testing madison reed hair color kits (an honest review)

testing madison reed hair color kits (an honest review)

Brittnee Alexus

4 месяца назад

25,612 Просмотров

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@samanthazeiler2020 - 09.10.2024 00:08

Can anyone answer this.. is it okay to mix two different color and brands of hair dye to get the color you want or is it dangerous

@nonnashere9811 - 09.10.2024 02:01

Please continue to keep us updated on your health. I care. And I continue to send up prayers for you of good health and healing. Love your videos.

@Mrssarandy - 09.10.2024 02:40

I just love you!!

@pobstrel - 09.10.2024 16:23

Wow I have never seen a hair colouring kit with so much packaging. One box would have been enough to hold it all!

@gamergirlmars - 10.10.2024 03:40

BRB!! I'm hitting up the Dark Net so I can arrange to sell one of my kidney's so I can afford myself a nice box of $34.00 Madison Reed box dye!!

@princesantanagold - 10.10.2024 06:45

How Henry doing????

@akneemoose3383 - 10.10.2024 07:04

Someone subscribe so we are at 200k. 🎉❤ glad you are OK 😮. We love you

@artsbyana - 10.10.2024 22:40

Hey Brittnee! Love your videos! Do you have any tips on how to regain lost hair after pregnancy? Or boost hair growth? My hair was always thin and it got even thinner postpartum. I’m not sure what to do😭

@lifeseaker - 11.10.2024 16:13

You make be laugh. I love your videos. Sending healing vibes your way.

@lavajones68 - 11.10.2024 20:54

Just found you and find you to be the loveliest young lady. Will be a joy to add you to my subscriptions. I enjoy watching reviews for hair. Being a hairdresser I get many questions about dupes. Thank you

@pattybotmill8744 - 12.10.2024 19:21

I haven’t died my hair for probably 11 years. I would need to do all over dye and the goal is to cover grey and stay close to my natural hair color. Which most people think is black but it’s actually extremely dark brown. Anyway, I’ve used dye from Sally’s before but not for the purpose of covering grey. What would you suggest I get from Sally’s for that purpose?

@suzyq1405 - 13.10.2024 00:21

Love the end result - gorgeous!❤

@natalieday4008 - 13.10.2024 05:15

Love it! Very cool calm down natural looking. Very cutesy 🤗

@GodisGreat-p2s - 13.10.2024 16:22

Going for my biopsy on the right side tomorrow. So
Nervous. Glad your results came back good.❤

@Aphrodite01 - 14.10.2024 13:17

You look like graveyard girl

@tammyfese3108 - 14.10.2024 18:12

I really liked the color it turned out to be. Also sending prayers and hugs to you. Keep the faith it's going to be ok. ❤❤

@blancheevans7847 - 14.10.2024 19:53

Hi BrittneyI am so happy for you for your good news I will keep praying for you and I love your hair color. Your hair looks so silky and shiny. Say hi to your car Blanche

@justjappy1974 - 15.10.2024 17:08

Congratulations!🎉 200K subs!

@laurajanedunlap - 15.10.2024 23:55

YOU ARE SUCH A DELIGHT!!! Currently watching your hair videos on repeat trying to get my dark, with a lot of natural gray hair, to a silver gray with a shadow root.
Thanks so much for the informative yet entertaining content!

@valerieconnery2781 - 17.10.2024 09:05

I low key want to be your best friend. You have SUCH good advice and SO many good tips.

@sassyann27 - 17.10.2024 18:15

Your lightheartedness gives me the confidence to go for foils. I’m always just trying to breakup my roots which are only one level darker from my length and it never goes right…salon or at home. I always end up with an orange hat. Or they’re trying to charge $300+

@teamginger6359 - 20.10.2024 05:03

I think I'd rather go to Sally's & mix the color myself; although, I've never tried Madison Reed. About your biopsy. Things so often clear up on their own! That happened to me! I love your videos. I look forward to learning more from you about blending grays yourself. Thank you!

@lynndubai4984 - 21.10.2024 05:49

Hi everyone. I have used this hair dye and really like the color and how healthy my hair looks but I can’t get it to totally cover my grey hairs. Does anyone have this issue?

@trivetsanddecor - 23.10.2024 07:33

Love your outlook of life!

@katiehenry7 - 31.10.2024 12:24

Im glad for the good update! I'm hoping it continues to go well. ❤

@ADHDlikeme - 04.11.2024 17:48

I would LOVE if you made a review for the Ice Cream hair dyes and developers as I would love to dye my hair, but have very short and shaved hair, and it’s a waste of product to keep using the dye boxes. I’d love to try out the Ice Cream brand but not sure what developer to use for medium blonde hair. 🤔 I trust your judgement! ❤

@azhotmom - 07.11.2024 23:35

"Welcome to my bathroom..."

She's funny! 🤣

@Pt-w9u - 09.11.2024 03:04

I finally decided to let my hair color grow out took a years best decision now I have salt and pepper hair love no more slaving to color my every two weeks.

@CA-lf7jt - 11.11.2024 03:05

You’re awesome! I’m trying it again after a horrible experience. Years ago I bought 6 n to do roots had existing highlights . I protected them w heavy conditioner- rinsed roots as I’ve done for years w many other brands also 6 n. Washed hair. Allll highlights turned green!!! I could only figure it had a high level of blue ( ash?) undertones when they formulated it for me? Yellow ( highlights) and the blue and ugh.

@CA-lf7jt - 11.11.2024 03:31

Well I rinsed this out and a few strands did fall
Out( 6.5nna) on a very small swatch- and it also after 45 min did not cover grays well even w that 6nn in there

@daniebeth - 17.11.2024 09:36

Omg I didn’t know Madison Reed was at Wal Mart now. I did have a subscription with them for a small time but had to cancel it. I’ve used it twice and I did like it, my hair was soft. Again I didn’t use it long term though.

@EMC1986Hobi - 19.11.2024 06:50

Every time Ulta has this brand on sale I stock up.

@HealthywithAmy - 20.11.2024 01:53

Wow, $32 dollars is a lot😃👋

@hfrt29 - 20.11.2024 21:13

So why would you want to use it if there's a lawsuit? Now I'm going to have to look that up😂

@hfrt29 - 20.11.2024 21:15

Yeaaaa,a big fat NO

@Heidi-Beth - 24.11.2024 00:19

Brittnee, i hope you read this. My hair has red cast to it from a hair dye my old hairdresser did, and it has been a year since any color has been put on it. My question is, what can I do to it to make my color better? My natural color is the color of your roots. I need help. My hair needs a hair lift.😅🙏

@GwenMotoGirl - 03.01.2025 18:57

Sending love and hugs to you for good health. I love your outlook.

@krisc8358 - 07.01.2025 20:23

First video i have watched and your humor is off the charts! Thanks for making me smile i enjoyed the video! Can relate to days i used to work for $5 hour and creepy men at salons!

@tomatomodel01 - 12.01.2025 20:34

Lol I'm obsessed with you. When you were quoting your old boss lol I was literally dying 😂

@barbaraschallick6584 - 15.01.2025 01:58

I use this hair color now 8 years, only changed my color one time, other wise, stays the same, 10 NA Roma Blonde, it must be translucent because my high lights and low lights come through, just do my roots, I also use the Shine ,Clear every other time, it really puts shine in my hair which is hard being blonde, it freaked my out when you said law suits about hair falling out, hope they got that taken care of,no problems here, so just thought I would throw out my experience and say it has been good for me like I said 8 years now🙂

@mariannescarfe6836 - 27.01.2025 10:37


@shawnamansfield4510 - 28.01.2025 18:28

😂😂 you had me cracking up, thank you for the tutorial and comedy at the same time!

@traciehart411 - 01.02.2025 06:42

Hi! I loved your video and your personality even more so. 😅 😊. I’m doing as much research as I can on my own to start demi dying my hair on my own. I currently get my hair demi dyed at my hair salon for $85 each visit. So $35 sounds like a steal for me. The one time use for the whole box (all over coverage) is exactly what I get at the salon, but like I said for $85. You’ve sold me on trying this.

@TeriJackson-m4y - 09.02.2025 18:06

I used this during COVID and really liked it, seemed much nicer than the “usual” box dye. SO happy back at the salon

@piercingtheveil40 - 11.02.2025 17:20

I’ve been using this a very long time in dark med brown to cover grey it’s nice. My favorite. No hairs falling out! I do hate the price but it has zero smell it covers better than Clairol and packaging is pretty luxurious but creates a lot of trash. Can I use the Madison balayage over dark brown dye? My grey is getting to be too obvious with dark brown I want to lighten my hair 95% of the time I only dye my roots and not the ends. Will I look ok if I do my own balayage at home?

@piercingtheveil40 - 11.02.2025 18:14

I’m praying for your perfect health! You are in perfect health.❤

@TracyD2 - 18.02.2025 12:03

I love this hair color line. It doesn’t damage my long hair it’s shiny and it lasts long. PLUS I’m allergic to PPD and those other ones I can’t spell and this omits those chemicals. Only issue is if you were use a dark shade it will look too blackish. Healthy and shiny but not the dark chocolate I was going for. So I sized up.

@BrittneeAlexus - 06.10.2024 20:05

Happy Sunday!!! I will not be here (on this channel) next Sunday. I need the extra time to film a tournament my kids are bowling in (YEEHAW!). I will be back the following Sunday with a really fun spooky video! However, I will have a video on my cooking channel (maybe Monday- possibly Tuesday?), and on Friday, a toner video will be up on my hair channel. Have a wonderful week and don't forget to drink your water!!!
