How To Implement The Principles in "The Inner Game of Tennis" For Peak Athletic Performance!

How To Implement The Principles in "The Inner Game of Tennis" For Peak Athletic Performance!

The Tennis Journal

1 год назад

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@stefan.josef.bartmann - 16.01.2024 17:02

great insights from someone with success - thanks for the informations

@effortless4588 - 22.02.2024 00:28

Awesome videos man subbed

@johnbenevoli2066 - 21.07.2024 07:24

You AND your opponent are PLAYING a GAME. The game requires 2 people to participate. Execute what you have learnt. Be grateful that you have COLLEAGUE to engage with in a sport which you love, so thank him inwardly.😊😊😊

@watcher687 - 30.09.2024 06:41

I’ve been thinking since I read the book, when is being calm and loose and not affected by mental noise the most crucial in match play? The answer I think is when you’re about to hit the ball. So I’d suggest finding a way to detach from that self talk/unuseful mental noise around that moment. How? By keeping the mind busy with something in the moment, the sight of the ball, your breathing, the sound of your feet moving. As we well know mind cannot focus on something and worry about something else at the same time!
