Where is my check??
ОтветитьOr is this more BS?
ОтветитьI’ll would be true?
ОтветитьIt's bullshit
ОтветитьIt's bullshit
ОтветитьThat's the plan. To show the people how bad the dems are. Then Trump will do it
ОтветитьThis would be the only thing that the democrats could do to win back votes. Take it away, and we will be republicans for decades. Want to win, show the people you care!
ОтветитьHey government just give me back all the illegal taxes I've paid in my life, with compound interest of course! You can keep the measly 5 grand.
ОтветитьAI video?
ОтветитьI can't with this voice 😂
ОтветитьIt should be the Elderly All social security SSI SSDI and so on every body whose paid in and veterans and retired veterans it shouldn't just be per house hold if you paid in you should get it a even rate of money nobody should have more than others All equal
ОтветитьHonestly, I don't believe we Americans will get any checks or money for anything--no matter what the money would be for. Whether it's a so called social security boost, dividend checks or stimulus checks. So far, any money or so called assistance is 100 percent all talk no action on anyone's part. No social security boost, no stimulus checks no dividend checks nothing zilch. It's all total bs. That's my take on it.
ОтветитьSeriously All American should get some money we have all paid in some time or other we or should I speak for myself I need help with all of my bills living from One month to the next month we all need help God bless each and every one
ОтветитьDemocrats are communists
ОтветитьPeople on social security SSI check don't work will get this stimulus check
ОтветитьAll Americans have paid some taxes at some point THE CHECK SHOULD GO TO EVERY F ING HOUSEHOLD!!!
ОтветитьYou are fake news and need to be prosecuted for misinformation not happening
ОтветитьWhat about seniors that worked 47 years straight like me on SSDI , i can barely afford groceries and pay my bills !!
W.T.F. TRUMP just going to trow us under the bus that are on SSDI SSI and SSA , i sure could use 5,000 that would get this senior out of the hole our government put us in !!!
The American people are struggling a lot, so the American people are very happy with TRUMP's announcement to give $5000 to the American people....
ОтветитьEnough with the bs! Nothing has been confirmed. Just as worse as the MSM.
ОтветитьI have been paying social security since I was 14 years old now I. Am 83 years old I can not work because I have cancer and other problems I only get a small check from social security I think if they get any money back it need to go to all social security because it belong to the people
ОтветитьAnother lieing & misinformation media that wants to be fame
ОтветитьI heard these stories about all these stimulus checks I'll believe it when I see the money in my bank account
ОтветитьThat is a joke for the day for the year.That's a joke cause there's aint no stimulus checks coming out like that.They are putting that stuff out here to make people feel good.But nobody feels good about what's going on in the world.Right now.Whitney on less than Donald jump.Yeah i'm not sure that's putting a bunch of junk out there
ОтветитьIt's not coming until next year in the summer. Don't get excited.
ОтветитьFalse hope is worse than no hope.
ОтветитьI wont believe anything they say until i see it , they are the best of liars
ОтветитьIs this guy AI?!?!? 👀👀👀😂
ОтветитьThe night was black and the sky was blue and down the ally the bullshit flew.
ОтветитьWhy even mention it if it’s unlikely to go through?
ОтветитьAll retired Vetrans and every family member they support should be first and foremost !
ОтветитьThe official “Look the Other Way Payoff”
ОтветитьI believe it when i see it
ОтветитьIn my account
ОтветитьHere we go again promise promises in 2025 4 years later than bidin
ОтветитьI read a lot of comments on here, and I just wanted to clear some things up. What Dave is saying isn't TRUE! ANYONE who pays taxes will get this check. It doesn't matter if you're a low income worker you still pay federal and State taxes, so he's clueless on what he is talking about. It doesn't matter if you paid 5 dollars in taxes, you'll still get it as long as you paid taxes, so therefore all Americans who still do work or have work will still get this Doge check ✅
Also, the title is misleading. It says get your 5k doge check. On July 2026, after doge has saved 2 trillion dollars they will give the 79.9 million Americans a check for 5k, so EVERY American will get ONE!!
Numbers don't add up. It cost Americans 4.6 trillion dollars for the first 2,000 dollar stimulus. doge hasn't found no ware near that amount. Their going to have to print the money thus putting us in more debt
ОтветитьBeen paying taxes for years like other Americans. 5K isn't enough.