History Of Reptile Mortal Kombat 11 REMASTERED

History Of Reptile Mortal Kombat 11 REMASTERED

History Behind The Warrior

4 года назад

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@d_erren - 11.06.2022 14:30

the fact he used mgr music for the intro aged really well

@captus4920 - 18.06.2022 11:19

Good videos. The only thing I don’t like is how you put footage, that has nothing to do with what you are talking about.

@CradleOfJohn - 20.06.2022 17:37

Reptile is an amazing character who gets treated like a jobber in almost every entry in the series. I mean he has such great story potential that hasn't been tapped into yet and even though he is labeled as evil, I don't think he is at all considering all he wants is to bring back his people. When you take his motives into account I'd argue hes much closer to a good guy or anti-hero though he is willing to do whatever it takes to succeed in his goal even if its at the expense of others. MK12 needs to do for Reptile what MK11 did for Baraka.

@viet3022 - 03.07.2022 14:40

If Khameleon exists, why wont Reptile repopulate the Saurians by himself?

@BizzyIzzy87 - 17.07.2022 00:23

Pretty much MK Trilogy and down one of the coolest and best characters (MK3U), 4 and after crap.

@rollingrocker666 - 22.07.2022 04:06

Originally Reptile was supposed to be as big of a character as Scorpion and Sub but NetherRealm Studios really watered him down. I hope he gets his moment in MK12.

@belovedwarrior3192 - 05.08.2022 05:31

Deadly Alliance version of Reptile is my favorite and hope that they keep this form in future games at least as and alt costume or something

@Michael-xn9mz - 29.09.2022 05:49

They ruined reptile
The more reptile like they made him look the worst
He was way better as a ninja in green

@jeffreysmith5230 - 19.10.2022 09:52

It annoys me when a mortal kombat is nade with out Baraka and reptile. Last 2 take note.

@synyster_172 - 05.11.2022 00:27

So what I gathered is that canonical, reptile is a punching bag

@imjstmichael86 - 21.11.2022 01:37

All reptile ever does is take Ls

@claudiuskeat8336 - 16.12.2022 09:25

They should bring back Reptile's status as a legendary warrior. like, make his reason for being absent in MK11 a personal training. He's watching behind the scenes, observing the fighters, getting stronger and better, and because of that, he is now a threat. Not a miniboss kind of threat, but like a miniboss of a miniboss.

@אביחלפון-ז9ל - 06.01.2023 18:11

I had no idea why is Reptile not in MK11

@43NT1TY - 20.02.2023 16:53

reptile is like a dog. Loyal to its master no matter what

@chase2527 - 22.02.2023 06:49

Reptile has been and still my favorite character, and after his seemly disappearance I haven't played

@tonecapone5571 - 07.03.2023 06:15

I remember to fight reptile u had to be at the pit get a perfect then finish em with a fatality he Pop up then u fight in the bottom of the pit

@whade62000 - 18.03.2023 23:03

It's worth mentioning that there was almost certainly a cross-pollination from other franchises with "last of their kind" reptile-dinosaur characters. Such as Kobra Khan from Masters of the Universe or later Aeon Calcos from Soulcalibur.

@legopicklesnake - 01.05.2023 16:44

Stryker was too much for him…smh

@KevinRichards-rk3gp - 30.05.2023 03:35

How Reptile was created was they mixed the colors of Scorpion's & Subzero's suits together which made green. Also in the original MK when he was a hidden character instead of one you could select, he didn't have any weapons of his own yet, just the ones that Scorpion & Subzero use.

@belovedwarrior3192 - 03.06.2023 05:25

Considering the reboot and how that might affect things maybe Reptile has a better life than he had last time. Not so much that he isn't in the game just not for the reasons he was in the previous timelines. Maybe now he is fighting alongside his people instead of by himself like before.

@nicnames8396 - 13.06.2023 22:45

I just want him to be a good guy, I swear he's just misunderstood 😢

@kadoharp - 21.06.2023 07:34

I love the MKX version of Reptile, he’s basically my Skyrim character

@alexanderprandato - 07.07.2023 23:11


@ericthomas6726 - 13.07.2023 03:02

Imagine being one of the original three ninjas of MK only to end up as more of a jobber than Killer Croc.

@nichhodge8503 - 20.07.2023 19:08

If Onaga is in Mortal Kombat One I would love to see a slight redesign as I always thought Onaga’s hands looked to big for his arms/body so to see what a new redesigned Onaga would look like in 4K HDR would be amazing

@nichhodge8503 - 20.07.2023 19:10

I must admit I didn’t like Reptile’s design in Deadly Alliance with the tail and much prefer his look in MKX

@House.Of.Pain. - 27.07.2023 15:42

Man, Reptile used to be my favorite character in MK and then they messed up his design so bad I didn’t even like him anymore. I miss the old Reptile design and hate his newer incarnations so much!

@TwiliSleepy - 07.08.2023 04:02

return of the king

@erikdreki4726 - 07.08.2023 07:29

He's back baby!

@blossom___blossom___blossom - 09.08.2023 04:30

He's back and he looks great !

@Dilo22 - 13.08.2023 08:13

Boy, he just can't catch a break

@jacobanderson677 - 16.08.2023 16:25

Mk1 reptile go brrrrr

@koolaid1982 - 21.08.2023 03:37


@chengfu7063 - 21.08.2023 23:52

It makes strong characters throughout the series seemed kind of a joke when they lose to weak characters like Cassie cage

@jojogodtier - 21.08.2023 23:57

Your a God with reptile Jesus fuck

@kuelexx5451 - 27.08.2023 07:01

Gameplay footage gets me distracted. Thumbs up though.

@dontgetmarried - 28.08.2023 23:28

Was Onaga a dragonoid human before possessing Reptile's body? Or is that a side effect of having Reptile as a host?

@chennao - 30.08.2023 01:15

MK 2 version was the best

@Alessandro1983 - 06.09.2023 03:49

Would love to see him in MK1

@danceswithak47s77 - 06.09.2023 21:24

Reptile has always been my favorite aince MK's inception. MK3/Ultimate is the best reptile. Dont @me

@DaPhenomAce - 29.11.2023 18:26

NRS does a terrible job of making jobbers and bad guys look like a threat when they lose every match in the story

@garyrice5396 - 28.12.2023 07:13

Bring back the human-ninja Reptile.

@matthewrusso3122 - 11.02.2024 04:48

In a future game, I want Reptile to rescue a Saurian Matriarch, with her presence restoring Reptile's Human form and intellect, boosting his fighting skill again, and freeing him from his destructive cycle of allying with the forces of evil to save his people.

A growing Saurian faction allied with the forces of Earthrealm would be cool af, and serve as an effective counterbalance to the introduction of new and deadlier evil forces to drive future MK Universe stories. Varying degrees of Reptilian skin and appendages amongst the additional playable and non-playable Saurians would be cool, too.

@Foxentails - 03.03.2024 06:14

Reptile has always been a bit of a pushover character, huh

@ColonelCluster - 24.07.2024 21:32

Stockholm syndrome the character

@KelanRooks - 14.11.2024 08:02

Nice theory and story about Reptile.

@vinsemi9734 - 04.01.2025 05:19

Tagawa 😂😂

@beanhoof2512 - 05.02.2025 13:06

Interested in the content but cannot get past the accent. Sorry. Well wishes
