ОтветитьWarning don’t level up a lot all the way because on 11th of next month Fortnite change you’re super styles. It works like the Godzilla awards last season
ОтветитьI can't find the map😢
ОтветитьWhat about the secret area?
ОтветитьMap Code 4560-3288-1727
Code 4 10 10
ОтветитьIve learned that its way easier to play the actual game and get xp than waste all your time in scammer levels keeping you busy with brainless stuff just for the benefits of the creator.
ОтветитьCode is 4-10-10
Ответитьcan you do battle royal xp tutorial
ОтветитьJust got the battle pass for the first time so I'm tryna get xp it's OK the map mid xp
ОтветитьMan how I’m level 120
ОтветитьThanks bro that game me 5 levels
ОтветитьDuuuuude, stop changing the code for Dungeon tycoon and then not upload a video for 2 days. I get youre trying to get your maps out there, but i feel like you just gdaf about people sometimes
ОтветитьThe calibration map is unnecessary. You can just go straight to the map.
ОтветитьW loot for the map
Ответитьwhy i dont get any xp ? :C
ОтветитьThis map is straight up garbage don’t waste ur time, I wasted my time for yall
ОтветитьExtra news guys on the red button when first load into the game keep like moving around whilst pressing for more xp if u know what
ОтветитьGot the vbucks thanks
ОтветитьOnly 9K? Seriously?
there are more buttons in the secret area.
ОтветитьJust a reminder you can get up to 4-6 mil xp a week in creative. Also the xp caps have not reset since last week yet sadly
ОтветитьThis map really does not work that well whatsoever
Ответитьthanks bro, you're the best
ОтветитьI got 10k do for just joining the first map
Ответить4 10 10 ok
ОтветитьWhere’s the new vid for the first map cause it’s giving out xp I just need the code
Ответитьdam bro how'd you get to level 200 so fast I'm only level 90
Ответить3533-5038-7728 is a better map, none of these give anymore xp than other it’s capped, its a grind, this map has a circle slide with no timer, I afk 15 levels combined with Odyssey and br afk and daily for 25 levels a day
ОтветитьBro I got 100xp brruh
ОтветитьI’m lvl 302 rn from Br Reload and Surper red vs blue
ОтветитьCan you please give my some V-Bucks or a Skin please? I am a starter and I don't have any skins
I am NAthaN1230BAtan
Can you put cc's on your videos? Not the autogenerated ones?
ОтветитьThese xp maps are garbage nowadays
ОтветитьPityful XP. You genuinely may as well have said just play the game for 40 minutes. Embarrassing
ОтветитьMy username for fortnite is Livelyslide9247
Ответитьwhat is the code for mamoth game
ОтветитьLootyt on shop
Ответитьthe code has change
ОтветитьMap code 8552–3961–8164 wait for the vault to unlock then enable the XP upgrades
ОтветитьJust play this map instead 8552–3961–8164
ОтветитьThis is best XP Map 8552–3961–8164