Genesis (024) John Madden Football '93 (1992) Longplay (EA/Looking Glass Technologies)

Genesis (024) John Madden Football '93 (1992) Longplay (EA/Looking Glass Technologies)

Panmet Longplays

55 лет назад

757 Просмотров

Another update in the Madden football series. New this time are some graphics and animations, including an animated coin toss and some player moves. New gameplay features are no-huddle offense and a stop clock play. The Genesis version features John Madden's digitized commentary speech.))

Еще одно обновление в футбольной серии Madden. Новым на этот раз является некоторая графика и анимация, включая анимированный бросок монеты и некоторые движения игрока. Новые особенности геймплея - это неподготовленное наступление и игра с остановкой часов. Версия Genesis содержит оцифрованную речь Джона Мэддена с комментариями.))


#John_Madden_Football_'93 #Looking_Glass_Technologies #EA_Studios #Sports #American_football_game #Electronic_Arts #EA_Sports_games #ЕА_спорт #SEGA #Sega_Genesis #Sega_Mega_Drive #oldschool_game #old_school_sports_game
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@TonyMontanaPower - 02.08.2020 19:48


@VibeGamingChannel - 05.08.2020 03:38

Crushing it! Awesome content! Have a look at my page and follow if you enjoy it 🎥

@mclohan - 03.10.2024 11:36

One of these early 90s Madden games had a challenge feature. Like instant replay challenge of the play. I remember using it on my friend a few times when he scored or something. Any chance it’s in this game?

I remember thinking as a kid that the NFL really needed those challenge replays in the late 90s early 2000s
