Sunday morning soapy bush
ОтветитьI wanted to tip on this video honestly, you should have the button! Great adventure ❤
ОтветитьLove your videos
ОтветитьSour...and as always, I enjoyed. Thx for the content, dude. <3
Ответитьi wish i could see a teamup with soup and the running man Z. that would be an epic video.. love your content soup. i never played dayz but i love to see your all adventures so far.
Ответитьwhat server is it
ОтветитьI always reply to your intro hello Sour everyone here 😂😂
ОтветитьHey great content love it. Just wanted to let you know that the discord link in your bio has expired tried to join but unable 😢
ОтветитьJust got the game on my ps5 could use some help learning the ropes. Could you help me. Soursweey
ОтветитьGreat video as always. I really enjoy your content. Thank you for sharing. Take care sir.
ОтветитьWhat server is this?
ОтветитьAt this point you are introducing yourself with a new word Sow'ere
ОтветитьThis footage is really old
ОтветитьIs your name actually soap?
ОтветитьSmash that Like Button!!! Awesome 💯😎
ОтветитьYou are a dayz inspiration bro, most people especially content creators only run with people they and kos all others but I see you do runs with strangers all the time. Love it bro
ОтветитьOiii Merry Christmas indeed! New Sour adventure!
ОтветитьAllowing a Random French player in the group takes Massive Balls 🤣🤣👍🏻👍🏻
ОтветитьThe french accent kills me 😂
Ответитьthe helmet clearly didnt help. lol
Ответитьdoes anyone know what server sour is playing on here?
Ответитьsoap what server do i get on to possibly run into u. Or even just this experience.
ОтветитьHad to watch this video in two parts because half way through I realized I hadn’t played in a few weeks 💪
ОтветитьThe best reaction I've had was when I was with my best friend and he got it for the first time and the first thing I said to him trust me when I say don't trust randoms and for the first few hours he was too trusting to randoms and always got killed and I remember after like the 20th time of getting killed he turns to me in party and says that's it I've had enough am killing the next person I see was to funny
ОтветитьMy guy you need to plug your second channel on your main. Just found it and I am so happy I did wish it happened sooner.
ОтветитьSorry if that was not the case but your mates both seemed pretty baked lol
ОтветитьCan you please make a video on which servers to use.
ОтветитьBro i had my first best dayz experience i ran around town found a mosin then killed a full ghillie guy and got his cr527 and chased some shots dying unfortunately it was so fun!!!!
ОтветитьClassic as Always Sour. You're a great companion. Please do more flip offs! So much enjoyment of that dude 🤙🏻
ОтветитьHey Sour, great vids. Wish i met someone like you whilst out there. I do have a question though if i may. I am a very new player to Dayz, i game with my son and we have both played around 3-4 times only. We are PS5 owners and i was wondering if you knew of any good servers we could join please?
ОтветитьOk I might just be dumb but how do you remove the visors on helmets. I can’t figure it out 🥲
ОтветитьI love these channels. Just found em. Lots of fun
ОтветитьHey Sour what headset do you recommend using while playing DayZ. My current one I use doesn’t quite pinpoint on the direction the sounds are coming from. Like explosions footsteps etc…
ОтветитьI only subbed few days ago and you make me want to try this game.. i know I'll suck at it but still😂
ОтветитьI meet u I think near kami the other night GG love the vids
ОтветитьLove the vids bro keep it up this is genuinely one of the best chanels i come to chill, relax and enjoy cheers for the good content 👍👍👍👍
Ответитьhow come I never meet people like you Sour? I'm usually just looting around minding my own business, and next thing I"m on the next express flight back to the coast
ОтветитьI miss playing dayz. I think its time to return to my first pc game ever and why I even got into pc gaming. I'm from the .62 days if anyone was wondering, anyways cheers.
ОтветитьThat was a crazy good shot on that guy at the shed! Gg sour
ОтветитьWhy do people behave stupid in this game? Sour seem to be the most brightest of them all.
ОтветитьThe French guy sounds like someone from one of my videos.
Ответитьughh... fine i will start with dayz again... :D
ОтветитьI'm not a fan of videos ending with Sour dying 🙁