Congrats on 400k baby
Road to 1m
Brad real!
ОтветитьBro im 260!!! So if anyone was within 100 lbs, Martyn would act like a total coward. Unless the dms of a 12 year old girl were on the line. In which case, Coward Martyn would dominate.
ОтветитьW Brad and Sara
Ответить😂😂😂u guys are funny I love it
ОтветитьUno de los mejores videos que he visto en años😂
ОтветитьI usually don’t comment gng
ОтветитьHoly shit Brandom almost died fr fr
ОтветитьGear would work well with Felipe 🦍
ОтветитьEveryone so chill.i alwayz wanted to do stuff like this but i 10000% support n like this channel..
ОтветитьPart 2 needed !!!!!
ОтветитьFoos behaving like high school soccer players 😂😂
ОтветитьW Brad
ОтветитьIt's Deport Time!
ОтветитьW BRAD
ОтветитьPart 2 please! Shit was hilarious 😂
ОтветитьNeed a pt2 foshoo
ОтветитьW brad 🎉
ОтветитьW Brad twin he's one of us now lol 😂
ОтветитьShara yeah
ОтветитьI only came here to see bradly hit ol boy grandma
ОтветитьTexan closest to a to a Mexican in food and dress in the USA
ОтветитьW brad !
ОтветитьDiego a bihh for that milk shot
ОтветитьBrad looking like the actor from El señor de Los cielos
ОтветитьAlways cok blocking Felipe
ОтветитьY’all need to come to Houston to a jaripeo bro!
ОтветитьTodos se vinieron when W Brad came out the fittingroom 😂😂😂
ОтветитьThey funny as fuck
ОтветитьW Brad
ОтветитьBro laced Brad with the honey packs 🤣🤣🤣🤣
ОтветитьNice 👍
ОтветитьThis shit was epic!! Thanks guys!!!
ОтветитьSegunda parte ,como me hicieron reir 😂 exito para todos son encantadores chicos,y asi como se ven en los videos asi son en persona super amables ,Picolabdia parte 2
ОтветитьI never heard of this guy, what does he do or what? is he rich? he is cool, he sounds smart
Ответить“W Brad” Felipe still hasn’t lost weight! 😂😂
ОтветитьHow does he not know Ariat
ОтветитьBro this was the best show or vlog or whatever they are called I’ve seen probably ever . I’ve haven’t laughed this hard at something in forever man . This group is gold .
ОтветитьYou know that diego hit 😂
ОтветитьI’m size 13
ОтветитьW Brad
ОтветитьEasy one of my top videos !!! 😂😂
ОтветитьWhen Brad gave Brandom that little ass baby shot I fucking lost it