Does your cursor lag and blink when using it?
ОтветитьI tried using the frame gen for x plane and it took frames... Did I do something wrong?
ОтветитьThanks I tried this but the extra fps it made didn't really help with smoothness for me. There was still a lot of stutters, but just smoothed out inbetween them. Not any where near as good as a solid vsync lock though. Had to refund in the end.
ОтветитьIf I'm getting 150 FPS with Frame Gen ON and I'm doing screen capture, Shadow Play only records at 60 FPS and about half of those frames are generated . This makes the recordings look way more choppy than just standard 60 FPS non FG Capture. Is there no system in place where Shadow play would only capture real Frames?
ОтветитьDoes this work with Gsync and VRR?
ОтветитьIs there one for Mac?
Ответитьthis is a visual effect, not fps generator, i still have less than 20 fps in game but with this app i get 60, i know because i m being disconnected from vatsim due to bad fps
ОтветитьThanks very much for your excellent and clear explanation of how it works. Does XP need to be in windowed mode or is that only if you want to use scaling factors?
ОтветитьDoes this work in full screen mode or do you have to be windowed?
ОтветитьI can't seem to get Lossless Scaling to work - it installed ok but do you have to link it to x-plane12 somehow? The fps counter dows not display either.... Thanks
ОтветитьWhat u use to make xplane look like that, mine is super default
ОтветитьIm breaking my head here, dunno why it gives me all the time 60/60 any setting im doing wrong? shouldn't be like 60/120? cheers
ОтветитьI subbed just because of this video, it definitely works, it's super easy to setup following your instruction and I'm honestly impressed. Thank you so much for bringing attention to this.
Ответитьi have a problem every time i get on xplane and then starts scaling the game crashes
ОтветитьHi Drishal, came across your video. I have been playing XPL11 on my Mac M1 for a while now, but everytime i taxi around airport sceneries, (LIKE OMDB OR FAOR), my FPS drops to like 15. I would like to ask, will this work on Mac?
ОтветитьDoes someone using Cessna 172 REP having a really the following strange behavior? As soon as a start the flight, with shut off engine, the aircraft seems to go in full "tow mode", gains speed and then crashes...the normal C172 works fine.
Ответитьdo you have any camera addons? or just default xplane?
Ответитьmind if you share your XP settings? i always experience in a bad bottleneck on the cpu sometimes its good 30-50fps, sometimes its going to lock to 22fps no matter how i set the graphics settings, thanks!
Ответитьhey great video, I fly much better now! Could I ask what addons you use?
Ответитьhi, but if I install Lossless scaling in another Steam account where there is no xplane does it still work? Because in the steam account where I have xp12 I can't buy anything, so I made another one
ОтветитьThank you for this! Question: how were you able to make your XP green number data pop in and out without going through the output menu? Thanks in advanced.
ОтветитьHave you tried changing the same parameters in the nvidia control panel? All the options you are showing are in the control panel. You can create a profile for every game in it and you don't need any 3rd party application for it.
Ответитьanything like this for the Mac platform? (I can hear your laughter)
ОтветитьJust tried it and it worked wonderfully! So smooth now. Had to turn off desktop record on GeForce Experience to get Shadowplay to record, but that is no big deal at all.
The difference is night and day! Truly fantastic!! Thx!!
This works so well, I used to have 20-40 fps and now it's 100-150 fps.
ОтветитьRecommend any settings changes with their latest update?
ОтветитьHey Drishal (I'm indeed looking to have the best fps possible haha x), is it great for VR ? I've tried using FSR but it looks HORRIBLE in VR haha, any thoughts ?
ОтветитьBro, I have bad PC setup, I play on a laptop, 32 GB of RAM, AMD R5 5600H and RTX 3050 4 GB, in X-Plane 12 I have only around 30 FPS, my GPU is dying due to 4 GB of VRAM. What do you think, will this program help me? Should I expect 50-60 FPS with that stuff?
Ответитьhow does this work with vatsim? does vatsim follow the ACTUAL fps or the one generated by lossless scaling? since the minimum fps for vatsim in xplane is 20fps
ОтветитьNot sure what the software is doing by inserting frames. I wonder if graphics card causing some stutter due to some specific rendering instruction and this is filling in? No timing issues?
ОтветитьHow do you cap the FPS on x plane?
Ответитьits nice, but at night there is some issue with the rendering of the stars. When LS is enabled the stars are not still white points in the sky but dancing around like atoms when the plane is yawing or rolling @DrishalMAC2 did you test it at night and have the same issues?
Ответитьany alternatives for mac?
ОтветитьHow do I do it with a windowed simulator
ОтветитьWould this work with a gtx1060 on xplane 11?
ОтветитьYooo this is crazy bro thanks i was on 37 fps and im now on 110🔥
ОтветитьHow did u get 3d grass?
ОтветитьHey there. I copied your settings and run XP12 with 30-40 FPS natively. However I do get artifacts around the windows.
Do you know some kind of fix?
I would really love to use this program.
BRO....this is an absolute game changer for me. I always got decent FPS (30 at LAX and ATL) but now im getting a steady 60FPS! I did have to take it down from X3 to X2...but yeah, this is ridculously good :)
ОтветитьIt is not smooth it has tearings
ОтветитьNice tool thanks 🙏
ОтветитьIt seems a good tool. But I'm using Linux Mint with X-Plane 12 and the very good FPS without it. My computer is old and also my graphic card. I only had trouble to find a way to use Saitek Rudder Pedals in Linux, but solved this problem. X-Plane makes me feel much more free because I can use it without windows.
ОтветитьI have an effect that seems to put photos on top of others and the letters on the plane's paint seem to be peeling off from the fuselage.
ОтветитьAt about 6 minutes: "Brace,brace,brace". Nearly spilled my coffee!
ОтветитьWhat’s your setup as in GPU, CPU and ram when filming this?
ОтветитьI don't understand why Austin doesn't develop this natively in the game himself...
ОтветитьGolden tip, many thanks, works as a dream!
ОтветитьDude what the fk!,,, Thanks so much xD... My god its amazing.