This nerf is sad tbh 💔😔
Ответитьinfo abilities are pretty hard to balance in games with incomplete information because it is the single most easy way to change how hard a match can be for you
ОтветитьI would have loved to watch this but damn that opening sentence was just cringe as hell.
"Ruining the meta"
"Lowering the skill ceiling"
Like "pros" and high-levels didn't do that themselves already.
Crazy how everyone would clown crypto but when he’s changing the meta it’s problematic lol.
ОтветитьUsed to only play crypto so glad he is getting some love
ОтветитьBuff crypto more
ОтветитьLol, I remember picking up my teammates' banner with his drone and respawning my teammates on an enemy team 😂😂
ОтветитьWill the pros ever be happy with anything?
Ответитьthis video has so many ads that at 8 mins in i don't even care to watch anymore
ОтветитьAs someone who used to play apex and mained crypto (i haven't played in about a year or two. When they added the guy with the robot arm and that loved grenades.)
I love that crypto is getting up there in popularity, though i feel him going invisible takes away a lot of skill on the crypto player. If you're going to drone in the middle of nowhere then you should get shot. When i used to play i would win games by keeping my team informed and taking on fights we believed we could win. Hell i remember a few games i used the drone to "tank" so we could push while the people we were pushing focused on the drone. I've put it in corners and pushed myself just because the person i was pushing was looking up to kill the drone. Maybe if they changed emp to allow the people in the range to not get marked/spotted you could keep the invisibility. But that's just my opinion from someone who hasn't played in a long time
saw the thumbnail and wondered when reisshub started making apex vids
good shit though
Remove the invisibility and it’ll be fine
ОтветитьI love how he went from one of the weakest characters to one of the strongest
ОтветитьThey remade the Mercy problem
ОтветитьDon't hate😅
ОтветитьGreat video , I don’t even play this game but you explain very well I feel like I kinda get it lol I think ima give this game a try
ОтветитьOk I thought this was cryptocurrency related. I'm dumb.
ОтветитьBeen using crypto since season 3 and I’m here for it
ОтветитьDisagree saying it’s bad crypto deserves to be in meta hes not even broken
ОтветитьWhat happen to your latest video it's not there😭
ОтветитьFinally. After all those years, a video where they show respect to my favourite character.
ОтветитьI thought that tournament was ruined by some kind of cryptocurrency sponsor scam
ОтветитьAs someone that basically knows nothing about Apex going into this, I honestly thought Crypto was referring to Crypto Currency for a sec. Was wondering how the hell that could force a high pick rate for a character.
ОтветитьIdk man, I really love recon abilities like this in games and I think they are usually heavily under powered. I personally love this play style.
ОтветитьAs a day 1 crypto main I WAS RIGHTTTTT
ОтветитьRework Crypto without a drone.
ОтветитьI was confused bc idk about apex legends so i was like "Huh? Theres crypto things in apex legends? Or maybe an update?" while reading the title LMAO
ОтветитьWar thunder the most pay to win game ever 1450 dollars for a high rank tank on the market lol what a joke
ОтветитьI have mained crypto since season 3 because is mu favorite character and i still remember my friends tell me no its not useful ha see who laught now crypto mi boi for the wiiiin a i need to go back for apex its been a while but i think its time for play again for fun but now i will do some troll crypto
ОтветитьI feel like they shouldn’t revert crypto back but other recon characters should have abilities to counter crypto’s cloak. For example bloodhound’s scan ability is actually more like a thermal sensor. Or place a time duration on his cloaking capabilities.
ОтветитьPro players ruined apex, there all trash
Ответитьwhy did madness take off his shield before hiding invis in the water? what is the benefit of dropping your shield here?
ОтветитьHey Jumba. I’m a big fan of the channel and was wondering if you’ve backed away from apex content or if your next video is just taking a while. I myself haven’t played in a couple months and I understand if you’re looking at other options. I like your content and will watch whether or not it’s about a game I play. Hope all is well!
ОтветитьGlad to see my boy Crypto shining , but making a video about him just cause you’re butthurt is insane
ОтветитьOk, maybe for the pro scene, annoying, but Idgaf about that, in general play going invisible right in the fuck middle of nowhere and not having people see you is funny as shit, and at the end if the day having fun is something i do give a shit about
ОтветитьListen i know this video is 4 months old and i havent even watched it (literally paused at 2min exactly), but as someone who basically played crypto since he came out, I've always said crypto is a support character that can scan, not in the sense that hes good at healing and resing, but hes also great at that, but in the sense that he enables his team to be agressive and make cooridonated plays that blood and seer cant do as efficiently. An example of this could be having your teammates push up with the drone and have it watch a window of a building, emp the team in the building, and then you get info on the team (ie what floor they're on) that you can then relay to your team as you come in to play flank or cleanup, or if the fight didnt end up going your way and your teammates got insta wiped then youre already in position to just dip and reset bc your drone is already near your teammates boxes and the enemy doesnt even know where you are yet. Also, crypto's more constant scan can be absolutely brutal if the enemy can't find it or can't shoot it (i think it can scan through glass, iirc), and if you hide it in the right places it can watch your back about as well as a gas trap can so you can be prepared to turn around and fight if it gets broken or if it scans someone. EMP can also break wattsons everything, gas traps, the amp barrier on ramparts walls, and other crypto drones (this one im not entirely sure of, but im pretty sure it can as i beleive this is the reason emping instantly breaks your drone in firing range) unless they changed it since alter came out (i stopped playing that season). All im really saying is crypto has always been a swiss army knife of a character, Emp has always been an amazing tool for engaging and disengaging with, and the hardest nerf he ever recieved was when armor cores were added so he couldnt farm shield for his teammates. The crypto mains all told you Off the Grid was a terrible idea. (I finished the video at this point) I think they should lean more into him being a support and replace OTG with something that lets him use all of the class passives, granting him the ability to scan player beacons, ring consoles, and care packages as well as opening the secret compartment of assault/support bins and crafting teammates banners, as well as doing everything else he already did, but still leaving him with the one weakness being in the drone actually gave him
ОтветитьI took a long ass break when my character gets a big ass buff now his nerfed 😢
ОтветитьI feel like this is the crypto we all imagined when he was teased in trailers.
ОтветитьCrypto got his buffs because he was the only character that could counter the bunker meta that has plagued comp for several seasons
Ответитьbro who cares how “unentertaining” crypto is to watch, these guys are in it to win money
ОтветитьCrypto is absolutely not easy, he's one of the most difficult legends to use as you gotta micromanage his drone a lot
ОтветитьThose invis plays were funny though
ОтветитьThey should make it to wear Watson ult can take out a crypto drone
ОтветитьCrypto going invis and the mozabique pick rate was prob the worst algs ive ever watched.
ОтветитьI hate pro ALGS and it’s members. Seeing crypto be meta was a dream come true. Ever since his launch back in October 2019 I’ve picked this character and it’s so awesome seeing him being the one used for competitive play
ОтветитьIm glad crypto is back to how it was. Only die hard crypto players use it now with real skills.
ОтветитьYou didn’t even mention how an invisible crypto can block zip lines. It is really only a problem in Olympus. But still bumping into an invisible, crypto and falling to your death sucks.