Lizzo Is DONE With Body Positivity Now That SHE LOST WEIGHT | Reaction

Lizzo Is DONE With Body Positivity Now That SHE LOST WEIGHT | Reaction

Dee Shanell

2 дня назад

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@InfiniteCoreXD - 09.03.2025 20:20

U women gotta be more comfortable in your own weight fat skinny whatever. Latto looked good with weight on her still great she lost it.

@Heirllionaire - 09.03.2025 20:25

Aba is wrong on the medical thing

@zyriatilley - 09.03.2025 20:31

You can lose weight and still be fat in the mind.
Some ppl are supposed to be big because of genetics and shi. You can always tell when their face stays the same

@darriennemartin4083 - 09.03.2025 20:51

People don’t care about health…they really just can’t stand fat people. It’s bias not concern. Because why do you care and why are you so mad? Most people are overweight but if you’re not fat then you don’t reap the same consequences from society

@stephenjohn6426 - 09.03.2025 20:51

That ozempic shit been pissing me off, ever since the Kendrick and drake shit happened, I’ve been seeing it non stop💀

@vyxenish - 09.03.2025 20:54

its giving big mama house if you eating soul food every week

@akeyrabrooks - 09.03.2025 20:57

Why doesn’t everyone just worry abt themselves like who gaf what she said who gaf what she look like, ts getting annoying

@antgal9467 - 09.03.2025 20:57

Im from the South..... Most eat soul food everyday or just about. Lol

@rayshelw4556 - 09.03.2025 21:00

He is not lying about the doctor saying the first thing is your weight I had a friend who was big like lizzo was and she went to her doctor multiple times for having stomach pain and he would tell her the same thing.She finally went to another doctor and she had cancer

@WavyGregg - 09.03.2025 21:00

somethings you can just have, blood pressure is one of those things that you can just have even if healthy

@puxkx5827 - 09.03.2025 21:07

LATRYGUY put out a ton of soul food videos in LA and ended up gaining a lot of weight over the year. Now he’s on a weight loss journey, so there aren’t as many soul food vids anymore, lol.

@darrius3022 - 09.03.2025 21:27

Aba is wrong, Specialist study an area, but they're well aware of general medical care just not as indepth as primary care doctors. Primary care doctors the reverse, are knowledgeable in a variety of areas and learn you and your habits to advise, but their aware of speciality areas as well, just not as in-depth as specialist. One doesn't outweigh the other they work together to help give the whole picture. There are many times as specialist will advise of things and primary care Doctors through study and observation disprove their advice. Just because they're "experts" doesn't mean they can predict future issues, they give opinions based on what they've seen. Like with your weight and labs you will probably experience testosterone decrease until 40s but then at 30 despite taking all their advice and making changes you develop Moobs

You can do lab work, go to a specialist, and get told you are in great standing and 3-6 months later, get told your calcium is too low, your testosterone is low, etc. What Doctors and Specialist both do is work through what the problem isn't and using findings, research, and all of their training to come to likely conclusions. Yes, training for nutrition or something may be short, but thats because they've studied surrounding subject matters for YEARS. Doctors don't just finish school, and that's it. There is constant training, constant education happening. Medical knowledge and advancement are ever growing and evolving.

@tam_forreal - 09.03.2025 21:47

Lizzo has not changed.. same unapologetic ball of fire. Y’all were mad at her confidence “big” even made fun of her. She’s lost weight and you still have something to say. She was shamed for being bigger and then shamed for celebrating losing the weight that y’all criticized. Gaaawdam! Let her live!!!

@Sunj23 - 09.03.2025 21:52

Dee react to ddg and Halle drama

@CHAOSGOLM - 09.03.2025 21:58

Tbf no one thinks of LA when they think of soul food, so i doubt you know anyone eating soul food, but theres an entire region of America where soul food thrives with franchise restaurants you may not have had the chance to see, social media is also very targeted & region based, being in LA where more cultures are present im sure youll see more non black influencers on your results

@Yoxhio_ - 09.03.2025 22:02

i dont get this narrative cuz she still big. i think her thing was just that u should be able to love urself in any body u in. doesnt mean she cant lose weight or gain weight. lizzo been in the gym even when she was fat af and eating somewhat healthy so this not really surprising she eventually losing weight

@caribbeanman3379 - 09.03.2025 22:04

People with body-positivity are just people with overly positive appetites. 🤣

@POOSAYHOT - 09.03.2025 22:05

Fat ness is a mental illness

@destinymcgowan5328 - 09.03.2025 22:13

I feel like she is getting push back because she made her weight size part of her persona instead of being like an Adele or Jazmine Sullivan who just showcased their God given talent.

@jbee5024 - 09.03.2025 22:35

Not me seeing the reflection through Dee’s skin 😍😍😍😍 CLEAN 🧼

@1HPSmurf - 09.03.2025 22:55

Oh,so she doesn't believe in her BS anymore??I wonder why??
Its almost as if she never did,and just used the whole thing as a publicity to further her own career.
And these sheeps believed in it.

@SavantPete - 09.03.2025 23:13

I'm confused on the public opinion on Lizzo. Was the sexual coercion allegations all false? Or are we just forgetting about it? Maybe I missed something.

@MARIAHMOMENTS - 09.03.2025 23:38

I don’t know why people are acting like Lizzo is suddenly the skinniest person alive and faked body positivity 💀 when she’s still plus sized…. People just want a gotcha moment so bad and it doesn’t make sense cause she’s literally still overweight.

@kikialeaki1850 - 10.03.2025 00:00

It’s the way y’all literally got a quote from her and will still win the cognitive dissonance race and say she never contributed to body positivity toxicity😅

@blue20771 - 10.03.2025 00:04

eating soul food everyday even every week sounds terrible

@luckysmiey234 - 10.03.2025 01:36

Preach is right, my coworker’s son was a college soccer player and died in his sleep overnight from cardiac arrest at 21. And i agree AB too some stuff creeps on you TOO. As an ICU nurse in a cardiology center i’ve seen BOTH cases in a coma…

@BOO4EVA - 10.03.2025 02:12

He's speaking facts tho when you're overweight the dr will def contribute everything wrong with you to weight lol

@Like-me-or-not - 10.03.2025 02:22

The fact that this is a topic of conversation throughout social media shows me that everybody is f**** miserable

@DarioDvon - 10.03.2025 03:14

Health and Happiness are not always connected. People can be skinny and in shape and still be unhappy.

So to say that because someone is fat, they can't be happy with their weight, is a small-minded thinking. Not everyone weighs life and happiness to how your body looks. Someone could be in rugby, or martial arts having more weight is an advantage. People can be "fat" and happy, and people should stop telling other people how to feel about their weight. Not everyone views the world from your lens.

@nqqthing - 10.03.2025 03:34

the way the dude on the left was like doctors don't know about this stuff and then starts talking about it like it's his expertise lmfaoooo

@kalebdyshun7953 - 10.03.2025 03:58

Y’all doing too much lol if lizzo wanna lose weight let her lose weight yall don’t know her personally or what may have caused her to want to make that decision. At the end of the day who gives af fr 😂

@heka6564 - 10.03.2025 04:52

See, but that’s people who didn’t listen to Lizzo since day one she was posting workouts and her trying to lose weight and her Chef and dietitian cooked meals and she was always doing Choreo and running around on stage and trying to be active
Like literally since the beginning, she was posting workouts and her trying so everyone is just looking at tabloids

@elijahmims1928 - 10.03.2025 10:55

I couldn't be a celebrity because there's too many insignificant nobodies speaking on EVERY facet of my life. We all have more important things to do in our own life then to be talking about someone else's weight loss.

@YeahIGotNuthin - 10.03.2025 13:46

I feel like the only reason Lizzo was so “body positive” is because so many people tried to make her feel shitty just because she was fat. She couldn’t exist without mf reminding her how big, ugly, and unhealthy she was. That’s why I don’t feel like the body positivity is unhealthy, I believe the way we treat fat people is unhealthy. That being said, people who want to lose weight will and those who don’t should be able to exist without being ridiculed.

@quitnn - 10.03.2025 14:19

I think maybe Lizzo didn't mind being fat. I also think that she started going to the gym and actually enjoyed it. Like working out is like a drug for some people. Perhaps she never tried it and once she actually worked out she ended up loving it. You can have healthy blood test while being overweight. I have seen doctor tell a person they were having headaches because they were overweight. I just don't understand why what someone else does with their body is so important to others. Everyone dies fat and skinny people. Anytime any one fat dies it's because they are fat. Skinny people die from heartaches then it's oh they did drugs when they were in their 20's.

@hartfantom - 10.03.2025 14:25

All the triple XL’s in the comment finding refuge in this comment section. Trying to rewrite history with the Lizzo situation. Y’all BIG MAD about aba and preach telling the truth about this weird toxic movement that got started. Y’all trying real hard to rewrite history. Folks ain’t forget and you still even see it now “plus sized” models at clothing stores. Y’all need to learn accountability lol, nasty how yall do everything than just be like “yyyyeeeeeaaaaahhhhh, we messed up, imma take it on the chin, no problem”. Everything BUT accountability come out yall mouth, straight goofies in these comments lol. Y’all cooked 💀.

@TheEandIShow - 10.03.2025 16:40

as a big nigga himself fuck body positivity i need to lose weight

@dantheman8152 - 10.03.2025 17:59

Lizzo is interesting

@EduardoM - 10.03.2025 19:42

The truth is people are going to be haters regardless. Body positivity is about loving your body, big or small. that's difficult work. Loving something means taking care of yourself and unlearning unhealthy patterns. People rely on your insecurities to sell you things or take advantage of you. always ask yourself who benefits from your suffering.

@EduardoM - 10.03.2025 19:53

also watching big ppl putting other big ppl down is so funny to me. I'm tired of those two

@JustMeBieth - 10.03.2025 21:18

People clearly don't understand what body positibity is actually about. No it's not about "glorifying obesity", that's what someone who doesn't know what it is will propagate. Body positivity is about loving YOURSELF no matter your body size. Society is constantly telling and making bigger bodies feel like they are worthless human beings. That they're unworthy of love, confidence, self-respect and a host of other things. Body positivity isn't suggesting to be any size or promoting any weight. It's saying you have the right to love yourself even when you don't fit the societal standard of what is deemed worthy of love. You can be "body positive" and still know you need to lose weight for your health AND love yourself along the process. Some people just want big people to not only be unhealthy but to hate themselves and that is clear and sad. I don't know why so many people have such a difficult time grasping such a concept.

@karimsings4098 - 10.03.2025 22:55

But when Lizzo was saying she's healthy, she was vegan and working out. Other people were just big and embracing it. Lizzo still could've been loving herself where she was. She also knew she was working on her and not being complacent. She looks like she lost her weight naturally and healthily.

@CWESTBROOK97 - 11.03.2025 00:35

Mind you she’s still plus size

@devinjohnson5759 - 11.03.2025 04:30

Soul food for special occasions only????
Definitely not in Mississippi I’ll tell you that 🤣

@TonyJ1977 - 11.03.2025 16:06

People dumping on Ozempic or other like shots. They would be on it if they could afford it or the insurance would cover it.

@petej7136 - 12.03.2025 04:42

This talk was sloppy and outdated. No, the problems don't pop up over night, but you realizing that you have a problem can; a lot of people don't know they have high blood pressure or high blood sugar, because they feel fine and don't notice that it's building up inside, but then it eventually reaches a boiling point and they have a bad episode that puts them in the hospital. That's why it's important to go to the doctor regularly, even when you feel fine, because those checkups are the best way to find out where your levels are before they get too high and you do serious damage to your body. It feels like it happened overnight because the day before they felt fine, but people need to realize that with a lot of health issues you won't feel anything wrong in the beginning, you won't feel anything until it reaches a point of being out of control, and by then some of the damage to your body can't be fixed.
2nd, any half descent doctor today has a computerized system that, once the patients test results are entered, tells him/her which blood levels are normal, and has warnings on the screen for which levels are high. So even if he/she doesn't know all the right levels to watch for, these days, they should have software to help them. Also, Obama (Obamacare) made it standard that every legit medical checkup should include tests for all the common health conditions like diabetes, cholesterol, and blood pressure. So any doctor that doesn't check for those things, at least once a year, is giving you cheap, bootleg service, and is not really helping you.
