Thank you for mentioning hydro. Ive wanted him in a game sense mk9
ОтветитьShouldnt have turned him into Noob so quickly imo.
ОтветитьIsn't DC & MK In The Same Universe ? , Killer Frost Should Step In And Show Everybody How It's Really Done ..
ОтветитьFor the Sub-Zero Problem I doubt Frost will take the Mental as Fan would hate it, especially if she’s Genderbended and Because Kuai Liang is both Scorpion and the Head of the Shirai Ryu Clan plus I want Hydro to be a Different Character than being Sub-Zero, either Hanzo becomes Sub-Zero which wouldn’t make sense especially if he’s part of the Shirai Ryu to become Scorpion or more likely NRS will create a New Version of Sub-Zero, it could be Satoshi as Kuai and Harumi’s Son or a New Character that he’s real name is Thudra and if Kuai is Sub-Zero as a Reborn Snow Wraith would be Sick.
ОтветитьI would actually like hydro and since he can’t fully use ice control he could have snow related moves also but Kuai makes the most sense since there always a second sub zero
ОтветитьKai should be back as a sub,but considering how much they hate sub,he might not even be in the next game, probably as dlc.
Also I think Kai should pass the mantle of Scorpion to Hanzo,and he should take the mantle of a Sub Zero,cuz they are like Yin Yang,two sides of the same coin,and there to balance we need users of fire and ice elements,that would be cool.
my money is on Frost because they gender bend cyrax and sektor why not sub-zero plus she has similar abilities to his and she's been a playable character many times.
ОтветитьI feel like frost would make a great sub zero. The character was considered a joke in 11 but it’s been talked about her great potential as well so this can act as her new redemption as she’s proving herself in the role of Sub-zero
MK1 scorpion is wise enough to see the value in frost and guide her to not become like the literal broken reflection that is noob but also it could make for a nice new brother sister dynamic between the fire and ice ninja
Liu Kang could've just kept Hanzo Scorpion and made Kuai Liang Sub-Zero which probably would've saved the Lin Kuei from breaking apart, but also saving me from an aneurysm just trying to keep track of what my favorite character is up to
ОтветитьI have a feeling they’ll do it where QuanChi kills Kawai Lang then Kang gets resurrected as well with ice powers and Hanzo goes into the flying range getting his fire powers
ОтветитьHopefully it's not Frost because it's enough of that damn gender swap
ОтветитьIt be cool if Kuai Liang gets depowered while Hydro goes around as a Subzero eventually leading becoming Subzero and Hanzo finally being Scorpion and maybe the return of the Tekunin
ОтветитьI don't think turning Kuai into Sub-Zero is a good idea, it would look like they wanted to backtrack on the changes they made and then this timeline would be more similar to the older ones instead of exploring something new. I think what they should have done is have Harumi killed at the wedding, then her come back as Sub-Zero, who is the revenant this time. Would still make her hate Noob Saibot, still have a revenant; and give a complicated and tragic relationship between Sub-Zero and Scorpion. Also people who get offended at gender bent characters are weak and will not survive the winter. I'm not even sure Netherrealm has the rights to Hydro tbh. I think Frost being Sub-Zero after Kuai trains her to not be so angry and pig headed would be interesting.
ОтветитьI'd rather give Hydro a chance. Why? Frost had her time in the spotlight and she wanted to be her own cryomancer so to speak. So no rather than yet again have Kuai be Sub Zero for no reason just because I would rather let another character we haven't seen in a very long time take the rains instead.
ОтветитьHydro and Frost should return to the series as playable characters - or at least as Kameo (as Frost in MK1). Hanzo could be a good Kameo too btw. and should play an important role in future games.
ОтветитьI hope its Frost. Dammit I’ve always wanted a hero version of her
ОтветитьHey my brother been a while hope all is good in your world
ОтветитьHe gets screwed with 15 years as Donald Trump stole hundreds of classified documents, lied to the FBI, and hid more documents is became President-elect. WTF?!
ОтветитьAdded to my favorites! Great video 👍🏻
ОтветитьI had this idea for a time skip within the New Era to showcase some swapped roles and focusing on the further war of the Lin Kuei vs Shirai Ryu.
Essentially years later Hanzo Hasashi has fully become the next Scorpion, trained and lived up to the title as Kuai has seemingly disappeared.
During these years two new cryomancers have appeared, Hydro and Frost. Frost is with the Lin Kuei and loyal to them but very much so power hungry (optional if she becomes a cyber like in MK11) while Hydro was formerly Lin Kuei, and much like in the original lore a close friend of Bi-Han, who joined the Shirai Ryu. Hydro feels he doesn't know Bi-Han anymore with how corrupted he's become and wishes to help restore him if that's what it means to fight with the Shirai Ryu, a bit similar to Kuai's original journey in Armageddon.
As the battle between the clans continues, it is revealed that Kuai has been captured and in the process of being cyberized (maybe fully or half, whatever.) so we'd get the debut of Cyber Scorpion without losing a proper Scorpion (as Hanzo is already there). Maybe Smoke got captured too, who knows. That's just a side note though.
The major conflict would be between Hydro and Frost battling over the title of Sub-Zero, as Frost is deemed the "official" succesor due to her allegiance to the Lin Kuei while Hydro has taken the name as a means to pay respect but also cleanse the title, similar to how Kuai used to be Tundra in the old lore.
Better yet Announce another MK1 game which is entirely a reboot written and directed by me with full control and ill immediately save the MK Series while introducing the best roster any game in the franchise has ever seen kameos will return but they wouldn't be heavily needed like they are in the current game like for example some gives combo extensions which all fighters should automatically have that but instead my take on that system will allow them to use uo 6 of their special moves and provide a certain buff for example frost increases SZ damage on frozen targets by 10% for 8's with a 8's cd to balance it out her freeze orb fully follows the target hitting them no matter what just doesn't freeze them if they are blocking but if they get caught automatically frozen and would be a brutality on last hit in my game
Subzero is Kuai Liang
Scorpion is Hanzo Hasashi
Smoke is Thai Liang rename
Noob Saibot is Bihan Verbada except doesn't die to become him similar to his MK1 version still alive and doesn't have the black skin color just wears a dark armor and his powers come from dark magic and
That's all I'll share about my MK1 timeline but it'll give everyone a way better background story some characters slightly to fully renames some new origins but same personality as the MK9 to MK11 best timeline.
Why not have it like a ryu and evil ryu
ОтветитьEminem’s bars r pretty cold so I say he has a shot
ОтветитьThey should add the Tao Feng fighters to this game
ОтветитьI think Hydra deserves a shot in regards to being cannon, this would further the history of the lin Kuei
ОтветитьThere are only two Sub-Zero: Bi-Han and Kuai Liang. Everything else is a shtty fanfic. Which is exactly what MK1 is.
ОтветитьI still hope either Bi Han somehow returns as Sub-Zero or that Hanzo or Bi Han and Sektor’s son becomes the new Sub-Zero. But hey, anything can happen
ОтветитьHanzo stays as Scorpion and kuai is turned back into Sub-Zero..........
ОтветитьOr Bi Han will simply revert back to Sub-Zero.
ОтветитьIt is only right to everyone in MK history and fandom, that Hanzo takes back the mantle of Scorpion, and Kuai Liang restores honor to the family name of Sub-Zero.
ОтветитьStupid theory what if qui becomes the pink ninja and he’s able to fight with fire and ice and he changes his name to Floyd
ОтветитьNo more new Sub Zero cause two Sub Zeros is enough unless if the third one would be human Hydro and unless if Hydro would be Kuai Liang’s and Bi Han’s secret brother or cousin. Frost could be Kuai Liang’s and Bi Han’s sister as well.
Ответитьbi han the best verson of bi han cant stand kuai as sub or scropion boring as hell
ОтветитьThe interesting way for Kuai Liang to reclaim the mantle is that in MK4, after going maskless to denounce the Lin Kuei and their Cyber Initiative, Kuai Liang decided to wear Bi-Han's costume which is heavily related with the Lin Kuei. His reason? Honor him for his achievements in beating and stalling Shinnok in MK Mythologies.
So I guess if he wants to reclaim the Sub-Zero mantle, the reasoning will be similar: Honor the man of the past. His father is a good and easy guess.
Plus, in case of 'born pyromancer', there is one easy unused macguffin that could be reused as a way to grant him cryomancy: Dragon Medallion. It can be repurposed in the new timeline to give one man cryomancy power.
I personally think that it could be Hanzo. It hasn't been established what his abilities are in this timeline, and he's going to take some sort of mantle, so ultimately flipping who has what identity would be an interesting way to go.
Of course, I overall think Netherrealm should have gone further with things. If the different characters have the mantles, then the characters should fight differently. For instance, Kuai Liang had long been established as using Shotokan Karate and Southern Dragon Kung Fu. As Scorpion, he should have been using these moves, since that's just what he does. On that note, Bi Han was established to fight using Monkey Kung Fu, though sadly only as Noob Saibot and limitations of MK9 would have made sure he wouldn't have been playing the same as that as Sub-Zero (but this is a new timeline, so things can be different). And on to Hanzo: he's the one who uses Ninjutsu, Hapkido, and Moi Fah. It could have been interesting to see them hold off on those, so they could have him take up the Sub-Zero mantle and have that character use those fighting styles. Instead, it's more like each mantle comes with not only its particular powerset associated with it, but also it changes one's very martial arts, which makes less sense.
What if Kuai Liang’s original codename was Hydro instead of Tundra? That way, he wouldn’t be too much like Sub Zero until he takes the Sub Zero mantle after his older brother Bi Han dies and comes back as Noob Saibot.
ОтветитьOf course, I’ve already subbed to your channel, I love your work here Cal!
ОтветитьI can Bi-Han having a competition where he has a bunch of Cryomancers fight to the death and the last one standing becomes the new Sub-Zero.
Also, it would've been cool to have Hydro as the new Sub-Zero and Takeda be the new Scorpion.
It would only make sense that Hanzo would come back and be the new sub zero
Ответитьmaybe if kuai liang continue as scorpion maybe hanzo hasashi will become sub zero or if kuai liang become sub zero and hanzo hasashi will become scorpion which one these option would be best ?.
ОтветитьHydra would definitely be a dope, fresh take on everything
ОтветитьWhat about sektor had a secret son for bi han and that child becomes the new sub zero
ОтветитьIn comics was one more cryomancer - Ice. But I think he won't appear in the canon
ОтветитьHydro 😮 sounds like he'd make the most sense maybe help make Frost his protegé
ОтветитьNoob Saibot, with his selfishness and obsession with perfection, will turn against Sektor and the Lin Kuei. Then, somehow, the chaos magic will leave from Bi-Han and will be a separate entity from Bi-Han.
ОтветитьI know I may get a little bit back lash. But I kinda agree with the first comment. The only thing I was switch is that Hi, Joe has more of a chance to become the new Sub-Zero. He's already water adding ice to his fighting style will make him even more deadly On top of that, she can race and temperature of water, making it boil. For those reasons I think Hydro will be the best bet
ОтветитьSub zero is either gonna pull a Cyrax and Sektor and become a female, as in Frost, or perhaps its gonna be Hanzo
ОтветитьHanzo Would Be a great choices. His Version could create cold Flames that froze his enemies
ОтветитьHydro should be Kuai Liang and Sub Zero should be Bi Han. It could save us from having another male blue ninja, save us from having another new Sub Zero.