Redirecting Behavior

Redirecting Behavior

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@prof.robsonsouza - 05.05.2019 14:39

Thank you very much , it´s been very useful for me , may God bless you all.

@alamoprepper9041 - 12.09.2019 13:29

Thanks teacher uses redirection and I use same lessons at home now I know what it is

@gwendolynneformwalt2659 - 22.10.2019 23:12

When you say on a cue like what do you mean I'm trying to follow the video but it doesn't make sense and plus I'm a student taking a childcare course at CCBC

@talklesslistenmore5578 - 16.11.2019 08:31

Stupid This Is Not Realstic

@garincoleman2792 - 23.01.2020 19:11

You would have less behavioral problems if you the ocse didnt remove the father from their lives and charge ridiculous payments so ocse and the counties can recieve federal incentive payments

@playgrounddolls7766 - 12.02.2020 11:27

Well today to be a teacher and orginize full class behavior in psychologically correct way towards childs brain and feelings You need a stainless steel nerves and...eggs.
I would suggest rise wages for teachers to keep them motovated.

@Lyfeoflillie - 13.03.2020 02:56

I have a child in my class with biting problems, and another who curses, and another who hits.

@saifserai36 - 25.03.2020 00:05

Not certain about the points made but ,if anyone else trying to find out best toddler parenting books try Loctavan Teaching Toddler Strategy (do a google search ) ? Ive heard some incredible things about it and my colleague got amazing success with it.

@evangelinespruill3101 - 28.03.2020 01:35

Good advice

@evangelinespruill3101 - 28.03.2020 01:54

Patient is a virtue. Sometimes you have to wait it out and let the child calm down then have the conversation seems to help me to get them back in focus.

@randomuploadsism - 29.03.2020 22:40

didn’t see any problem behaviour in this video!

@evangelinespruill3101 - 30.03.2020 04:15

This video show me other ways to redirect students in the classroom.

@marclabrie6027 - 31.03.2020 12:18

Time outs don't work

@nefrareece3494 - 31.03.2020 12:49

Classroom management

@repenttoday8070 - 01.04.2020 13:29

corporate punishment worked in the 1950s-1980s

@colleenseifert8275 - 06.04.2020 22:34

We need to be aware and stay calm.  Reminding them of their good behaviors.

@johnbutton3644 - 04.05.2020 04:54

Hi I'm haylie

@yrodlulu1437 - 15.06.2020 05:01

This works if implemented early enough in a child's life. Not so much when you get an angry 4 to 5yr old. That is used to getting their way. I've been punched kicked cursed you name it. I love and enjoy my job but we need new research in this new generation

@ryanbearse8831 - 19.06.2020 22:01

Summer 2015

@mayaavelarde6490 - 09.08.2020 08:28


@صبا.نوابی - 12.08.2020 07:53


@lindavasquez7605 - 19.08.2020 02:53

I'm a teenager but I'm really good with autistic kids so thanks for your help

@gilmalauderdale6102 - 12.10.2020 02:36

Redirecting behaviors is a form of a trick in disguise. It works well if the application comes gently and meaningful to them. It works like avoiding falls as one see them coming. The best thing to do, it would be to change pathways. Being alert of situations is best when this application is taken. A positive cue: Gentle and loving.

@onepercentruleeveryday - 06.11.2020 09:22

practiced discipline with patience becomes so powerful that our efforts starts shining light upon the results which were earlier hard to even see!:)

@kchavis7671 - 18.12.2020 03:17


@crystalpreuett9539 - 16.03.2021 23:45

What happens in one of these fantasy world classrooms they're showing:
Student: (not helping others clean up centers)
Teacher: (has already, in a nonconfrontational way, reminded off task child of what they should be doing) "Jack, which center would you like to help clean up? You're so smart, you know where all our materials go in each center! Maybe you could help your friends who seem to be having trouble remembering how to tidy up one of our centers."
Student: "Yeah, I am good at cleaning up, huh?! I'll go help Sofia with putting up all the Play-Doh stuff!"
What happens in a REAL classroom:
[Same scenario as above, but the student's response would be more like the one below]:
Student: "I don't have to clean up! (Throws various materials all over the classroom. He then begins laughing hysterically and running around the classroom to get away from the teacher, who is trying to stop him from throwing more toys, and is telling him he needs to sit in the "thinking chair" for making his "bad choice".)
Children today aren't taught respect and obedience. Instead, they are taught that they are never to blame for anything, and that adults must cater to their every whim.
Btw, this isn't a grouchy old lady who has a "Shame on kids these days" attitude; I'm a 35 yr old former K and Pre-K3 teacher who loved my school babies dearly, but had to quit to be a SAHM due to the physical and mental stresses of trying to handle classes that consisted of numerous behaviorally disturbed children.

@cheytoriagoode389 - 25.03.2021 22:25

Redirection cuts down on problematic behaviors. It helps the class run more smoothly and efficiently

@erika4144 - 26.03.2021 16:20

Great video!! Erica C.

@nekeshawilliams8224 - 26.03.2021 19:49

Redirecting behavior is positive way of helping a child.

@lindaann7526 - 27.03.2021 01:32

Redirecting behavior in the classroom is very helpful because it’ll help with behavior problems and make it easier on the teachers and students. Linda S.

@nekeshawilliams8224 - 01.04.2021 22:08

Great video (ms Monique)

@SunshineJoe-cx8yz - 15.04.2021 02:12

Great tips.

@jeniferriquelme1219 - 10.05.2021 04:46

Very helpful video 😁

@keiwonahale - 20.07.2021 00:02

okay thanks miss lokayaandokayI

@lisaburge6632 - 21.09.2021 17:28

Redirecting behavior in the classroom is very helpful. Help children with their behavior run class much smoothly.

@patrciaclemons8183 - 11.12.2021 22:40

Teaching young humans to grow up to be manipulators since year 1. Good job America.

@elenawhtenack6564 - 02.01.2022 10:10

Admiral Herbert G. Hopwood High School

@molly6966 - 13.03.2022 18:55

What is the grade level and what is the subject that they are teaching?

@KidzGaming921 - 20.04.2022 14:06

Redirecting behavior works well if you see it coming. I have one child who becomes very angry for no reason. It is hard to tell when or what will set him off. If you do redirecting with him, it will make him more angry and his frustration grows to the point of hitting and kicking anyone within reach. even teachers. I have to pick him up and take him to another room all the while he is kicking and trying to hit me and pull my hair. He has been kicked out of another Preschool because of this. Our director thinks we can change his behavior so he is with us for good.

@LeaDiary - 15.10.2022 02:52

Discipline very important to practice specially with the kids

@Lady_Caster - 27.10.2022 02:53

Could we upload a better quality version of this? 360p is terrible and substanded even for when this was first put up in 2015

@breastsleepingmuse9446 - 04.04.2023 09:21

so much inspiration thank you teachers

@ClaritaArciniegas - 01.05.2023 01:19

debemos hablarles y explicarles de muchas maneras sin perder la paciencia no gritarles darles ejemplos y con juegos y hablandoles con mucho carino sin gritar y mostrandoles imagines

@oskarsiebold71 - 04.08.2023 09:36


@dealingwithfeeling763 - 23.02.2024 01:16

Hi, I would like to collaborate with your channel. Dealing with Feeling helps people cope with feelings. We aim to help children cope with feelings early on so they do not struggle with emotions later on but know them as drivers on their path.

@abhijitroy09876 - 04.06.2024 05:18


@ArfankhanKhan-x8o - 23.12.2024 20:43


@Watchman-77 - 01.01.2025 22:51

How about correcting feminism and the demonization vilification of men? How about redirecting children away from thinking all men are dangerous and predators? How about redirecting them to know that men love children and most men were cheated out of being able to even go near children much less the ability to have children in their lives? I am very interested in those topics.
