What is Labiaplasty? Femsculpt Inferior Wedge Technique Explained

What is Labiaplasty? Femsculpt Inferior Wedge Technique Explained

FemSculpt Cosmetic Gynecology

54 года назад

1,840 Просмотров

More and more women are exploring the benefits of cosmetic gynecology for both aesthetic and functional concerns. The surgeons and care team at FemSculpt™ specialize in labiaplasty, a cosmetic procedure designed to reduce and reshape the labial folds. FemSculpt's board-certified surgeons have perfected a finely-tuned method of labiaplasty known as a modified inferior wedge technique, which allows for more aggressive resection with a well-hidden scar, while still maintaining a natural edge along the entire length of the labia. Maintaining as much of the natural edge as possible is important for a natural appearance as well as preserving sensation. Watch Dr. Truong perform this surgery in the OR https://youtu.be/_H40U7sa_JY

To schedule a consultation with our experienced team, call the office or request an appointment online today. FemSculpt.com |312-809-9983 | 310 W. Superior St. 2nd Floor | Chicago, IL 60654

What is labiaplasty?
Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure in which the surgeon re-sizes and re-shapes the labial tissues around the vaginal area. Although both the labia majora and labia minora can be treated, labiaplasty is most commonly performed on the labia minora, commonly known as the inner vaginal lips. By resizing and/or reshaping the labia minora, labiaplasty can reduce the discomfort some women have during exercise and intercourse, while also improving symmetry and overall appearance.

Why do women get labiaplasty?
The size and shape of the labia folds differ for every woman, and women seek labiaplasty for many different reasons. For some women, the skin that makes up their labia minora may be elongated and hang lower than the labia majora. This excess tissue, known as “labial show”, may cause hygiene issues, pain during activity and intercourse, or make wearing certain types of clothing such as yoga pants or a bathing uncomfortable or embarrassing.

Benefits of labia surgery may include:
Enhanced appearance
Relief from discomfort and pain
Improved sexual function/stimulation
Improved hygiene
A boost in confidence

How is labiaplasty performed?
Labiaplasty can be done under local or general anesthesia depending on your specific surgical and health needs. The procedure itself can be done using one of several different techniques.

The simplest way is the “edge-trim” technique, where the surgeon removes the outer portion of the labia minora. The edge is then sutured and allowed to heal. This technique allows for the most aggressive amount of resection to be done but sacrifices the natural edge.

Another common technique is the “wedge-resection” where a triangular wedge of tissue is removed from the center of the labia. The edges are then sutured together reducing the size of the labia while maintaining the natural edge.

At FemSculpt™, our highly-skilled, board-certified surgeons have perfected a third, more finely-tuned method of labiaplasty known as modified inferior wedge technique, which allows for more aggressive resection with a well-hidden scar, while still maintaining a natural edge along the entire length of the labia. Maintaining as much of the natural edge as possible is important for a natural appearance as well as preserving sensation. Watch Dr. Truong perform this surgery in the OR https://youtu.be/_H40U7sa_JY

What can I expect during labiaplasty?
Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that takes place under local or general anesthesia to ease discomfort based on your specific surgical and health needs. During the procedure, your surgeon at FemSculpt™ removes or reshapes your labia minora based on your aesthetic goals and functional concerns. Once complete, they suture your incisions and take you to a recovery area.

How long does it take to recover from labiaplasty?
The team at FemSculpt™ recommends at least a week of downtime following labiaplasty. To ease pain and swelling, the team may recommend that you use an ice pack over the surgical site during the recovery period.

Your doctor may suggest continued activity modifications as your tissue heals, including refraining from the use of tampons and engaging in vaginal intercourse for four to six weeks. While most of the swelling should be gone by week six, it’s not unusual to continue to experience genital swelling for as long as six months following the procedure.

Those that have elected to have labiaplasty find significant relief from their discomfort and are very satisfied with the results.

To schedule a consultation to discuss labiaplasty, contact FemSculpt™ by phone or online today.
FemSculpt.com |312-809-9983 | 310 W. Superior St. 2nd Floor | Chicago, IL 60654


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