide issues make me nervous.

Dual tires make for much safer tire blow-outs incidents at speed. We've experienced two making the unaffected wheel/tire carry our rig safely to the side of the roadway without undue fear or loss of control. The outer wheel blowing we'll destroy the dual fender. I just ordered a replacement.

Turned out, my tires were older than dirt as my tire dealer sold me 2-year-old rubber to the tune of $1780-- my advice? Before mounting new tires, VERIFY tire manufacture date. Tire dealers buy bulk. The heat inside warehouses causes dry rot.

Living in the Mojave Desert temperatures destroy rubber much more than milage could ever do for this recreational user. Meaning, treads look like new, but the rubber is rotting


@celestepalm6949 - 18.07.2021 23:47

Thanks Cait for taking the time to explain how driving a camper handles & that a little sway is OK & not to be freaked out by the camper's constant minor shifting that's normal. Showing what best stabilizes a camper truck against wind sway is also really helpful.

@petrafied99 - 20.07.2021 03:58

And don’t forget the Porcupine Repair Kit!!

@michelb2243 - 29.07.2021 23:51

I own a truck camper, and this was the most complete & concise explanation of what it is like and what to consider. Great Job!!!

@shelliebarnes1959 - 30.07.2021 17:49

I've driven 5 legs Michigan to Anchorage...with F250 and truck camper...only way to go

@mymai2792 - 08.08.2021 08:44

Thank you for this info - very helpful.

@hansm5690 - 11.08.2021 02:10

I love to see al these RV video's..., for us going to buy a new RV and hiding the road next year they are very help-full...

@Sheepdipu2 - 25.08.2021 09:02

I really liked this! Lots of good information for the beginner's and smart girl plus easy on the eyes.

@jorgejelicic8525 - 03.10.2021 05:40

Awesome information, thank you so much. Very nicely done.

@FullMoonHatch - 06.10.2021 01:28

awesome video. Thanks

@rickwilliams739 - 13.10.2021 06:53

This video was very informative. Thanks a lot.

@rypmcguire - 15.10.2021 21:11

Love all the videos you've put together. Why did you go with 350 VS 450- was it simply Payload or other reasons?

@liedebunker1253 - 28.10.2021 17:45

Very informative. 👍

@nicholasmelosi - 14.11.2021 21:35

what did you do about the diesel in the cold?

@analisekeating4838 - 28.11.2021 19:54

How much did your camper weigh? Also were you worried about extra weight that you carried with you? I want to buy a f350 dually for a camper with 2 slides but want to know if it will handle it well.

@jennjenkins8762 - 05.12.2021 02:08

This is good information for people who don’t drive a Semi Truck.. 90% of this information is something I deal with on a daily basis.. but over all good information

@oldgoat8861 - 19.12.2021 20:47

My 2001 7.3L Diesel F350 Lariat Limited 4x4 Duelly With add-ons......FlowMaster Exhaust/KN air intake/oversize Brakes & Disk/ HD front & rear leaf add on/ Timberains/ HD sway bar front& rear/Shock assist stabilizer steering/BullyDog/Powerfan and XL Radiator & Trans cooler/a front mounted Reese Hitch for bikes & Small loadrack holding a 2000iu Honda generator. On the rear mounted on slidein extended step bay was 2--8.5' vertical kayacks (1 each side) . This was with a 11.5 Coachman slide in. Good presure tie downs with overhang shocks helps alot. This rig "looked sharp" and an outdoor man with his 2 sons dream.....traveling NE COAST to Maine, Nova Scotia, Prince Edwards Island,, Hudson Bay, Michigan, Ontario. Every year 3 months summer break until they graduated and went to college. WE Loved it and made memories forever. The NE shores to mountains was our backyard.
Gained speed uphill the Mountains never bogged it, handled fantastic....as you said wind ...be mindful. But my setup was really great handling and thankful for it....This truck was a MONSTER and I've owned a few commercial trucks and different brands.

@danielmagal8716 - 27.12.2021 00:47

What Ford car is that?

@elbatobeach - 03.01.2022 07:48

Great video but at the start you travelled in an HOV lane which is not permitted , better check your state for regulations not permitted in BC

@lucie4687 - 01.02.2022 22:43

thanks for your video and prove that a woman can drive a truck camper !!

@GungaLaGunga - 03.02.2022 19:15

If you are new to serious off roading, I strongly recommend you learn off roading just in the truck. At least a few times.

@rypmcguire - 06.02.2022 19:01

If you were to do his build out again, anything in particular you would change or not do internally and Externally? How about the Hellwig airbags and sway bar?

@jeremypilot1015 - 16.02.2022 06:43

Might I recommend Goodyear Duratrac mud and snows for your rig, They have load ranges that will work for you.

@jeremypilot1015 - 16.02.2022 06:45

Air bags and Rancho shocks to stiffen her up and control the roll.

@AliAhmadi-hq9pj - 25.02.2022 05:52


@AliAhmadi-hq9pj - 25.02.2022 05:57

I’m really impressed for a woman you know so much 👍👍

@aliceinchainz3003 - 06.06.2022 21:21

well its either this or a class c

@DrumPeearl - 22.06.2022 18:56

Really complete video thanks for that. I felt good when you said you never used the 4x4 feature to get out from a place but right after you've talked about how important it was to have that feature on a truck. We might have found a deal for a truck camper but the gmc 2500hd is a 2wd. I want to be free to reach tricky spots and drive through paddles and why not mud.... I am scared to be really limited with a 2wd even if there is a feature that's called the posi traction.

@fernandsimard4112 - 02.07.2022 02:25

Do you think you can do it with your fifth Wheel?

@mikesbobcatservicesllc-mic6927 - 07.08.2022 17:01

You can also add a 1" or 2" Aluminum block Above the rear Springs where they attach to the truck. That way you don't need air bags which are not great for sway. Any Spring shop can do this for you. Few 100 bucks.

@jmich5123 - 15.09.2022 15:08

Thanks, very informative!

@cvanmilligen - 26.09.2022 05:36

I am very impressed with the professional presentation you made. You did very well

@jamesbaxter2812 - 11.12.2022 16:10

The same thing with a semi-trailer. It is top heavy, so you slow down.

@strawberryroad1347 - 26.12.2022 11:13

Very informational video, there is so much I haven't even considered..

@paulhudson8321 - 16.04.2023 17:12

We ordered a lanece 1172 and picked it late last year. It’s 5030 lbs. we have a gmc 3500 dually. I put air bans on it. Truck handles it well very little squat. We have very little experience but we enjoy learning.

@williamlapier6966 - 11.06.2023 16:32

I’m curious to know how you reconcile the payload difference between the 1172 and your truck. As you’re probably aware, it’s not just the weight of the camper but the weight of you two and all the gear you bring. One option I’m aware of is switch to a gas version of your truck. The other way to add payload is to upgrade to a Dodge 4500/5500 type truck.

@2ruthckr - 16.07.2023 17:53

We have found it very helpful to use a mat under the camper which completely stops any sliding of the camper on the truck bed.

@2ruthckr - 16.07.2023 18:06

We installed Torklift Suspension Stabilizers before we ever picked up our large Arctic Fox camper after reading about camper sway issues. Since we started out with them we can't speak to the difference without them but have been very pleased with how little sway we experience.

@AdamSherry-q8y - 31.12.2023 06:01

Jeez talk about a Production.... How many days did you spend producing this? I mean including writing/memorizing topics, video editing, Everything. You must have weeks in this video lol...

@skipstein744 - 22.01.2024 19:48

We run a 2001 F350 7.3 diesel, 6 speed trans 4x4 duallym carrying a 2003 Lance 1010 camper. I also run a US Gear exhaust brake. Very steady unit. Make sure your cabinets are shut tight,as things will open up on a bumpy rode. Onward!!

@SuperDuty23XL - 24.01.2024 21:04

great video; many of the points you made I wouldn't have thought of, like the camper moving around in the bed. Very interesting. Just bought a F350 SRW and love it. Great looking setup you have.

@HighlanderGeoff - 15.05.2024 10:14

Quite a comprehensive and informative presentation. However, your sitting in a leaning forward posture while driving is concerning - you are not in an anchored driving position. Also, your tangled arms and hands while turning the steering wheel might cause you problems in difficult conditions. Otherwise, a very good video.

@mr.monitor. - 23.06.2024 19:11

Dual rear wheel usually sucks in ruts off road. Otherwise, the best choice for a heavy camper.

@phillipthesing - 03.09.2024 03:21

Perfect, amazingly concentrated/succinct w valuable info, some pertinent manufacturer needs to hire you as a consultant, kudos!

@asdfasdf-fg5kx - 06.09.2024 21:56

this background music distracts, adds nothing

@caryde7445 - 23.11.2024 19:24

Great video! You covered in a lot of things that were on my mind as a brand new truck camper owner

@jetman1968 - 08.01.2025 01:48

You’re going to want to?

@nealamesbury7953 - 23.01.2025 16:38

I expected more,out of a stock f 350. Interesting. Good video !
