ОтветитьVery interested in a history of tyr video and his times in other lands
ОтветитьI tried to get through this, but your voice sucks! Sorry man
ОтветитьI thought in Ragnarok Odin implied that he went blind in that eye by peering into the rift without the mask on.
ОтветитьHistory of Thor !!
ОтветитьWhyd they change odins design last minute though...
ОтветитьPandora's box corrupted The Greek Pantheons. Zeus got jealous and became an evil for it. Odin was evil, ruthless, manipulative without anything.
ОтветитьHammers don't rip and tear. They crush and pulverize
ОтветитьRefresh my memory, what’s the song name for both intro and outro
ОтветитьZeus is stronger than Odin but Odin is much smarter
ОтветитьDidn't see the twist coming from Odin shit hit me like a ton of bricks
My buddy showed me something interesting though when you have subtitles on and he talks very subtle and if you do notice you'll likely forget soon after
Undoubtedly the most well written and genuine villain in the Norse games....I like how he was always a manipulating knowledge seeker who would kill anyone and anything to find out what happens personal fav villain along with baldur from gow2018.
ОтветитьI love how the first time we see him outside of the house, he looks so menacing and cements himself as the biggest boss in the series but when he steps inside, he looks frail and harmless. Goes to show you how lighting alone can tell a story without the use of words.
ОтветитьHe is forever the All-Fucker. Word to Brokk.
Ответитьdamn, you explained this very very well.
ОтветитьImagine brok comes back with all 4 parts of his soul
ОтветитьBut what happened to him? Did his soul get erased? Or did he go to the higher plain of existence like Athena go?
ОтветитьAre you sure it was Mimir's spiked well that made Odin lose his eye? Cause Odin said so himself that it was looking through the reality crack without the mask that took his eye, and he stopped Atreus from looking into the crack and showed his missing eye as a result?
ОтветитьWish atreus took a peak
ОтветитьHe reminds me of Dutch van der linde from RDR. He even believed his own lies.
ОтветитьOdin is a lot like Palpatine
Ответитьisnt odin's father bor? lol
ОтветитьThe All-Father was nothing more than an All-Manipulative Lying Deceiving Abusing Scheming Piece of Shit that should've suffered more before he died.
He officially became one of my most hated characters in video game history for killing Brok alone and making Sindri cry.
I forgot how Kratos ended up in the 9 realms
ОтветитьI really liked how he was portrayed in the game. He was a manipulator through and through, even making me trust him a bit. When I first saw him I was like, “this is Odin?” I thought Odin was weak, which is exactly what he was going for.
ОтветитьBruh ymir scales to all the primordials at once in the Greek pantheon. That’s s crazy. Even crazier that Odin easily scales to him and Kratos freya and Atreus struggle against him
ОтветитьGreat video 📹
ОтветитьCould Kratos defeat odin 1v1? I think not, however Kratos with the weapons of multiple God's pretty much single handedly defeat Zeus. Is Odin stronger than Zeus?
ОтветитьThe whole thing with the well got retconned apparently cause in ragnarok Odin apparently lost his eye from trying to look into the crack
ОтветитьOdin may be the chief of the Aesir, ever questing for knowledge... I like how Santa Monica explored just how high a body count, and how low a person's sanity, could climb in pursuit of knowledge. It was interesting to see Loki and Odin's "blood brothers" relationship from the myths played out as "fellow scholars, despite their differing intentions". In either case, I remember Odin forgave Loki all his mistakes and dangerous mischief because of the challenges he presented to the All Father, the new ways of thinking and clever plots Loki crafted to get the Aesir out of many dire straits. Asgard's Wall, "Freya's Unusual Wedding", and the creation of Draupnir and Gungnir (among other gifts) are but some of the myths where Loki gets ultimate credit for making sure the Aesir are secure in their rule... only Santa Monica rearranged them a little to showcase the Aesir's predilection for deceit, bloodshed, and belligerence.
With Marvel's version of Loki being the one most people think of when they hear "trickster god" or "silver tongued liar", maybe "bringer of death", they forget that all of these titles can/have been applied to Odin mythology. I knew from when he walked into Kratos' house, he was looking for a fight, anticipating the destruction to come, keen to weave elaborate games of deception for players to unravel (or fall into). I knew the Noose with runes on it for EXACTLY what it was when Freya and Kratos found it; it is the reason why Odin is considered a DEATH god, among other kinds of god he is, since he sacrificed himself (to Yggdrasil and to himself) in pursuit of knowledge. This could be seen as either "creative and unusual punishment" or "desperation for knowledge that supersedes any living being"; Santa Monica brought BOTH aspects to their Odin's cruelty. I hate him, I admire him, I knew to NEVER trust him when I first saw him. What a marvelous villain!
What happened to odins other brothers
ОтветитьOdin is exactly the god we needed after the Greek Saga. Zeus was awesome, but making a repeat character would only make a worse Zeus. Zeus is force of nature that is tremendous powerhouse of strength. Odin is a deceitful master tactician whos strength lays in knowledge and intelligence. A master manipulator who makes you and your friends doubt themselves and strike at the perfect timing. Odin fooled everyone in the room and instigated chaos from within without most people questioning it. The only person that noticed "Tyr" being weird was Brok. He lives by gut feeling without questioning it and that approach was the only approach immune to Odin's Deception. Brok was the only one who put a halt to Odin's nearly perfect plan, and its even more poetic that draupnier spear that he blessed was the thing to catch the mask. The only reason why his near perfect getaway fell apart was a dwarf he considered insignificant.
ОтветитьSo many people say that the Greek gods are ways more powerful than the Norse but you have to look at their magic manipulation - Especially with Odin!
P.s We definitely need the Egyptian Gods next. It's going to be wicked!
Whatever happened to Odin's brothers?
Ответить happened to his brothers?
ОтветитьGreat watch, best of luck to your channel mate
ОтветитьWow bro. What an amazing, well versed video. You really summarized everything and made it understandable. Appreciate your hard work into this man thank you so much.
ОтветитьOn the Valhalla DLC and now on more inspection on the Atreus and Thor mission Niflheim you see on the murals the story and its actually pretty much like myth, u see the cow, Odin and his brothers , the sword of Surtr. Pretty cool since you are the only one that has dived in the lore for this game .
ОтветитьOne thing you forgot to mention besides Odin having the 4 childrens he also had Hodder the Blind God and He is Baldur's twin brother,Ullr The adventurous The God of Hunting and also He is the Thor's Stepson and Odin had it too Njord The God of the Seas and Leader of the Vanir Gods and he is Freyr and Freya's father and Odin also had Bragi the God of art & music married to his wife Idunn the goddess of youth They were all there the day Freyr was burned alive and they exist in this universe only mentioned but have not appeared yet.. as well as Forseti,Hela,Vidar,Vali and finally Hermod The others childrens and Grandchildrens of Odin the all father
and also Odin besides having yours crows he also has his wolves and his horse Sleipnir just as Freyr has his boar Gullinbursti and Thor has his goats and There's a new information in the Valhalla dlc about Odin and his relationship with Valhalla and the Valkyrie Make an updated video about his story 🤔😁👍 like and Bye!
When kratos first comes up in the video I jumped up and cheered
ОтветитьDamn, Odin in the games was much like Joseph Stalin
ОтветитьIt’s later revealed that Odin lied about creating Valhalla
ОтветитьJust finished the main game(and 2018) and Valhalla, I fell in love with God of War all over again. Subscribed and favorited this playlist 💜💜 I love this Odin so much and this is a great video 🎉🎉 thank you 💜🙏🏼
ОтветитьBRO background voice sooo disturbing !
ОтветитьIsn’t funny how no one never mentioned that Atreus has the same green eyes Odin has
They might be related
There goes plot twist
Odin wasn’t a man, he was a primordial Demi-god, so powerful he could create realms, but he could die, and he was trying to prevent it at any cost.