The Rise Of “Exclusive” Support Characters | Genshin Impact

The Rise Of “Exclusive” Support Characters | Genshin Impact

Vars II

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@arcadiacopper2904 - 29.01.2023 00:13

true!!! i love gorou but cant play geo teams couse hate to farm geo dont rly like them to much axcept gorou and noelle and i dont have any of the 5 start for the geo team

@BloodReaper95 - 29.01.2023 03:56

I absolutely hate the reluctance Hoyo seems to have on even slightly buffing characters. Literally just small tweaks could boost certain characters massively.

@corinne____ - 31.01.2023 20:32

I am saving for Shenhe, 50/50 guaranteed and low pity.
I accidentally pulled for Alhaitham at pity 12... bye Shenhe...

@microplasticvampire - 07.02.2023 21:08

I can't believe Vars predicted Mika

@qr5393 - 10.02.2023 09:09

Nilou is a support......? Eh?

@omnibubbles - 13.02.2023 13:55

Getting the 4 star you want is rare, I recently collected 4 cons for my Xiao and only got 3 Yaoyao's. At least you know you'll get the 5 star.

@rinnne_ - 24.02.2023 16:50

ayaka over ganyu…?

@shane_king9000 - 25.02.2023 20:12

Nilou is the worst example as I can make a nilou team for free like collie, dendro traveler and Barbara 😂

@marcusbullock2753 - 26.02.2023 01:40

Bennet and venti biggest hoyo mistake

@marcusbullock2753 - 26.02.2023 01:41

What if Capitano will bring physical meta back in Natlan?

@karolkilian2402 - 27.02.2023 20:50

even Dendro has "half a dozen" characters btw :D

@pyro5159 - 02.03.2023 08:34

Giving my girl Kokomi respect she deserves gets you a like

@karoot_ - 04.03.2023 22:04

....anyway vape nilou for president /j

@micahtinana9476 - 07.03.2023 07:04

Okkk. I was a bit distracted on the background clip of chongyun and shenhe.. what happened there?? I need some content 😆

@andrewyoffie8814 - 20.03.2023 20:26


@jisungwon2915 - 20.03.2023 23:53

This was a really helpful video ! Been really needing updated support comparison videos so loved this. Subbing for more! 🙂

@naeonixion - 22.03.2023 01:08

I dislike these supports mostly because they have such amazing animations and vocals, but you want to spend as little time using them as possible.
Same thing with Yae. It's a disgrace.

@TJF588 - 24.03.2023 04:07

Just got Ayaka, and have had Ganyu, and the latter certainly has irreplaceable overworld utility, with her exploding ranged charge attack. And heck, even Mona's utility is not completely out of my mind, as her alternative sprint has decoy utility compared to Ayaka's over-water freeze platforms.

@FlashKillerX - 27.03.2023 23:07

Woah wait, I just saw the part of the video where you mentioned ayaka just has more dps than Ganyu. I don’t think so? My ayaka and Ganyu are the same level, have more or less the same level talents (I think Ganyu has one more level in her normal attack) my ayaka uses R1 mist splitter and my Ganyu uses R4 prototype crescent, both level 80, and with the exact same artifacts on I still see Ganyu output significantly more damage than ayaka. Am I missing something??

@telliusbian - 29.03.2023 03:01

The other drawback to this is when the exclusive support character you require to make your DPS stronger is a character you don't even like so you feel forced to use them. I don't want to use Mika (hes annoying) but he seems like one of the only options for Eula.

@jamesfitzgerald8267 - 01.04.2023 18:05

I actually like niche characters, we have enough all around characters at this point so its fun to have more experimental characters for more niche playstyles.

@mastertoilet6924 - 11.04.2023 13:58

You dare call sayu that

@B_R_U_H14 - 18.04.2023 04:36

5★ Niche supports are much more worth than 4★ because all 4★ niche supports really needs their constellations (except Gorou, I guess?)

@DeJaynerate - 18.04.2023 12:29

The only reason i like the direction Mihoyo is going with new characters is because i can pay for them. I recently came to the realization that if you even wanted a SHOT at most team comps, you’re actually dedicating all your free time to the game.

@giansabbadini1626 - 03.05.2023 02:41

Exclusive supports are not the problem, the problem is that you need to get a charatcer 7 times to actually play that character

@Akantorz - 12.06.2023 04:53

It also doesn't help that unlike Honkai Star Rail, damage is NOT neutral. Not many characters have the ability to go pure physical damage, which means if you meet a matching elemental type, you're fucked, because you then can't do ANY damage at all.

That's pathetic.

Eula is my main for this reason, no matter the element of the enemy, she is still useful, it literally takes giving me some mega-negative like damage to self if using cryo damage, for me to stop using Eula, whereas if I hit with a pyro character, and then a pyro enemy appears, then I'm screwed.

I think they need to roll back the extremes of the elements or people will just stop playing because between the: Broken characters, shitty RNG artifacts, and lack of endgame, other games will overtake Genshin.

(And by broken, I mean non-functional like Dehya)

@edi9892 - 18.06.2023 10:18

I don't like specialised support. You got only 4 slots in a team and you need at least two of them for reactions and then often another one for shielding or healing. This leaves little room for a support character unless he really changes everything...
You said that Sayuu was bad, but just like Bennett, she can also heal, which leaves room for other team members.
Now, if I want to build a team around the Balladeer, then I'd probably want Bennett for buffing and Pyro application, and probably a hydro character. This would leave room for Faruzan, but typically the Pyro application doesn't last long enough, thus another Pyro character would be needed...
Also, I noticed that my old characters do no longer perform well in the meta. I originally used Barbara boosted by Yun Jin and Beidou and either a cryo character or Noelle. It worked great, but the opponents got tougher and now I supercharge Barbara with Nahida, Yelan and Yae. It's so much more powerful, but it irks me that my favourite mechanic draws fights out to an unacceptable degree (parry mechanic).

@tobywood00 - 29.06.2023 16:47

i personally love exclusive supports, its nice to know that i have like 6 meta defining teams that use completely different characters, that i dont have to worry when both sides need bennett. this became a bigger problem in the most recent abyss, that broke my teams and made me run bennett with hyperbloom and freeze scara

@billy_cross - 14.07.2023 05:23

Shit, microphone dude or shit phone quality anyway, try turning it down a little bit her over modulating

@billy_cross - 14.07.2023 05:24

Absolutely no such thing as empirical data regarding characters there’s just use or use it on reviews or game designers were capable of actually creating empirical data regarding the characters name balance would be a thing and it never is so the only actual internal data is the statistics regarding use or use an under use?

@allenbolo9907 - 07.08.2023 07:29

What's the first song playing

@blackkat101 - 03.09.2023 13:21

Amber just needs Raiden and you have Pyro Ganyu (not counting the new Lyney who is kind of that on his own).
With Raiden going full EM and just using her E, Amber can now create on demand high damage Overload AoE's anywhere at any range, using a charged attack (similar to Ganyu doing her 2 stage charged attack to do Cryo AoE's). It actually does respectable damage too. A fully built out Raiden with EM (950 EM or so) will allow Amber to create 17-18k damage Overloads to every enemy in the area. No need to wait for CD's from a burst or anything else like that and it allows you to take whoever else you want in the last two slots of your party.

@rasmichaelyisrael1074 - 20.09.2023 05:02

Xinyan does not suck!

@ronnieketchum1241 - 27.09.2023 11:39

Genshin after they made the initial characters: Oh shit.

@ronnieketchum1241 - 27.09.2023 12:12

So basically I wonder how the HECK is the pyro Archon gonna fare against Bennett.

@igoralbuquerque7251 - 06.01.2024 23:23

I don't like niched sup to be 5 stars. I think they should all be 4 stars, just like Gorou and Faruzan.

@Jonathan-gn8uu - 10.04.2024 05:42

pov furina is added...

@duongnguyen-s1i - 14.04.2024 20:29

how shenhe boost eula?

@kazuu_44 - 02.07.2024 14:12

tbh I do like exclusive supports. they avoid power creep and bring relevancy to mechanics people otherwise dont ever use,
they also often open up cool new teams and playstyles for more than one character. for example only xiao could plunge, until xianyun opened it up to more characters which people enjoyed more

nilou - bloom sucks. nilou makes it really strong

chevruese - overload sucks. chevruese makes it bloody crazy what the hell

gorou - only reason geo teams can actually be good

xianyun - opens up plunge to EVERYONE instead of only xiao, buffs it like crazy. gives characters cool new playstyle and brought back old characters to the current meta (like diluc)

furina - not exactly exclusive but she did bring new playstyles for a lot of characters with the hp mechanics. made kokomi dps great, tighnari can be viable in hyperbloom now, just insanely buffed all healers

faruzan - amazing anemo support, albeit kinda needs c6

shenhe - major cryo buffer obv

sara - I don’t actually know about her kit but uh. something something electro faruzan

mika - physical needed a buff.. albeit he’s not. great. didn’t save it but he did something

emilie - she’s not out yet, I haven’t looked into leaks, but given she’s dendro and that artifact set I think it’s obvious she’ll buff burning

honourable mention for lyney, he’s not really an exclusive support but his teams are pretty exclusive with mono pyro. I always think it’s fun to try out different variants,
overload, zhongli, kazuha for the 4th slot. I wonder burn lyney will be any good considering he doesn’t have to be close to enemies so it won’t effect him as much as melee dps

anyway yeah. having exclusive supports come out brings more unique and interesting playstyles while making older/more characters viable. many pyro and some electro dps got majorly buffed with chevruese for example
if every character was a jack of all trades, and we had none who are a master of one, it wouldn’t be as fun imo

it still sucks that many supports need cons. at the very least, they shouldn’t need c6. bennett is perfect bc he only needs c1 to use h full ex, everything else is just a bonus
even xq who’s energy is better at c6 isn’t as bad, I don’t have him c6 on my alt and he still does for energy sac sword

the only 4 stars I can see viably getting away with c6, is stuff like gahming and other dps. 4 star dps are already at a disadvantage, but having them be compatible to a 5 star at max cons is pretty great. on not even an optimal team I have gotten 100k+ with him, even before getting his c6 more recent

@Dumb_Plushie - 17.09.2024 00:15

Me waiting for Physical Catalyst user: 🪦⚰️

@electraheart5749 - 29.09.2024 17:25

When you want to play with your favorites, but Hoyo says your favorites must be useless combined

@LunarFirefly25 - 17.10.2024 00:23

Not gonna lie using chongyun as a support for main DPS Shenhe slaps

@Srpentskirts - 17.01.2025 10:41

Way way way too late but I feel that it’s good for exclusive supports so people skip banners they don’t care for to save for characters they want🙏
