So Mmofra Abibifo ne Abibifo yɛ pɛ? So Abofra Tuntum no yɛ Abofra Fitaa a ‘ɛba’ sɛ ‘wɔayɛ’ Abibifo ho mfonini ara kwa?
ሆዱን የያዘው ሰው; አንድ ሰው የሆድ ቂም መሸከም የለበትም. (ስለ አንድ ሰው, ምንም እንኳን ደስ የማይል ቢሆንም, ለእርስዎ በጣም አስፈላጊ ነው, ምንም አማራጭ ስለሌለዎት እሱን መታገስ አለብዎት.) መለከት የሚነፋ ሰው; አንድ ሰው ከጠፋ, የግዛቱ ቀንድ ድምፅ ለማግኘት ይረዳዋል. (ሰው የሚጠበቀው በወገኖቹ ነው።) Ambition is the desire to go forward and improve one’s condition. It is a burning flame that lights up the life of the individual and makes him see himself in another state. To be ambitious is to be great in mind and soul; to want that which is worthwhile and strive for it; and to go on without looking back, reaching to that which gives satisfaction. To be humanly ambitious is to take in the world which is the province of man; to be divinely ambitious is to offend God by rivaling him in His infinite majesty.
ጥቁር እና ነጭ ልጆች አንድ ናቸው? ጥቁሩ ልጅ ጥቁር ‘ለመቀባት’ ‘የሚከሰት’ ነጭ ልጅ ብቻ ነው?
ADMIRATION is a form of appreciation that is sometimes mistaken for something else. There may be something about you that suggests good fellowship when kept at a distance, but in closer contact would not be tolerated,,, OtherWise it would be LOVe.
Their criminality] is a coward’s imitation of heroism. Criminals think they are courageous; but we should not be fooled into thinking the same. All criminals are actually cowards. They are evading problems they do not feel strong enough to solve. • He feels himself incapable of normal success. .. He hides his feelings of inadequacy by developing a cheap superiority complex. [Emphasis added) [They] regard the partner in love merely as a piece of property, and very often (they] thinks that love can be bought. It is something (they] ought to possess, not a partnership in life. • They exhibit essentially what is referred to in psycho- analytic theory as a “phallic character” or “phallic-narcissistic character..’ Phallic characters are persons whose behavior is reckless, resolute and self-assured traits, however, that have a reactive character. They reflect a fixation at the phallic level, with an overvaluation of the phallus and confusion of the phallus with the entire body. This fixation is due either to a castration fear [ie, a fear of failure as a man, fear not being a “real man”, fear of having his” manhood” destroyed]…or to a defense against temptations, toward an anal-receptive a”aggression [ie, fear of being forced to submit utterly, of falling completely under the power of another, of bing made a symbolic passive, homosexual by another han or a “sucker” by a woman]. “ They measure their manhood by the number of sexual conquests they achieve and the number of children they have sired (in contrast to the number for whom they have assumed paternal’ responsibility and economic support).
Look around you black child Your creation is everywhere Though painted, distorted and given new names They bear your prints just the same So Sharpen your eyes and Tune your ear So you’ll know what you see understand what you hear You were the first to write The first to read Humanity sprang from your black seed For 110,000 years You were here alone and Then the caucasian man was born Behind the ice Inside the cold A chill set in this new mans soul Other minds have been credited with the things they learned from you Newton, Pythagoras, Kepler and Galileo too So Sharpen your eyes and Tune your ear So you’ll know what you see Understand what you hear You made the serpent the symbol of the healing arts and African justice was Goddess Maat who weighed herself against the African soul, Truth and justice blindfold, The George Washington Monument is yours too A copy of the Egyptian Tekenu A symbol of the Black world’s powers of creation The king of southern Egypt wore a white crown Keep listening and you will catch your mouth when you learn that the central government in Egypt was known as the white house Sharpen your eyes and Tune your ear So you’ll know what you see Understand what you hear Your god Osiris was restored to life Long before Buddah Long before Christ and today what you call The Madonna and Child is but The First Black Family worshipped along the Nile And when you feel the spirit the holy ghost You should know that it started at Abydos Where god Osiris’ body was laid The holy land Where Africans prayed Minute by minute Hour by hour As you lose your history You lose your power So Sharpen your eyes and Tune your ear So you’ll know what you see Understand what you hear.
Put learning in your heart That you may escape the drudgery of hard labor Become a man of reputation For who can recall the name of the boy who was lazy in school? Now he is loaded down like an ass Like a beast who carries for his master The one who knows what he is really worth Set your heart on learning That you may direct the work of the world You can outdistance that which is running after you but not what is running inside you He who travels alone travels fastest He who travels with others travels farthest A person does not begin to forge a gun when the war has already arrived in the village *
When you see a good person, think of becoming like her/him. When you see someone not so good, reflect on your own weak points.