Is A Personal Relationship With Jesus A Catholic Thing? (Lent Reflection)

Is A Personal Relationship With Jesus A Catholic Thing? (Lent Reflection)

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@alicedeen720 - 22.03.2023 13:14

Christians only really have their communities they are tied to by the 'must attend church to give money to the organisation (other people really)' and then hang out afterwards in groups of 'what sinners we all are'.
WoW, that is a rubbish way to value yourself, people.
The Christians are the ones causing so much hate to the same-sex community and now the trans community under that false banner of love, that makes no sense for what they preach - 'love'!
They oppress women into roles of domesticity and are simply not the force for good that Christians think they are. In a disaster, they weakly offer "thoughts and prayers" which is hand waving the problems away.
The bible if they ever bother to read it and so many never do cover to cover has some pretty vile and disgusting verses in there. Marry your rapist after being sold to 'him' by your dad for 50 coins and slavery (owning another human as property!!) for starters. Then there are the 42 boys being ripped to shreds by bears for calling a man a name. Come on this book is a collection of stories by Bronze Age men for the same men.
"When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two of the boys."
"If a man finds a young woman who is a virgin, who is not betrothed, and he seizes her and lies with her, and they are found out, then the man who lay with her shall give to the young woman’s father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife" <-- wow that is a loving god right there.
Cooking and cleaning and having the children of your rapist after being sold to him by your dad.

They assume that no one else other their preferred 'in group' can do any good. There are other religions that do plenty of good actions and the countless secular community. They shut these people off in their minds to stay focused on the single plot that only Christians do good. Moveover, only their particular denomination at best.

Christians say "don't mock God" but there has never been good and sufficient evidence presented to show any god(s) to have ever existed so really it's an empty threat.
Someone no doubt used it on these people in their past and now with the buckets full of Christian love, they go straight to the threat of 'their' god. Can you not see how ironic that is? Just so illogical.

I'll talk more about your threats a little further down my reply.

They will go on to quote the Jesus - dead - sin nonsense. There is no good evidence that Jesus 'if' he existed was a god. I'm happy to say there was a man at that time called Jesus as that is a claim that needs nothing more than what we have in history - but to go further and say that man was a god needs way more.

The problem is people grow up linking Jesus to god and never question it.
You hear the name Jesus and all your social and cultural programming will click in and people in the west assume everyone is talking of a god. That god has never been proven.

There is no good evidence of the supernatural world.

All Christians really have are stories in an old book that no one has any idea who wrote 50-70 years after the event it writes about, at the very earliest timeline.
There are no originals just fragments of copies of copies. Christian scholars have long understood that no one knows who wrote their unquestioned 'source code'.

So there is no point in Christians quoting their book until they can prove that there is a god and it 'inspired that book that simply says a thing'.

Also, research and see that so many other people can and do great works for others without the fear of being burnt for all eternity by a loving deity.

I ask Christians "why" they were convinced by these claims to now believe it.
When were their earliest memories of being told about this god? Can they remember who told them as in their family/school/friends/college etc?
The 'why' they believe is the most important part rather than resorting to the 'Christian Threat' of an ever-loving god building a hell to burn people alive day after day for all eternity. That my friend is not a loving god.

Put it this way if I were this god I'd just forgive people without the need for Bronze Age blood magic that the 'men' wrote in to their stories at the time. There would be no need to sacrifice myself to myself for a weekend for all the mistakes I made creating people in the first place.
I mean I would have built the garden with an electrified serpent fence and maybe put that tree in a nice little alarmed glass dome on Jupiter.

So please Christians tell me 'why' you were convinced to then believe this particular version of your man-made religion.
Thanks, Alice.

@kathywiens9852 - 22.03.2023 13:36

Oh my! I was so happy to share this with others on Facebook. Even though I'm off of it for Lent I've still shared a few things without getting on it. I shared about how very personal a Catholics relationship is with Christ through Receiving of our Lord in the Eucharist. I so hope my friends will listen and think on this video.
Thank you for your ministry. If I lived even a few hours from you I'd love to go listen to Ken. As I'm in middle America that won't be possible. Maybe if it's recorded you can share with us.

@themechanic7625 - 22.03.2023 13:53

Thank you 🙏

@sujatafernandes973 - 22.03.2023 13:55

You both are such a lovely couple. God bless.

@josephineflanagan9762 - 22.03.2023 13:59

This podcast you two have done has helped me tremendously this Lent. I feel that I have come leaps and bounds this year in holiness, and I have been doing the hours of the passion by servant of God Luisa Piccaretta well. Thank you so much for this! God bless you.

@539Solomino - 22.03.2023 14:03

Will the mission be taped? I live on the other side of the country but I would love to participate. ❤️

@arlenecampbell16 - 22.03.2023 15:07

I come from a protestant background am now Catholic. This is a great answer to our Protestant Christians on having a personal relationship with Jesus. Ken and Jannelle you put everything into perspective so well. I want more...thank you.

@immigrantveteran7340 - 22.03.2023 15:14

We personally profess at every Mass at least 4 times. 1. At the begining of Mass we recite the Confiteor prayer durin the Penitential Rite, acknowledging their venial sins, and the priest will grant a General Absolution to prepare everyone to receive the Body and Blood of Christ through Communion. 2. When reciting Apostles Creed. 3. Right prior to communion and Communion itself. 4. Personal prayers after receiving communion.

@lanacooper7122 - 22.03.2023 15:46

Moved by the reminder that our sacraments are our personal encounters and relationship with Christ and our altar call. In particular Kens comments about our standing up for Eucharist to accept body blood soul and divinity

@bridgetnaazie2048 - 22.03.2023 16:01

Hmmmm, I have gone for 3 confessions already but I still feel glum. Usually, confessions bring me joy but lately it is not doing the trick 😕.
I am just distracted. This Lent has been so so for me. I pray for a better HOLY Week.

@kathysimindinger8753 - 22.03.2023 16:03

Thank you for your messages each day.

@maryconnor432 - 22.03.2023 17:21

Amen! Amen!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

@loveandmercy9664 - 22.03.2023 17:41

I used to do a Bible study at an evangelical Latino church to practice my Spanish and I admit I enjoyed the altar calls. but they also only did an eucharist once a month and the sermon although quite good were long. Some subtleties I felt were lost. I have a few Iranian friends who are in RCIA who were alienated by their islamic heritage due to its hyper legalism and they asked me why catholicism and not other Christian churches and I replied "its got a deep sense of history like Orthodoxy but without being frozen in time or overly tied to ethnicity and the better parts of protestantism in its call to inclusion and newness but rooted in sacraments and tradition. "Ever ancent, ever new"

@msperle8949 - 22.03.2023 17:46

I love this message! Your priest is being a good shepherd, I pray all priests will reach to do this! At our Lenten Bible study last Sunday the one thing that stood out to me was the importance of going to confession as a sacrament, meaning we go to communion every Sunday and receive the sacrament of communion, as we should go to confession at least once a month, (even if we only have a couple small things on our heart and if the Holy Spirit has not shown you any mortal sins) just to receive the gift of the sacrament of confession! This was eye opening to me! Receive confession just as the sacrament it is! 🙏❤️

@RonchildofJesus - 22.03.2023 18:00

It was funny when you mentioned standing in the back of the gym. My church in Plano Texas is also being rebuilt and we have mass in the gym. I love it.

@tsg234 - 22.03.2023 18:24

Thank you! I feel like my lent got a little derailed with my twins waking frequently through the night, but I also feel like the Lord could be pulling me closer to Him through this distraction in how I choose to push through and handle the tough moments with my children.

@gtg1206 - 22.03.2023 18:34

Are you streaming the mission?

@jojit9336 - 22.03.2023 19:38

I also feel like I’m on track this Lent Season. Our parish will have our Parish Mission and the day for Confession next week and our Stations of the Cross every Friday this Lent. Thank you so much for your podcast. You have a very beautiful family. God bless!

@mariaj.escamilla7934 - 22.03.2023 19:50

Fiat! Thank you Lord for living in your eternal now, God bless you Ken and Jenelle, Fiat! 🙏🏼💕🕊✝️

@maryjohn4411 - 22.03.2023 19:50

We chose Jesus every day when we make the sign of the cross.

@agneslorincz3158 - 22.03.2023 19:54

Wow! Amen! Really very true. God bless you both and your ministry.

@CandaceKloster - 22.03.2023 19:57

I get discouraged by people who bring their kids to receive the sacraments then never show up again. I recall a reconciliation service that included children making their first confession but 99% of their parents never went that evening! I also believe God recognizes empty gestures we make such as going through all the motions but not internalizing anything in our hearts. A personal relationship with Christ is a fairly new concept to many Catholics and will take time to become our norm. I dabbled with fundamentalism in university then upon returing to mass one Sunday I realized the priest was saying the same thing I was hearing at the fundamentalist church i.e. personalizing one's faith.

@monicateleckisobolewski5844 - 22.03.2023 20:02

God is so good. I'm having a great opportunity to travel to Vietnam, Hanoi and Saigon. I participated in the mass, and wow... Even i didn't know any word in Vietnamese, when priest rise up the bread and wine/ body and blood my heart speed the beats, and I was embraced with grace, love by God. Holy trinity, our Catholic apostolic church under Pope,Vatican , is a treasury. All around the world the same bible, the same rituals, the same message. Jesus , I trust in you , his mother Our Lady, St Joseph, people praying rosary, people waiting to go to the confession. What a huge, wonderfully legacy missionaries did. And in a country which is socialist/communism, what an infinite miracles.

@JesusfoundedCatholicChurch - 22.03.2023 21:17

I keep saying I really didn't have a personal relationship with Jesus until I became Catholic or after I decided to convert. I was Protestant for 55 years although I was baptized Catholic.

This has been my best Lent since becoming Catholic 3 years ago. I decided to give up Facebook since I confess wasted time at each confession solely due to Facebook. Some days I spend 6-8 hours or more. This Lent, I've spent less than 2 hours. I would get on Facebook on the first 3 Sundays of Lent since Sunday isn't a penance day. The rest of Lent I'm staying off. I'm replacing it with St Thérèse. I've made it a goal to attend mass every day and I read a book by John Paul Thomas on the Lessons of St Thérèse. I've started a prayer journal and write my prayers, like writing letters to my best friend and He is my best friend. Prior to Lent, I had several on social media attack my comments because I defended God's truth so I started a 54 day rosary novena for the persecution of the Church. I have two more weeks, as I'm on day 39.

I always enjoy your videos. God bless both of you!

@dducas188 - 22.03.2023 23:01


@dawnmireles2912 - 22.03.2023 23:56

March 22, 2023
It seems like I get strong in one element such as prayers but then get weak on fasting. Then I get stronger on fasting but fall weak on prayer. It seems like my devotions vacillate throughout Lent. 🤦‍♀️

@dawnmireles2912 - 22.03.2023 23:56

March 22, 2023
Your videos are so helpful!

@alicedeen720 - 23.03.2023 00:40

I see you've been active so would really like you to reply to my message.
What convinced you to believe this magical, unheard, invisible deity?

@rachelbeggs5848 - 23.03.2023 01:16

Any chance the parish mission could be livestreamed or recorded? That would be great :)

@lovable20051976 - 23.03.2023 03:22

God is watching over us all the time and the chance we get to surrender ourselves to Jesus at Mass is such a blessing. Thank you Janelle and Ken.

@peterpatterson3435 - 23.03.2023 03:25

Be Catholic is a Gift to follow Jesus in all the Sacraments how Blessed are we to have a Personal relationship with Christ every Catholic should Rejoice in their Faith and Grow deeper in Gods Grace's.
God blessings on you Both Ken and Jenelle for this Lenten Journey. 🙏🏻

@allanlang2607 - 23.03.2023 05:13

Ken was our speaker at our Parish Mission several weeks ago in North Bay. I attended and wholeheartedly recommend that anyone living near Ken and Janelle go to listen to him. You will not regret it and it will be just what you need heading into Holy Week. Thank you Ken for coming to North Bay and May God bless you, Janelle and your beautiful children.

@gretchendinger6077 - 23.03.2023 05:50

Will the mission be available to watch on line? Should be great! God bless you 🙏🏻✝

@trishhobbs2677 - 23.03.2023 12:41

Could you put the mission on YT? That would be wonderful for your Australian viewers.

@nuembarradas4533 - 23.03.2023 13:28

Thank you so much....lm a born cathloic, but battling having a relationship with Christ our Saviour....with God all is possible...😇🔥🕊😥🙏🙏🙏Please say a prayer for me. God's blessings.,🙏🙏🙏💜🛐

@tsr3779 - 23.03.2023 18:05

How’s my Lent going? Better question is how is my personal relationship going with Jesus…as a former Protestant and then a lukewarm Catholic…converted to an on fire Catholic GREAT. I have followed you for a couple of years and have struggled through your Saint reflections feeling like a failure because I just could not grasp or understand (this from a person that has a Masters degree)…my faith foundation and knowledge was weak. I have always believed in God by faith…but never had the relationship. You have helped me to grow so much…so far I “GET” what your daily reflections are telling me…I am so happy and grateful that I am GROWING.

@vilmajamisola3332 - 23.03.2023 23:53

Thanks to you ken and janelle

@michelemcdermott75 - 24.03.2023 06:44

Hi Ken and Janelle- tomorrow I’m heading into the hospital- unknown issues, but grave. Can you say a prayer for me please? Thank you🙏

@AT-jf7up - 27.03.2023 04:57

For 35 years I thought going to mass every week was enough. But the Lord wants more. It took a trauma in my life for me to cry out to God. He will do what it takes to get to you. It’s been almost 7 years. During this time I have had a personal experience getting to know Jesus. A year later a similar prayer Novena lead me to knowing the Holy Spirit. I now pray for my family and anyone who does not know our precious Jesus personally that they ask him into their heart. Don’t wait till God calls you. He may use your middle name! 😳

@pattiissa9035 - 28.03.2023 11:27

I hope I am not the only one, but I truly can focus better when only one of you do the videos.😇🙏🏻✝️💐

@paulschneweis3492 - 29.03.2023 06:18

I finally caught up with watching this excellent Catholic Orthodox video too, Ken and Janelle 👍! I've experienced an obstinate anti-Catholic decades ago who was raised Catholic who absolutely refused to believe this that you said when I told him this back then, so don't let your guard down about them!

@davelyons6018 - 29.03.2023 15:44

We left the Catholic church for a Protestant church over thirty years ago; we have come back to the church and been practicing the Catholic faith for 10+ years now. This topic was always a struggle for us when we were early Catholics and we thought in some way that we would be closer to Jesus in the protestant church. it didn't turn out that way. Because of things that were happening in the background, we were feeling lost in the protestant church;. It was difficult to place a finger on one reason for this but one thing is certain the absence of the sacraments certainly had an effect on our discouragement. The Holy Sprit guided us back to the Catholic church, where we discovered that we are closer to Jesus back in our Catholic faith than we have ever been; your explanation is right on the money Ken and Janelle as we cherish the sacraments more than we have ever done. We discovered many good things in our journey in the protestant church, but the one thing that we knew that was missing in our walk with Jesus was the sacraments. Thank you to both of you for shedding light on the importance of the sacraments; they are more relevant in our Catholic faith than many realize.

@adrianapusztai6806 - 05.04.2023 10:57

God bless you both, you look so alike and truly meant to be in your Holy union. God Bless everyone here.

@dianenoll9126 - 07.07.2023 15:17

Amen! I lived what you were saying about Altar calls and the Eucharist. You are 100% on spot, we are called and we answer at Communion. I wish we could have you speak at our parrish. I think you're very dynamic. God bless. 🙏🥰 p.s. I missed this one during Lent 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️
