Zoro and the Anxiety of Strength

Zoro and the Anxiety of Strength


2 года назад

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@caiozuuu - 07.06.2024 03:21

falling down the stairs is a way of saying that the person committed suic1d3...

@KinSmashClub - 11.06.2024 20:02

One of the only videos that actually talks about Zoro's masculinity as the effect to the fear or anxiety of failure/weakness cause. Such a small thing people fail to notice in this anime but its so perfectly woven into his character and story. I myself struggled to live a life being a man and having expectations that "I have to be a man" in certain situations. While I have grown to agree with a lot of them, it's the need and expectation that induces a lot of untold anxiety. LOTS of men nowdays don't talk about their emotion, and its not because they dont want to, but because they are afraid to. I think thats what makes me like the Sanji Zoro dynamic even more, because Sanji represents the other side of man, the emotional. Man I could go into a whole rant here too but the best thing about the characters in this manga is how real they feel.

@elijennings9913 - 12.06.2024 01:35

Am i the only one who still wonders why he fights with three swords.

@metal87power - 18.06.2024 22:14

Kurina fell and stabbed herself

@magicalgold010 - 22.06.2024 12:55

Women don't talk of zoro

@_meish_1020 - 01.07.2024 23:37

The way I giggled at the intro

@fakeyoutuber5124 - 02.07.2024 20:44

Had to quit the video cause the first 2 minutes were just you sexualizing Zoro. I don’t want that nasty perverted stuff, unsubscribed

@architmohan - 13.07.2024 10:21

How hard can you be! Training is a must gor him!

@randomdancerdibz6043 - 13.07.2024 18:40

Just came here to say I love your videos! They’re a good mix of humor and analysis, and while there’s some things I can’t watch yet because of spoilers, I really enjoy watching these and hearing what you think about one of my favorite shows.

@dedemuchtamar2750 - 02.08.2024 14:22

I want more zoro back story

@pakyomadapaka - 03.08.2024 18:14

4 sword style if it's R-Rated?

@woop7 - 04.08.2024 19:35

this intro is pure poetry

@roy-nyan - 07.08.2024 12:08

I can't get past through the intro😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

@neowgate9897 - 17.08.2024 07:03

Zoro = cr7 = Jordan = ali = Phelps = bolt

@willz0410 - 27.08.2024 12:18

Many times, Zoro keep repeating how much responsibility and burden he had to bear. First encounter with Hachi, his swords is heavier. His flying blade come from human desires lead to burdens philosophy. Against T-bone, his burden is heavier than T-bone justice. I want to deep dive into his moves also. A lot of its reference Buddhism, from Indian one more than Chinese Buddism. It is interesting since Japanese should be more influenced by Chinese, I am not sure though.

Also I have a thought about his gag, lost his way but thinking he is the right one. Like Buddha view the torturing monks, lost in the way to achieve Nirvana but think they are right.

@notmychannel3145 - 27.08.2024 13:11

Who tf is Nononoa Zoro?

@albarosafrias1450 - 28.08.2024 06:20

Just seen how Zoro stays up over night made me realize how caring he is.

@themonarch620 - 01.09.2024 14:38

Falling down the stairs in Japan means sui cide.

@VelkanKiador - 02.09.2024 03:27

The reason Zoro has such big fat titties isn't because of his workout regime, but because it struggles to contain his big heart!

@therexafyte8616 - 06.09.2024 03:53

Zoro is the best written character in One Piece, his devotion to his morality is so simply complex and that’s what gives it beauty.

@Rattatuillo_01 - 06.09.2024 17:42

be aware at bad mouthing Down D Stairs couse you might became his next targhet and victim

@PreschoolFightClub - 07.09.2024 04:40

This is the exact reason why I was so drawn to Zoro’s character when I started watching One Piece. I immediately picked up on his “anxiety of strength” (as you so eloquently put it) because I have the exact same thoughts going through my head all the time. That resonated with me down to my very soul.

What I guess I’m saying is: Zoro just like me fr

@Lea_HM - 08.09.2024 17:12

Hi! I am trying to find a Way to watch the serie but i cant find it?!!!

@ShanonAkuchie-p5q - 20.09.2024 20:09

Schowalter Circle

@vanessajameses312 - 22.09.2024 03:12

Hernandez Brian Robinson Maria Hernandez Timothy

@stevenalexander9115 - 22.09.2024 07:41

Damn this is a pretty crazy power scaling video

@kiragamer7520 - 27.09.2024 09:21

damn, you made me learn more things about zoro than i knew before, despite him being one of my absolute favorites. 😭 this was a great video, thank you

@Neyanca - 02.10.2024 16:15

sweating like a what?

@jamieagnad1918 - 10.10.2024 14:28

Oh yes the sexyman Minority Hunter, Zoro.

I bet those minorities girls would still be glad to get handcuffs over a skintone test.

@salamencerobot - 13.10.2024 16:54

Zoro and Sanji both have a huge fear of failure, Zoro just hides it better so everyone misses it.

@pokemontrainerthink9045 - 22.10.2024 01:29

This is the 2nd time I've watched this

@Veeo669 - 05.11.2024 17:05

I genuinely believe Sanji is Zoro's best friend. Not only because Sanji is Sanji and thus cares a lot about people but he genuinely seems to understand Zoro.

@silentsapienplayz - 05.11.2024 21:42

zoro appearing in a classical greek painting: how the FUCK did i get here

@venia5803 - 24.11.2024 21:06

Great video! I think you did Zoro justice! He's a very interesting character if you look deep enough into him, I you showed me new angles to look at him! 🥰

(I would love to hear about that "self-indulgent what-if scenario" if you ever feel like making a video about it, because I'm an angst enthusiast 👀 )

@jpegimage-x2h - 08.12.2024 10:02

Your argument of Zoro as being "Simple, and that's fine", reminds me a lot of a bit from Sir Terry Pratchett's Discworld, regarding one of the series' most prominent heroic characters: Carrot Ironfounderson. He's also often described as "Simple", but one line in particular that hits strikingly on that vein and stuck with me is: "He was simple in the way that a sword was simple." It doesn't mean he's not smart, useful, dangerous, or worth respect. It just means he knows what he's about, and is very easy to understand if you let yourself understand him.

@siddharthnetam1643 - 12.12.2024 20:15

Why he is admired by men

He is a man of his words

He lives like a lion sleeps and boozes but when it comes to protect what matters to him he will shred the enemy infront of him

when hopes fall down he will push past his capabilities to face the adversity

He is the man everybody can rely on

He is pure in heart he knows what to stand for

He is unbothered to impress anyone

He never backs down .

He is a monster who will not show mercy to anyone if its his enemy .. he knows how to harness the raging darkness within ,in a controlled manner

He has pride and ego well balanced

He fears nothing .

He can bear anything for his loved ones (nothing happened)

He has more to him . He is not just a Stoic character he has that genuine laugh which comes from a kind heart .

He is stupid for silly things

Despite being strong he is humble enough to let nami show her tantrums not egoistic.

His chemistry with luffy the one like true brothers nobody can fuck with luffy when zoro is around

His relation with sanji ..

His friends love him nobody is afraid of him

His father kind of relation with chopper .

Etc etc there are lot of things which particularly men admire in him

@daniellopzable - 25.12.2024 19:59

The amount of times I’ve watched this is
countable. For now.

@idkagoodname6287 - 30.01.2025 11:57

I 100% enjoy the type of analysis you do. Imo they are different from the way most OP-Tubers look at it, besides the way of joking 😭
It´s a different perspective, I think it´s incredible, that Oda made it possible to create a story where so many ways of interpretation are possible.

@kookykritter2912 - 17.02.2025 21:26

This is a little different and very personal for me tbh. I got the first three manga chapters of one piece as a gift as a kid. Born afab, I always hated how weak it made me in the eyes of others. Now there’s more to that and my gender and what I’ve realized about myself and why I feel that way. But besides all that it meant so so so much to me as a kid that Kuina was stronger than Zoro and she also had the same resentment that I STILL have. The fact that Zoro says she’s his goal and doesn’t feel it’s right for her to say that when he has been training all the time to get to her level. It meant so much. It’s a moment I treasure deeply.
But other than that, I am a bit of a sucker for sudden deaths with no meaning. I always felt that Kuina’s death was a reminder to Zoro that his strength means nothing and that he could die any time. Which is why he is always saying that he “doesn’t have any time” “not enough time” like in the Arlong fight. Maybe he feels that he can get strong enough to avoid such a fate but knows that he wasn’t even on Kuinas level when she died. Always anxious about such a death waiting around the corner for him. I’ve never really talked about my experiences with Zoro’s character so this may all not make any sense but I felt it was important enough to add. This video is great and I very much appreciate the nod to his ptsd because that was just another moment where I related to him and it meant a lot to me to still see his friends fight so hard to save him even after that.
I almost get embarrassed when I get asked who my favorite character is because people constantly reduce him to his cool personality and toughness. And yeah I get it he is cool and strong. But he has always been so much more than that for me imo.

@Nicolas-y9t - 01.03.2025 23:01

I've heard that in japan "falling down the stairs" is an euphemism for suicide, so Kuina is implied to have killed herself, which is really tragic.

@zionangilau3674 - 11.03.2025 07:35

Zoro’s intense respect for Vivi during Alabasta makes a lot more sense now
