Captmoonbeam, Meet the Captain

Captmoonbeam, Meet the Captain


11 лет назад

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@Windtee - 19.11.2013 12:49

I agree, crash-discussions rank high in our world of pilot conversations.

@FireEMT523 - 20.11.2013 14:48

Thanks Captain Moonbeam. Love your videos and enjoy watching the beauty of the Citations. Hoping to fly something similar one day (for now it's 172s lol).

@ryanjaubuchon - 18.01.2014 18:38

I really enjoy your q&a segments thanks!

@skipsassy1 - 22.11.2014 03:07

As to the test pilot who died, they know the risks, and taking people into "space" even at sub-orbital territory is going to be great when they get the cost down to say 50K. I love the way you fly that Mustang like a car, all memory skills, like knowing how to write a letter for a lawyer I suppose. Galactic will survive and the test pilot will be well taken care of, he died doing what he loved - very, very, very rare indeed.

@thegeneral5716 - 22.05.2016 21:01

Thank you for your videos as I really enjoy them. Your volume is to low on this introduction. My Mac volume is all the way up and we can hardly hear you. Thanks again.

@GSDrifter - 14.01.2017 10:15

Hey Cap!  I Enjoy your videos!  Just curious, what is you honest opinion on the Cessna 441Conquest II? Thanks!

@stevenowen82 - 13.02.2017 18:25

Captain, I just wanted to tell you that I enjoy your videos very much. You seem to edit to my tastes for what a flight is about. You cover the before, takeoff and then the landing! Love your casual style of video also. My Dad was a corporate pilot from 1970 until 2000 when he retired. He also flew citations and King airs so I am familiar with your jets. I made many "dead head" flights with Him to regional airports for maintenance. He flew for an oil company here in Arkansas called Murphy Oil and a subsidiary of theirs Deltic farm and timber and A company called Munoco. He let me do stick and rudder a lot and I loved flying..... still do.
Thx for your videos and keep them coming!
Dr. Steven R. Owen

@RonFish15 - 22.02.2017 08:41

Captain, just wanted to thank you for the videos I find all of them very interesting as a younger pilot; I found the part about the accidents very interesting I didn't think that was just me who thought I knew what happened/ or always looked for the reason why it wouldn't happen to me! Safe Flying!

@feinbhoutti - 06.06.2017 02:54

I will never understand why some straight men make fun of us for liking snow tunes. I kind of like dashing through the snow, don't you?

@ronarnott1801 - 12.06.2017 05:56

Captain Moonbeam, I fly a turboprop, TBM850. The other day I read a story about a Challenger getting stuck in the wake turbulence of an A380 at cruse levels with a 1000 feet of separation. With 380's around what recommendations do you have to stay out of those massive horizontal tornadoes?

@linweiliu5397 - 24.09.2017 21:47

like it

@lliamburke4854 - 29.09.2017 02:09

Yup, the audio was way too low for my challenged 70 year old ears. Your video's are most enjoyable, and I'll accept a couple of bucks for coffee from you, anytime. :-)

@briangasser973 - 02.10.2017 05:35

What happened to the mustache captain?

@Steve-zr3lo - 21.12.2017 01:33

What kind of planes would you like to fly for fun? P-51?

@rogermoore27 - 20.02.2018 00:51

You look different with the moustache. You've gotten real good at making videos since the early

@extremereclusefallows5779 - 13.06.2019 06:20

Go Blues!!!

@thewatcher5271 - 19.08.2020 20:45

Hey Man, Yeah I Thumbed It Up & Made It An Even 350. I've Watched Several Of Your Videos But Never One This Old Plus Never One That You Weren't Flying, Although I Did Comment The Other Day On Your Live Stream. You Just Seem Like A Cool, Old Guy (I'm Old, Too). I Had No Idea You Have 12K Hours! I Bet You'd Make A Great Instructor . . .

@victordasilva5255 - 20.08.2020 00:17

Buy a microphone

@dr.nickusedcarsalesmanwith978 - 13.10.2020 19:13

Hello Captain, I am a recent fan and enjoy your videos. I am creating a You Tube channel and
am researching software. What software do you use? I look forward to new clips. Cheers from
Chesterfield (Mo).
