I worked at Walmart, and compared to how soul crushing that was I'd definitely choose to go ham for Internet views after getting bit/stung by weird bugs
ОтветитьI catch them on my fish trap often. I get some big ones them at mess up the fish really bad but it’s a critter doing its thing
ОтветитьWait the giant water bug can fly?
Ответитьstink bugs can bite, it wasn't fun
ОтветитьI have ants. Starting colony, very boring and intense
ОтветитьWhen I was a kid I catch one of those tow bitters, a pretty big one. I thought it was a good idea to keep it as a pet so I throw it in my fish tank, it hunt down all three of my gold fish in no time lmao.
Ответитьdownstairs digit nibblers is crazy
ОтветитьGood work. I know about these "buggers". They're cool but I don't think I'd have one as a "pet" so to speak. My beautiful, amazingly affectionate orange tabby-cats used to eat em up! (so did the chickens...) Thanks so much for sharing, J. (Michigan)
ОтветитьCoyote P sucks
ОтветитьButt snorkels sounds like something you'd see Steve O or Knoxville try in a Jackass movie!😅
ОтветитьYeah sorry but no, I would never want to interact with that thing. Interesting and educational video but I don't think anyone could ever talk me into getting something like a toebiter as a pet.
ОтветитьI kept one of these as a Pet when I was 10, found it outside here in Florida. My Mother had a major in biology and i can say this was one of the coolest pets I owned. Especially when I would explain to a teacher that I had a pet venomous Flying cockroach with praying mantis arms that could kill fish at home.
ОтветитьIt wasnt my feet they would bite. It was my neck. Growing up in ontario Canada these things were hell to deal with, HOWEVER they would eat leaches off your body.
Kinda neat.
All thoose overreaction of pain 🤣🤣🤣🤣 i got bitten by a toebitter and honestly it feels like if u have some one pinch a supersensitiv skin like when u try thousand times to fire your lighter then the skin on the thilb are super red and senistiv and some one pinch and bite yeah its painfull and it burns a lil bit like a sting from an bee but really thoose overreactions
ОтветитьWhat makes this a pet? The display and interaction value of this bug is minimal.
Ответить"not to mention the venom" ... Dear God!
ОтветитьI’ve heard bullet ants hurt very bad from some honest people but I’ve also heard you can build a tolerance pretty easily
ОтветитьWe have a species of these in the lakes near me, I've been bit a few times. even though the ones we have are a fraction of the size, the bites are no joke. (not the worst bite ever, but they're pretty painful when they first hit you)
I also got stung by a wasp for the first time this summer, right on the meat of my thumb (only one sting, despite bumping the nest with my head, it blended in with the pipes on the wall where I was working) That hurt like hell, I can't imagine how bad some other bugs are given how much the wasp hurt.
I also got bit by a spider, the bite caused necrosis in my thigh (this was in South Carolina) So probably a brown recluse as it was accompanied by weakness and such
I became paranoid that the school of jellyfish was spying on me.
ОтветитьAs a Minnesota Inn, who lives in in the country with a pond, these things are everywhere and they hurt
ОтветитьBeen bitten and it was worse than any bee I've ever stung by. Accidentally picked one up in the Richmond baseball stadium where I spent a few seasons working late under the event lights. It really was horrible and I wouldn't recommend.
ОтветитьThey call it a "Gator Tick" in Lee county.
ОтветитьIt is a "True Bug."
ОтветитьThese were always found in parking lots in the wet summer nights where I grew up in South Georgia.
ОтветитьI didn't know Nick Rekieta started talking about bugs /s
ОтветитьCoyote is such a drama queen! lol
ОтветитьIt is so repulsive step on it
ОтветитьIs this thing related to the mantis By any chance?
ОтветитьI once saw THOUSANDS of these in a parking lot in South Florida after a hurricane flooded the area. HORRIFYING.
ОтветитьThese look like the things that used to bite me when I go to the Russian River every year as a kid.... They hurt!!
ОтветитьI got bit by a Belostomatid on my bum bum bum
ОтветитьRicky, my predacious diving beetle, is far cooler
ОтветитьCoyote Peterson always over acts the response to the pain from stings and bites, I trust his ranking of the pain scales, but not is visual responses, he is first and foremost an entertainer, and for whaterver reason his audience wants to see him hurt himself and writhe on the ground, so that is what he gives them.
ОтветитьI like Jack’s world of wildlife
ОтветитьOh.... It's your old friend deadly neurotoxin.
ОтветитьIts also in charge of the nighttime
ОтветитьMy dumbass 11 year old self got stung on the finger by one of these mothers...much much worse than a bee or wasp sting...and I stayed far clear of them ever since :)
ОтветитьI used to work at an hotel's pool as a waitress last summer, and I would catch several of these toe-biters every day out of the water. I felt bad to have to do that, but the well-being of the guests at the pool was my priority :,) I just hope those little guys found a better home
ОтветитьShouldn’t people who cultivate love for animals not throw shade at each other? Both you and coyote are great educators. Everyone in these comments are acting like coyote is the world’s greatest deceiver.
ОтветитьThey are quite physically hardy but trust me as someone who grows nymphs from egg to adult, they just die, they get stuck in their molts all the time and even a three degree temperature difference can make them faint and drown
ОтветитьForget brain eating micro-organisms. This thing terrifies me enough to not want to go anywhere near natural bodies of water
ОтветитьThe more I learn about Coyote and the animals he's been bitten by, the more I begin to think he's either an exceptionally good actor or has a concerningly low pain tolerance
ОтветитьIs that a Geeko on your bookcase?
ОтветитьDood. what the actual heck? you are too funny. Again, I applaud your enthusiasm. Keep up the grate work!
ОтветитьHell no
Ответитьi heart clints reptiles
ОтветитьWhen a bug is a better dad than your dad