Discovery Princess Dining - Plan YOUR cruise with our Ultimate Dining Guide of Princess Newest Ship!

Discovery Princess Dining - Plan YOUR cruise with our Ultimate Dining Guide of Princess Newest Ship!

Visit With Us (Rich and Helen)

2 года назад

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@loumello8813 - 25.08.2022 15:02

Gorgeous video and really presented Princess dining choices in a very flattering way. We have not done Princess cruises for a number of years, but, having done 7 of them, always enjoyed the experience and the food. I think the afternoon tea problems may have just been a one off exception since I always found them very nice with good scones and all. I think I favor Viking's tea over any other since it is really scrumptious and done in a beautiful setting on the ocean ships. Thanks so much for sharing.

@Redwars889 - 26.08.2022 02:09

What a brilliant video, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Making great memories, keep up the great work 👌🏽

@wellifthemediasaysit - 27.08.2022 21:42

Princess have suspended jab-to-travel now i think! Interesting!

@ginnienuckles3992 - 29.08.2022 04:21

prononced BEN YAY for the dessert not ben yet

@maureenmunger9561 - 30.08.2022 23:51

I'm very hungry and wishing that I was on the Sky Princess! Don't really need the lbs., though.

@alyssaabadinsky5309 - 01.09.2022 20:13

My husband and I are going on our honeymoon on this ship in December and I can't stop watching your videos! Thank you for these!

@gregwike2105 - 02.09.2022 06:58

I didn't realize the Sabatini breakfast is now open for Elites. It was formerly just for suite guests.

@gregwike2105 - 02.09.2022 07:08

Surprised that they have truffle fries in the Crown Grill. I haven't seen those on any ship.

@lesliecrouch6686 - 03.09.2022 18:55

Great video! Beautifully presented! We are sailing on Discovery end of December thru Jan 7. Looking forward to the entire experience!

@robindwyer8357 - 13.09.2022 06:01

Thank you for this!!!

@emilyserafamanschot800 - 18.09.2022 03:17

We're going in the near future. Can't wait! Thank you!

@tawilson29 - 22.09.2022 00:47

Thank you for this video. I'll be cruising on the Discovery Princess next April and am so looking forward to the Crown Grill for my specialty dining. Looks fantastic. So classy and those scones. Yummy. Can't wait.

@ManWhoLovesTheMary - 25.09.2022 22:37

Sailing Mexican Riviera (my first 7-day) aboard Discovery Princess with the family on April 1 and this video was SUPER helpful and super helpful to members of my family as well. I'm planning on taking voice lessons soon so that maybe someday in the near future my voice can be just as palliative.

@Kimbaface - 10.10.2022 16:23

Jam and then cream. What is wrong with that person?!?! 😂

@cruisauk - 28.10.2022 17:45

Vines for us ✔️✔️

@smb2a587 - 29.10.2022 20:36

Which dining room is the Traditional set time dining?

@JaJa-qt5sf - 03.11.2022 22:46

Princess sucks. Sorry.

@jkb777 - 07.11.2022 22:48

I'm on board on Christmas Day 2022 - any recommendations?

@prieta1014 - 09.11.2022 06:48

Fantastic preview! I cannot wait to board 😅

@carolemerckel3461 - 20.11.2022 01:19

How about the Enchanted Princess! We will be on a 10-day Southern Caribbean cruise on this ship January '23'.

@imboredDB - 26.11.2022 03:18

Great video except for some reason the audio quality is lacking (maybe it's me?)

@JohnDoe-pe6iu - 02.12.2022 07:12

Great presentation! It appears you may have missed the cover charge at the French Restaurant, how much is it?

@retiredsamslife6987 - 05.12.2022 08:14

Hello Visit with us, great video I must say, we’re going to Sky princess in December.

@haroldcarson5677 - 04.01.2023 15:22

I don't want to eat with jerks, especially fat people or Trumpies. How can I avoid these losers?

@penelopepitstop762 - 05.02.2023 02:50

We will be cruising to Alaska on the Discovery in September. It will be our first time with Princess (although we’ve cruised many times on other lines). We purchased the premier package and I believe we get to enjoy two specialty restaurants included with our fare. I’m leaning towards the Crowne Grill and the Italian restaurant. Thanks for the helpful video.

@summerwinter4 - 06.02.2023 07:07

Thank you for the dining review!

@vacationmode6286 - 09.02.2023 05:32

we have a cruise on Saturday on discovery princess - really looking forward to it.

@christinap8288 - 05.03.2023 00:15

Very detailed videos~ thank you, Rich & Helen! We're sailing Discovery to Alaska in August (delayed honeymoon due to Covid) This will be my first Princess cruise and I loved hearing/seeing all the dining options. We will definitely book the Crown Grill and may even splurge on the in-room breakfast on a sea day. I'm subscribed and I look forward to seeing more videos. Cheers!

@cloudyspider8773 - 06.03.2023 18:04

is the afternoon tea come with the fare or is it extra $$$$

@Cassandra_Loveday - 21.03.2023 12:39

Amazing video. Slow paced, soothing voice, no erratic cameras being panned across the room making us motion sick. So relaxing and enjoyable to watch. Thank you 💜

@jeannelankster1447 - 27.04.2023 05:04

I enjoyed this!! 🌴🌊

@jimbeck553 - 29.04.2023 22:05

Do they offer gluten free

@tamborambo2957 - 26.05.2023 17:56

I had to watch this twice it was so relaxing and entertaining. We’re leaving in 2 days on the Discovery Princess. Now I’ll be hearing your soothing voice narrating in my head as I check out the different food options on the cruise lol.😁

@slloo7692 - 04.06.2023 10:38

Very informative video. Nice shots of the venues. No rush, very calming tone. Love it. Quite a lot of food with dairy in it, cheese, creamy sauces etc. Hoping there will be non dairy alternatives.

@EricHarkins-f6w - 26.06.2023 06:36

I thought your presentation was so delightfully well done, I decided to subscribe halfway through the video! I look forward to more of your content soon.

@MyFullFiguredLife - 13.07.2023 07:44

Great video ❤

@MrJo1340 - 25.07.2023 07:51

We have an upcoming sailing on December.
Wow I can't wait 😍

@lilyyoung2893 - 26.07.2023 07:24

Excellent video showing what premium dining has to offer. We will be traveling on the Discovery Princess next week and now I'm very much looking forward to some of these delicious offerings!

@melanieknox8854 - 17.08.2023 06:35

Wow! What a beautiful video, so well edited and filmed and without all the distracting garish
background music that so many reviews have. Well done! Thank you!

@harrybear193 - 07.01.2024 19:31

Video sounds like all complaints

@travelers5062 - 25.01.2024 20:13


@Robertagirl1 - 02.06.2024 17:37

Thank you for a wonderful video that surveyed all the options. We are planning a December 2024 cruise. Your video did not explain what additional dining options the princess plus gives you?

@nikkib6604 - 10.06.2024 04:58

P rincess needs to sponsor you. I will literally be booking a future cruise with them due to this amazing video. 👏🏽
And i honestly have never even considered them before. You made it a completely elegant experience.

@lindataylor1434 - 18.06.2024 13:44

GF ??

@honeymcdonald9120 - 07.09.2024 14:02

A Scone (Scon) does not need to have sugar in it.

@Norton-67 - 20.11.2024 08:48

Omg take a breath..don’t know where one sentence stops and another starts….

@martindix1330 - 10.12.2024 11:39

Well we had a disappointing trip on the ruby just before covid that we were put off princess. This however, well we found a cruise and will see if it beats out the Disney, royal Caribbean and carnival options for our holiday time

@thavi1410 - 05.01.2025 13:00

Gelato $1.5 wow!!!!❤
