80% of Astrophotography Basics in 20 Minutes!

80% of Astrophotography Basics in 20 Minutes!


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@MrVGN - 14.10.2024 14:55

Thanks for this amazingly helpful video. As a beginner interested in night sky/landscape photography, what imaging software would you recommend for stacking images? Many thanks

@ChojoVS - 16.10.2024 04:32

Excelente video, thanks!

@NinjAaaron87 - 17.10.2024 14:11

I'm super green, like seedling green lol. Bought my first ever telescope, a Celestron travel scope 70 and have been out every other night learning how to set it up and use my phone to take pics of the moon. I'm truly excited to have stumbled onto this channel and to break down the dense amount of info in this video alone. What a great video and presentation, thank you!

@sallyjberry805 - 17.10.2024 21:18

What fabulous information! You are so good at putting astro technical information into simple easy to understand words. I am an astro newby - a blue sky photographer who loves the star/planet movement, night sky patterns, and far away objects. I already have great photography gear to get started. This was the perfect intro to my next step to go deeper. I will eagerly be back to learn more. The journey begins .... thank you!

@polarprobe6600 - 19.10.2024 00:51

Thank u so much for getting me in this hobby trevor, i bought a used celestron 5se and heq5 and saw saturn for the first time tonight and im absolutely thrilled.

@petermetcher - 21.10.2024 23:40

Great video, Trevor, in capturing a clear overview of a captivating hobby 👍

@dirttrack1123 - 23.10.2024 00:52

"You should try astral photography, it's not as hard as you think"

It is however much more expensive than you think

@mguerramd - 23.10.2024 03:28

I would love to get in to it but couldn’t spend more than 5 minutes in post.
So all you guys who are able to sit there and process, post your photos!

@BlkInc1 - 23.10.2024 21:34

Imagine astrophotgraphy with a medium format sensor 🤔

@WolfEeden - 25.10.2024 09:06

My first telescope is my grandpa's SCT. I am still learning how handle the thing. It is quite difficult to find objects when you dont have a go-to mount. It does have a tracking mount tho, so that is nice.

@PandaIsBeast - 25.10.2024 09:13

Your experience with getting the fuzzy out of focus picture of orion was exactly my experience too. Just breathtaking knowing that such wonders were just just barely out of sight and that I could capture them with enough patience and expertise.

@dpwood420 - 26.10.2024 18:22

Your right its definitely a humbling experience 😆 ive been having a few different telescopes for years, but just got into trying and learning astrophotography. Pretty much every pic I've taken is tradh 😆

@1983dmd - 29.10.2024 04:04

Love your channel !! So inspiring.

@olivierallemeersch1966 - 31.10.2024 13:55

Thank you for this video!!!

@spacemane_official - 01.11.2024 19:10

Howdy, just started learning about astro 😅 Got a nikon z6 ii and 2 lenses, nikkor z 50-250 and sigam 150-600, dad has tracker for his camera setup with 35mm uw but i will borrow it, i did some photos of the moon just 2 days ago, like 200 pictures and stacked them with luminar ai. This winter i rly wanna capture M31 and i never did something like this before. I know my lenses arent the best for astro stuff but it will be fine for me.

@myketripp3838 - 03.11.2024 07:08

Excellent video! Thank you (65 yr old in Arizona)

@stevenwilliams6258 - 06.11.2024 23:14

Nice summary!

@Freaksigmaballer69 - 11.11.2024 22:12

Hi Trevor! Just wanted to say that the Asiair and Asiair mini are compatible with modern DSLR cameras. There is a list of them that you can find on the zwo website!

@sandragayle7866 - 24.11.2024 16:49

Can you do a video on how to collimate the act 6" telescope? The other people doing it are not clear and they all have some ridiculous theory and hard to understand method, please and thank you.

@jcnot9712 - 25.11.2024 23:03

“If it were easy, everyone would do it.”
No they wouldn’t. They’d still be scared off by the bare minimum $2k USD price tag to participate 😂

@mikewarkentin8736 - 03.12.2024 20:54

Great video Trevor. I am surprised that while you mentioned the ASIAIR as being a great addition to AP, you did not mention the new smart telescopes like the Seestar and others. They have really revolutionized AP and made it so much easier for beginners.

@dougms9790 - 12.12.2024 23:39

A few words about smart telescopes? They remove most of the daunting learning curve you discussed.

@VikingRacer - 16.12.2024 02:40

I'm going to build an 8 inch dobsonian

@katcana1 - 18.12.2024 00:49

Hello! Im really wanting to capture Galaxy images, What are some good telescopes to capture Galaxies?

@wild_bound - 18.12.2024 14:55

What kind of specs my computer should have to do astrophotography editing?
For example is a budget gaming laptop be fine?
what should i look for when buying a laptop solely for editing this images without any problem for as long as the laptop lives.

@charleyaguirre4655 - 22.12.2024 11:37

Dude. Idk if you drink or not, but I've been watching your channel for a few years and I gotta say, you're the kind of dude I'd just love to have a beer with and talk shop. You are so good at explaining everything. You care and it shows. Keep it up dude.

@bud.13 - 22.12.2024 17:47

I was looking at a T7i for sports and you recommend a T7, could a T7i work for astrophotography aswell?

@bluestar2253 - 26.12.2024 21:46

Trevor is da GOAT when it comes to teaching astrophotography to beginners like me! Thank you Trevor!

@aravind787 - 01.01.2025 01:24

I see that each person uses a different saturation setting for colors and I am beginning to question what the "correct" color of these objects is

@mikodeblasco2641 - 03.01.2025 17:42

you are true ambassador of the astro-photography! thank you!

@fdboucher - 05.01.2025 20:33

I really love and learn from your work. Thank you so much, Trevor!

@sylviedc889 - 11.01.2025 23:15

Très intéressant et convainquant. Merci !

@kayasper6081 - 12.01.2025 17:30

This might be the video on your channel I love most!

@IvanSkaro86 - 13.01.2025 16:27

I ordered my first telescope Skywatcher 150/750 EQ3 with RA drive for amateur astrophotography + watching night object.
Cant wait for results.

@hcic9860 - 14.01.2025 21:23

Man this video is absolutely golden. But ¾ of the way thru my head was spinning at the sheer amount of crap necessary for astrophotography. Even though i knew about many of the necessities and even own most already, it's just a lot of seperate details to remember on a regular basis 😵‍💫

@flyingmedic - 14.01.2025 23:46

Interesting I did a Ph.D in astrophysics but I leaned how to take astrophotographs from Trevor.

@9eRw1n - 29.01.2025 22:23

Thank you for doing this. I love visual sky photography. Have gotten the Milkyway off a 1 min exposure. But upgrading to a tracker and getting more images is the way to go.

@ejtaylor73 - 01.02.2025 03:32

I lived in a place in Germany about 640m up a mountain where there was no light pollution. I got a 12" Celestron reflector telescope (Cheaper price and came with some accessories made the decision for me) that came with a goto mount/tripod. Lugged the tripod/mount/telescope down to the middle of the yard, leveled it and ran extension cord, got everything setup, then... nothing. Could never get it aligned, because once I look through the finder scope all the stars look the same to me, so couldn't find any to align it to. I did use Stellarium on PC and found the location for Jupiter and pointed the scope manually in that general direction, after moving it around and finding a bright object, I got the telescope pointed in that general vicinity and started slowly moving it manually and found Jupiter with 4 of it's moons and was awe struck at the sight of it. Had to keep manually moving to track it. But because of all the setup time and not being able to align it and have it go to objects for me, I lost interest quite quickly, this was back in 2010. Being retired now with nothing but time and all the advancements in technology, I have some interest in it again, but I always talk myself out of it just because of aligning it.

@PistolyStore - 01.02.2025 14:56

Peace be upon you!
I am from pakistan my name is ali hussain and my mother tongue is urdu but i want to understand your language and i don't want to buy a good telescope help me where can i buy a good telescope please be kind

@peacok01 - 06.02.2025 07:46

Cool. How much do you know about Pentax DSLR and the Astro mode? On paper it appears great. Thanks for this awesome insight and introduction!

@craigtuggy7051 - 07.02.2025 15:33

This was so helpful thanks!

@LegitPick - 09.02.2025 08:28

Great content. Thanks for sharing and being so informative.

@mauroaurelio6534 - 13.02.2025 00:51

Super excellemt presentation!!! I always loved Astronomy as a child...dropped out as an adult and now I will retire I want to immerse myslef in this fantastic subject, Thanks for th einpirational talk - really helpful. From UK, stockport.

@OvMov7 - 15.02.2025 19:00

I've never seen a good cable management in astrophotography setups :D

@timeubank4904 - 15.02.2025 19:12

I've got a Celestron model 22097 Nexstrar 1275 LT, what is the best way to set it up where it will find stuff automatically.??

@edwardtenes6507 - 17.02.2025 20:32

Enjoy your video very much. Thanks. I regularly give astronomy outreach events in Panamá and use my cellphone camera lots of times taking photos and showing results. I try to get as many interested as possible because everyone has a cellphone. When they get hooked time to go into deep space!

@nikandbdog - 18.02.2025 21:17

Hello, I just bought a SkyWatcher Adventurer 2i as an alternative to buying a SeeStar S50. I hoped to use the 2i with my dslr and with my 102mm refractor with the dslr connected to it. But I am finding that by the time I buy all the accessories for the 2i, my cost are equal to or exceeding the S50. My goal was to photograph Jupiter, Saturn, the moon and DSO. I'm debating on returning the 2i and just going with the S50 for the ease and simplicity but then I forgo the option to photograph planets (even on a rudimentary level given my equipment). Any helpful advice?

@NinaFelwitch - 20.02.2025 00:01

I started my journey with the Seestar S50. I would love to have a second setup for nightscapes. In your video you use a camera with a big lens, but your link list doesn't include one. Which one would you recommend?

@Memwar - 24.02.2025 10:01

Your videos are phenomenal.

@lauchos3 - 26.02.2025 07:27

Incredible video. THANKS!!
