SFSS Council Meeting 2020-12-16

SFSS Council Meeting 2020-12-16


3 года назад

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@bethanieknapp1467 - 19.12.2020 20:30

So there is bunch of kids talking about supporting lawnessness? these guys need to be voted out

@mokolocomadafaka - 19.12.2020 21:41

Did the councilors know the meeting is being recorded? Yet with all the evidence, they are still promoting victimized culture?

Open your eyes to the truth and reconsider your positions on the topic. You are supporting someone who is criminally charged now. You are supporting people who spread misinformation and put our community through unnecessary stress and unrest.

Councilors who say someone can't talk on the topic because they are non-black, well you are (LEGALLY) wrong. As representatives of the society, all councilors are allowed to talk about any topic, without exclusion. Your move to shut up other ethnicities on the issue is the most racist thing I have ever seen at SFU.

I understand it is hard to admit when you are wrong, but you need to stop and fix the damages.

@stephaniemunez1265 - 20.12.2020 17:56

Has everyone on the Council and Board been presented with the full evidence? Why are they so blind and not willing to modify their statements?

@nathanx5396 - 23.12.2020 02:57

Hi SFSS, just wonder if you you can make some comment about the chokehold placed on the police officer.
