ability to forgive and forget - ACCURATE AF haha!
ОтветитьI'm 100% a true scorpion thing about me I can read you as quick as you can come around that corner sum you up and that's what make us a true Scorpio we are truly gifted so stay safe and have a wonderful holiday Scorpios and when the day comes for January 1st Happy New Year's and never let nobody knock you off your A game😅😂❤
ОтветитьAbility to forgive and forget got me I’m a Scorpio btw
ОтветитьI am a Scorpio and it is true
Ответитьyou have talent
ОтветитьSpray mist of forgiveness is so real right now in my life.
Brother-in-law fucked up real bad by racking up gambling debt ($300,000. Possibly more that we don't know about) and has essentially ruined any financial stability for my sister and their three kids. My sister filed the divorce papers in October, and she'll be going to court in early 2025. His addiction is so bad that he tried to fight my sister over a secret phone he was using to gamble. Scared my sister and my niece. This incident is what made her finally pull the plug.
Everyone in my life is telling me to feel bad for my sister (which I do. I feel bad for her and the kids) and to forgive my brother-in-law and pray for him to find his way. We all know addicts only get worse before they get better, and it's gonna get worse with him.
I hate that man with every fiber in my being. I hate him for what he's done to my sister, I hate him for ruining his kids' futures. I hate the fact that they're going to grow up in two households. They don't deserve to bear the brunt of what he's done. My folks tell me I need to just let it go. Well... I don't forgive and forget so easily like they do. In true Scorpio fashion.
bro knows us more than we do 🤣
ОтветитьI watched this an unhealthy amount of times 😂😂😂
ОтветитьThe last one☠️
ОтветитьDon’t do us like that!😂😂😂😂😂🎯🤣🤣
ОтветитьI don’t need to get revenge, karma is real, I just wait for what goes around to come around. Some fire sign will destroy them eventually when they cross them and I will be the one capturing it on camera to laugh at later with my other water besties.
ОтветитьBahahaha 😆😂😆 the detective skills made me laugh out loud ..boy am I good at that one I wanna know the truth I hate lies and cheating pisses me off
Ответить& AND⁉️🤷🏾♀️
ОтветитьHey I'm not revengeful😂😂😂
ОтветитьWater and more wata!!! 😂😂😂
ОтветитьI’m a Scorpio ♏️
Ответитьand the forgive and forgot is so true
ОтветитьThat spray omg lmfao!!! 💀🤣😭
ОтветитьI am a Scorpio and that’s mean
ОтветитьI will never forgive you and now I can’t forget it because well I’m Scorpio, and I can’t forgive and forget
ОтветитьI needed that laugh! Thank you for the spray of mist..... Great. All water, but that bucket pour..... YESSSSZZZZ
ОтветитьThe mist for forgive and forget 😂😂
ОтветитьYou got everything but the creative and secretive right, we waay more of both, but the SPRAY!!! on point!
ОтветитьAs a Scorpio I agree
Ответить'Ability to forgive and forget' 😭
ОтветитьThe CIA detective skills are real tho I found out my math teacher was cheating on her husband
ОтветитьMhhhhhh I believe that either the Jealousy is really underrated OR YOU FORGOT TO ADD THE POSSESSIVENESS!!!!😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьI was laughing at this. It is so true for me! 😂
ОтветитьThank you i am a scorpio
ОтветитьSame here
ОтветитьBro I’m a scorpio
ОтветитьRevenge 😎
ОтветитьMaybe A BU KET OF WATER FOR LOYALTY scorpio are extremely loyal friends
ОтветитьYea this is true we can forgive but nothing forgive the spray of mist got me dying 😂😂😂
ОтветитьAs a Scorpio, I can low-key kind of relate
ОтветитьMeanwhile me a Scorpio who forgives so much 😂😂😂
Ответить😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😁💪
Ответитьfor me as a scorpio i can agree
ОтветитьWhat are you doing???.... .. I'm a Scorpio..
ОтветитьWhy you got to do me like that what I dooo 😂
ОтветитьThats why im so creative ❤
Ответитьyes........ Revenge 😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьThat is so sad😢 you wanna know why because I’m a Scorpio why are you guys so mean to us? It’s not our fault when we were born.
ОтветитьI Interviewed a woman who married herself. Checkout the video on the channel