Top cloud development tips for Flutter developers

Top cloud development tips for Flutter developers


2 года назад

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@PrafullKotecha - 25.01.2023 21:12

Love Martin's attention to your mental health, especially whenever someone says "containers"!! 😀

@PrafullKotecha - 25.01.2023 21:18

Which ORM package (like, Spring Data JPA in the Java world) could I use to deal with entities in Dart? Same for managing cache...

@adityaarya1033 - 26.01.2023 01:50

Awesome!! We'd be becoming Full Stack Flutter Developer

@martinhltr - 26.01.2023 02:04

Which cache package is used in the video?

@MarciMatuz - 26.01.2023 12:48

I would definetly choose Dart server over other ones, however it doesn't have Firebase Admin SDK so even if authentication is easy on the client side I still cannot validate JWT on the server or I can't just push notifications from server and cannot reach Firebase Storage.

@albrechetti - 30.01.2023 22:54

Nice! I'll try to do something with dart in backend

@abdulhamidyusuf2848 - 05.02.2023 01:23

Very valuable information. Definitely would watch a series about cloud development and flutter. Thank you guys.

@saibotblack - 08.02.2023 22:56

Talk about GDPR !

@fantastic.devsaikat - 14.02.2023 20:43

Rest ful api

@LeeWright-o7v - 31.05.2023 19:10

with gcloud build, i get the following: ERROR: (gcloud) Invalid choice: 'build'.
Maybe you meant:
gcloud builds cancel
gcloud builds describe
gcloud builds list
gcloud builds log
gcloud builds submit

And with 'gcloud builds submit' i get permission issues even though i can manually create the bucket: ERROR: (gcloud.builds.submit) The user is forbidden from accessing the bucket

@philosophia5577 - 14.03.2024 20:38

The docs on shelf are too complex for a beginner in backend like me to understand and there are almost no resources which allow me to understand the topics in detail., Any resource you would reccomend???
