You're coming in again with great and much needed content as always. 💛
ОтветитьI really like the Idea of your „Everything Journal“. I always feel some kind of guilt, when I don‘t finish all my „pretty Journals“. I think, I will try this.
Ответитьthank you for this amazing vidio.i cant even tell how much im happy that i watched it.these days my life is a mess so i thought it would be a great idea to start journaling and as a person who likes everything in one place this everything journal would work the best.
ОтветитьI got the same journal for my 2024 bujo (working on making that my everything journal instead of having 500 different lists), excited to have a journal twin!
ОтветитьI started a bujo for an everything journal in august. I used it for literally two days… I also struggle to stay consistent with it. I’m a very messy and disorderly person so it’s hard to stay organised and on top of things, but I really need it. I want to do everything at once, so many project ideas and to dos. Good this helps me to get back on track. I’m trying to limit my social media time for September to learn some new habits, journaling is an important one. Keeping everything in one place is a game changer I think ☺️
ОтветитьI think it’s funny that you’ve basically recreated what Ryder Carroll had in mind when he first wrote the book on the bullet journal method, (LITERALLY the point was that he wrote everything in one journal because it helped his ADHD brain find and keep information) but over the years bujo and planner community made it such a big and intimidating thing with all the pretty spreads and multiple planner uses that it becomes a revelation to just go back to the basics and do whatever makes you happy.
Anyway, nice video thanks for the reminder that everything can just be in one place.
I appreciate that I am not the only person who puts “shower” on a to do list !
ОтветитьI will try this. I constantly struggle trying to keep a journal, a flute practice journal, a bullet journal, a commonplace book / reading journal and a languages notebook. My bedroom is a mess 😢
ОтветитьHow do you print out these pictures so nicely?
ОтветитьFellow ADHD-er here. I've currently managed to get all of my journals planners down to two: a hybrid bujo-esque notebook that's kind of structured (so I plan my weeks and days in there, and do my monthly and weekly reviews in it too, plus each evening I like to do a single-page reflection on the day), and what I call a 'check-in journal', where I check in, sometimes multiple times during a day, in a totally unstructured way to just write down whatever is on my mind and distracting me at that point.
I know that's a LOT of writing each day, and it probably won't suit most people (hell, it probably won't suit me forever - at some point I'll no doubt stop needing to write with the frequency I do now, and I'll change my system). But it works for me now, which is all it needs to do 🙂
Love this. My journal is very much the same as this. It's definitely the only thing I've found that works for me.
ОтветитьI found your video by typing "everything in one notebook" you've got no idea of how much everything you've said resonated with me. I came to essentially the same conclusion out of desperation, that I seem to be doing what I need to do, working through things, journaling is something I really like, the thing is, it just seemed that for a while I wasn't getting any benefits from it, comparmentalizing my thoughts and experiences really, really doesn't work for me. and I was also using notebooks I was to cautious and precious about, so It felt actually really liberating to consolidate and downsize to ONE cheap A5 notebook, and I'm really excited, because I don't think I've been so enthusiastic about an idea or insight in a long while. so this is pretty great, I guess all that is left to do is stick with it, and be fine with things not being perfect.
I think this phenomenon could be studied, I think you might be onto something here, I am not diagnosed with ADHD but I have strong suspicions that I might have it.
I found you this evening and subscribed at the first minute! You are so lovely!! I came from the "no buying year" video where I though "I want to do this too!". Then I saw this one, and I literally got out of bed (it's 2.30 am where I live) to get my journal that I had abandoned for a Long time, whit the intention of picking it up again immediately! You were truly an inspiration.
I also really appreciate your way of speaking, which allows me to understand (almost🤦♀️) everything even without subtitles!
Thank you!! HUGS from Italy🤗
Hi Grace! I just found your channel a few days ago and I usually never comment under any videos, but I had to now. I really really love this idea of using one journal for everything. It actually helps my chaotic mind to relax a little and its so joyful to see all the colors. Thank you so so much :)
I am really looking forward to more videos of yours. Just love how authentic you show your self. :)
Loved this lol I do the same with my journal and what do you do with the journals you complete do you throw them away 🤔
ОтветитьI love that your approach to bullet journalling is exactly what the creator Ryder Caroll had in mind when sharing his methods with the world. So great! Keep it up!
ОтветитьThis was exactly what I needed to watch and hear ❤ thanks for making this video
ОтветитьGreat video!!
ОтветитьYES!!! Exactly the issues I had with previous journaling/calendar scheduling etc.... This is why I love my BUJO - it allows me to get over my perfectionist fear of "messing it up" and gives me permission to NOT follow any rules and just do what works for me at this particular time in my life - and change it tomorrow if I need to :) . I appreciate hearing from someone with the same issues and also for sharing ideas :)
ОтветитьThank you, Grace. This is great. ❤
ОтветитьI did so many systems for years..and this is my method also. It is so liberating and there’s no pressure or guilt about blank pages. 😊 I’m sticking with it
ОтветитьTip for not being afraid to mess things up: Use erasable pens like the Pilot Frixion pens. :)
ОтветитьThis is such a helpful method. Been using it for a few weeks now, has cleared my head so much!
ОтветитьYou are inspiring me
ОтветитьThis is super helpful. Thank you Grace! Fellow ADHD’er here 😅
ОтветитьYES! This is such a great message! I was beginning to feel like my BUJO wasn't working for me; I was working for IT! Trying to keep up with all the spreads and washi and separate journals for different areas of my life - toooo much!! I almost wanted to chuck it all and just get a spiral notebook from the dollar store to just dump all my thoughts in, and THAT made me realize that I was placing way too much importance on the look and feel of things, rather than their function. Whew! And it's freeing to let go of those silly expectations anyway. Unless you really enjoy going all out with it, then of course do that! But the pressure to make it perfect is really unnecessary. The point of a journal is for it to help us!
ОтветитьI found your advice really helpful, thank you 🙏 I’ve got ADHD & definitely struggle with keeping a journal/planner/diary. I know it seems stupid to people who don’t know what ADHD can be like, but I buy all these notebooks and never really know how to use them. I’m going to try your suggestions, it seems so simple now I’ve watched your video, but this stuff will never come naturally to me unless someone shows me how. Thanks again!
ОтветитьHow do you know how many pages to leave blank in between the months??? That’s what gets me everytime! Lol ❤ then I get really ocd and stuck about that. That’s why it’s always so hard for me to setup journals like this. Or do you just set the months up as you go? I’m
Recovering too lol 😂
I thought I was the only one that uses 1 journal for EVERYTHING! 😂 It honestly gives me 'stationary anxiety' to see people use like 5 journals at once.
Recently, I've been organizing my journals into a "split system" where I have the first half being used as a commonplace book, and the second half as my diary entries. It really works well for me!
My diary and my commonplacebook is also in 1 journal lol
ОтветитьI think these are so pretty but honestly just gives and increases my anxiety. I feel like there's no direction and I hate that, its off putting. Oh well, works for some, doesn't work for others
ОтветитьAs someone who has adhd I can say that mixing everything in one book was the best thing I did
ОтветитьReally love this video to inspire me to go back in my journal. But this is the bujo idea created by Ryder Carrol. Wich should have been mentioned.
ОтветитьThank you for saying that it doesn't have to be perfect, that you used to be hesitant to write or draw in your journal because you were afraid that you would mess it up! I can relate to that and it helps to be reminded that it's okay
ОтветитьThe OG bujo Ryder Carroll is diagnosed with ADHD too. That's the reason why the bullet journal was born. 😅 internet just has its ways of getting a content (bujo is a beautiful spread. Tbh, OG bujo wasnt pretty and very minimal) and run with it without the bringing the OG's intent/context (bujo is a system of trial and error and finding out what works with your brain). Bujo was also my main factor why i've come to love my imperfect perfect brain.
So happy to see you've also found your way towards the original intent of bullet journaling. Welcome to the club ❤
hello! i found your video a month ago and decided to try out this method in my notebook that i've been trying to use since 2019. i've never been able to keep a notebook for planning, like a bullet journal, because i just felt trapped in it. like it didn't serve for any other purpose other than planning things and crossing it off. since i've been trying your way and just writing everything and anything i want, like a helpful notebook should be, like a brainsdump almost, i've been able to plan everything everyday in a relaxed way and it's been improving my days and my life in general!! thank you so much
Ответитьwatching this because i wanted a journal to start the new semester fresh and my boyfriend got me a very pretty one and i really wanna use it despite my adhd ass didn't let me be very successful in my previous attempts lol thank you!!!
ОтветитьYes, this is the bujo method in essence.
One journal breaks my own adhd brain, I’m a compartmentaliser. I love love love lots of journals but I also absolutely need different journals for different purposes. ‘One journal July’ challenge gives me anxiety 😂
The best thing is working out what works for us. Glad you found yours! 🤫
advice from me is buy a cheep notebook (for me it was a A5 spiral notebook with a small grid which makes it easier for me to write in line and not measure if i want to separate days or weeks on a page) that is comfortable for you and then customize the cover if you want. Makes it way less scary for me to write in it
ОтветитьI am not far into my journalling journey and I previously had a different journal for each different thing (planning, mindfulness, memory keeping) but I found them all too much to keep up with and I would sometimes not plan for a while so my planning journal was very sparse 😅 now I just have one journal for everything and it suits me so much better. I also like that it breaks up the pages and pages of writing with my scrapbook style memory keeping spreads
Ответитьthis is very relatable!! it doesn't have to be perfect or very aesthetically pleasing, it just has to work!
Ответитьlove love love this! As a recovering perfectionist myself, i felt so seen and calm like yes i can do this and stop procrastinating! i keep procrastinating because i cant do it perfect because i don't have energy to make it look good so i end up doing nothing which adds to the guilt and the cycle pheww
ОтветитьNever call journaling unseccessful. I’ve journaled my whole life and NEVER journaled every day. That’s unrealistic and not necessarimy at all. You don’t lift weights every day, that’s terrible for your muscles. Some people need to journal only a couple times a week or whatever. Journaling was never meant to be hard. You journal works for you, you don’t work for your journal.
Ответитьi get really intimitaded by this journaling thing and i feel understood here. i wanted to try digital journaling but i kinda want to do it on my notebook as well. but i feel like i'm a perfectionist and i really don't know what to do when i open my notebook so i just do nothing. i want to start journaling so bad so i write it one day and then the next days come and i don't write anything. the last time i tried picking up journaling was literally in october. i think i want to do so much stuff so i end up not doing anything at all because i get overwhelmed. it feels like i can never get over this :/
Ответитьi love everyting journals, but for that use i prefer a binder or disc notebook, cause i can put dividers
ОтветитьI just found you today searching for One Journal because I have decided that I need to consolidate my planners and journals. This was just what I needed and am happy to see you are still making videos! Thank you for this one!
ОтветитьI love this video, so helpful and inspiring! Do you have the link for the calendar your friend makes?