What type of permit is needed?
ОтветитьThanks for the video, I'm intending to build me a shop this year, prices are so crazy, but if I don't do it I'll never do it, I'm getting old.
ОтветитьWho did you buy your building from and what is there contact info
ОтветитьI'm also in SC, Upstate near Greenville and just beginning my research on what I want to do and who I want to go with. I haven't looked into permits yet, but one question is how close to my house and to the property line I can have one of these built if you know... I want to get the biggest one I can but I don't think I'll go to my town for permits until I've picked out what I really want to do. It looks great by the way !!!
ОтветитьThank you for sharing, I live in Augusta. What company did you go through to build your shop?
ОтветитьYa ho out side & cock it up. & seal the concrete
ОтветитьI would have thought they would use a sill seal of some sort even if the concrete was sloped away.
ОтветитьAs far as bang for the buck, these steel building seem really good. That is a pretty big structure for the money. I'm sure the convenience/practicality that it provides is huge.
ОтветитьRat ledge
ОтветитьMaybe I missed it...but who made this building?
Ответитьhow much was the cement.
ОтветитьI wouldn't waist my money on a cheap building like that. Sorry don't mean to knock what you have but I would much rather have a pole barn garage. That thing you have isn't but a step up from a sears storage shed. 1 piece plastic doors ..LOL One good storm and you'll be picking that thing up in pieces down the road.
ОтветитьThanks. I m looking for something this size. But now u got me thinking of bigger one
ОтветитьIs there a condensation on the interior ceilings and walls?
Ответитьwhat brand or company did you use?
ОтветитьWas it like $15000 included the Cement base ?
ОтветитьNo gutters along the front side with doors? You are going to get water. Put on the gutters
ОтветитьDid they put down the weather barrier between the concrete and the base frame? If not need to go all the way around the base at metal frame to concrete slab and put a all weather silicon sealant. Permatex 81158 Black Silicone Adhesive Sealant
ОтветитьBought a place in SW Georgia a year ago with a 900 sq ft garage from Alan's. Looks just like yours. I had to caulk the sill and all window openings, added 2" spray foam to ceilings and walls, added a Mr Cool system and had to add double wall polycarbonate "shutters" to the inside of the aluminum frame single pane windows because the condensation on them was horrendous. Then removed the crappy roll up garage door and installed an expensive insulated and sealed garage door. Spray foam also covers all the support channel so there is no condensation anywhere inside. Now my wood shop is super comfy all year. I do still have a floor leak in one spot that I need to re-caulk.
ОтветитьDid you built yourself? Or erected by a company! I can see the bare metal structure inside...
ОтветитьWhats it cost for the foundation?
ОтветитьThank you for the video, so How much did it cost for everything, like the concrete and piping and permits, etc like what was the total cost around?
ОтветитьI have a 25×24 and It does the same thing plus I got the bubble wrap to stop sweating had the building almost a year and has only sweated once
Ответитьit's might also be condensation from inside/outside, dry/humidity, water marks. since the building isn't breathing much.
ОтветитьHey, what company you use to build your garage?
Ответитьdoes that type of insulation and you probably don't have it climate controlled yet, but have you inquired on rather that kind will be decent as compared to regular home insulation?
ОтветитьShould've done a drip edge
Ответитьit's an erector set.
ОтветитьYour slab should be same height or higher than your exterior sidewalk
ОтветитьThis is cool video its interesting because I want a steel home some day and have hold ups about costs its emotional and gotta stay strong.
ОтветитьA foundation moisture barrier should have been put down first. There is a foam type for wet area that might work after the fact.
ОтветитьShould have put runber membrane so metal doesn't contact concrete. Seal outside edges silicon. Metal wont rust as fast with rubber ay the concrete
ОтветитьI know this is an old video. We got a Quality sreel building from North Carolina they came up to NY and put the building up for us on our concrete pad and they put a foam strip under the building and when it snowed or rained it would be damp about a foot inside the building all the way around it and went on for 2 years we tried silicone didn't work we ended up jacking building up and putting down sill seal and pressure treated 2x4s around and then another layer of sill seal and fastened the building down on top of the pressure treated wood with long concrete anchors and we have not had a moisture problem since.
ОтветитьHow much of a difference does the insulation make? I had a 20x20 in South Carolina at my other home, but i didnt pay for insulation.
ОтветитьHey just curious, what was your solution? Also in SC as well. Getting one built in a few months. Love the video.
ОтветитьYou need a good flex caulk which there are lots of them and your water problems will be gone
ОтветитьLeffler Ramp
Ответитьyou need a wwep screed bead and better shingle lapped waterproofing between layers from inside to out
ОтветитьCheap building when you buy cheap you get cheap , that's why we put real buildings, red iron, we insulate as we sheet, sealant between base angle nonskinng sealant under doir sill
ОтветитьUse "MP1 caulk" it's the best, many colors. It never hardens-up, drys or cracks. Never...
ОтветитьOverhanging roof (if an option for this model) and extended sloped concrete pad around the entire structure would mostly eliminate that water intrusion issue and decrease dirt splatter on the bottom of the building's exterior walls. I would spray foam the interior to prevent interior condensation. Otherwise, great value for the interior space.
ОтветитьWhat as you cost in concrete?
ОтветитьI would recommend you seal your concrete. I would use a penetrating sealer with low sheen so when it rains you will not have a slippery slab.
ОтветитьGreat Video 🎉 I'm building my shop this year and will probably need to have two of these. Is everything else good with them? Any condensation happening in the summer? Thanks a bunch.
ОтветитьPro tip, suggest referring to slab as "concrete" and not "cement". Cement, (portland cement) is just one ingredient in concrete.
ОтветитьThe roll up doors are not good at all,you could have gotten better doors, never accept the roll up doors that come with these buildings they are very crappy, you'll find that out in due time, trust me!
If it were me I would have built it myself!
I'm also building the same size building, with the same 2 garage doors and 1 human door. Also in South Carolina. I'm glad i found your video. Did you buy the insulation foam from the metal folks or did you install it afterwards? How did you get the electrical panel inside the building? Pre-lay a PVC pipe prior to pouring the slab?
ОтветитьWould you recommend or not converting a steel building into living space? Like adding a bedroom?