RUSE Operation Pincer Movement Walkthrough - Tips Tricks Hints

RUSE Operation Pincer Movement Walkthrough - Tips Tricks Hints


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@RemnantsOfBeauty - 12.10.2010 11:46

See this is what annoys me about the game... you have to resort to rushing in to take their bases. It's not how the game should have to be played. They should implement a "no rush" mode where you have 10 minutes to set up your attack/defenses before you're allowed to attack

@AlejandroMartinezVelasco - 12.10.2010 12:48

I do It the other way round, I had more trouble with the germans than with the Italians. However once I have destroyed the germans I give some time to the italians so they can build up and I can kill those 5 recon units you need for the secondary objective.

@THEREDDRAGON - 12.10.2010 16:05

@RemnantsOfBeauty The next video I have is where you must defend an area for several mins and build up your defenses.

@dc039 - 12.10.2010 19:52

Nice walkthrough. How would you rate the replayability of this game, not counting online multiplayer?

@RemnantsOfBeauty - 12.10.2010 21:24

@TWTHEREDDRAGON Fair enough, but i still think the dev's made a mistake when the only way to win is by rushing in.... They should atleast make taking enemy buildins harder, have the soldiers take 30seconds/1minute to take over a building instead of just walking straight in.

@Bartoszek22 - 05.11.2010 04:23

Why havent u posted operation Kharkov??

@THEREDDRAGON - 05.11.2010 04:36

@Bartoszek22 I'll try and get them uploaded...Ruse didn't take off like I hoped it would...Great game but just didn't sell enough copies to have a very active community...these are some of my least popular videos so I tried to move on to projects more people were interested in

@Bartoszek22 - 05.11.2010 13:15

@TWTHEREDDRAGON Ok that would b nice cos im having problems with this one,thanks buddy

@AKKUPATI - 26.02.2011 20:50

@gingerchris99 No, only PC:(

@MrFINGERLICIOUS - 29.01.2012 01:55

thanks reddragon it took me 9:27 i just pumped out infantry and took all the bases please make more ruse vids

@mlm74799 - 01.05.2012 02:39

still you making it very good and i find it very useful and easy to understand =) thank you for such a good uploade!

@TheFlarpter - 27.07.2012 09:42

im a kid and im level 32

@VerilyCandid - 29.07.2012 12:39

I think I broke the subscription button :/

@hunterb89 - 30.08.2012 11:57


@lingling49 - 12.07.2019 12:56

I'm Level 100 but havent played in like 15 years so this helped! thanks!
