The Evergreen State College continues to collapse and spiral down.  Prospective students be warned

The Evergreen State College continues to collapse and spiral down. Prospective students be warned

We The Governed

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@uscgalpha91 - 13.06.2022 20:30

Junk education with Junk facualty

@paulross9287 - 13.06.2022 22:15

The obvious career move is to get a degree in Public Administration from Evergreen, then get a job in Administration there.

@markstrong4017 - 15.06.2022 00:04

Any company that hires an Evergreen graduate deserves everything they get.

@x0j - 20.06.2022 16:29

why is the next video "Active Shooter Preparedness Webinar"? God damn glowies

@frze5645 - 23.06.2022 09:10

This WOKE college now has fewer teachers and less capable teachers but one great benefit is that they have 4 janitors reloading the toilet roll holders 24 hours a day... and they are all black/gay/lesbian. Say no more.

@robertburke1486 - 27.06.2022 23:33

It is encouraging to see that this school is swiftly collapsing.

@CHINESEHITLER69 - 10.07.2022 22:57

Is the gauze in the apartment

@leaveou2597 - 15.07.2022 06:39

Glad they are collapsing!!! Go Woke - Go Broke!

@johnteves2231 - 18.07.2022 02:46

They can fix the problem by expelling troublemakers.

@tfustudios - 22.07.2022 04:40

Someone needs to write a horror novel about Evergreen

@kellensarien9039 - 28.07.2022 01:52

A few years ago (before all the troubles), I was a lab instructor at another college. One of my students had spent a couple of years at Evergreen and was used to that no-grades culture. She was very smart and was a good student, but just the thought of being evaluated for her work, receiving a percent score or a letter grade, was more stress than she could handle. She was on tilt and undone by anxiety whenever she had to put it on the line, sometimes bursting into tears.

@jesseschouviller5742 - 20.08.2022 00:44

Funny how a school with a majority of white students as the populous wants to boot white people off campus...Funny thing is that a very high percentage of the students attending evergreen are all rich WHITE kids from other parts of the country and the world. In my teens, I used to sell pot to these brats back in the 90's and would attend some parties. And I had many conversations, political and non-political, and got to know a good handful of them. Some were actually genuine people who could actually think for themselves and could hold a good conversation / argument. However, the majority of them, especially between the ages of 18-21, are just pure phony with a social gimmick. They hate the USA, they hate capitalism. Which is pure irony in the sense that their rich daddy made his money that they live off of with capitalism!! LMAO 😂 They have absolutely no idea what it's like to actually work for a living, and no understanding of reality. They have been coddled and kept their whole lives. I'm sorry, but his school deserves to fall. It's like a Baptist school for he left. Its sending people into the world unprepared and indoctrinated with very skewed ideologies.
Thank you, again, Glen, for dedicating time for these documentaries. We all, left and right, appreciate the content you present and how you present it. Keep up the good work!

@nikkid4890 - 13.09.2022 13:10

'Go woke, go broke' in action again. Critical Race Theory is pathologically toxic

@lu-vly - 21.09.2022 08:52

Still cant believe those marxists took over that school in 2017. When asked which pacific northwest colleges do you recimmend, I just say "just avoid Evergreen State College".

@jkbish1 - 27.09.2022 22:21

I want a job where I do nothing and get high pay. Where do I sign up? BTW I would want to "work" from home.

@dariuscurry7396 - 18.10.2022 17:18

I will gladly hire a random Meth addict before I hire someone from this dump!

@jkbish1 - 24.10.2022 04:39

I love the campus. but
I am reminded of the quote
"Any jackass can kick a barn down, but it takes a carpenter to build one."

Sam Rayburn

@joaodocirco - 02.11.2022 17:44

this is not extreme left wing ideology, it has nothing to do with extreme left wing movements in the western world that occured in the modern age like the guerrilha groups IRA, FARC and others. This identatery theory movement was created in the USA about 40 years ago and it helped to eliminate all the marxist's groups in the civil rights movement, putting the opression structure only focused on race insted of the economical opressed structure focused on the "added value". For me as a civil right militant in Brazil for a long time, Left wing identaty policys movements in the USA has never been an good example how the Left help build a much more humanized capitalism in the western world.

@controlledburst - 08.11.2022 17:15

Evergreen was a nursery for toddlers in legally adult bodies who have the capacity for reason, but exercising their free will ("You're not the boss of me") choose not to indulge. There isn't yet a titular pronoun for those who don't otherwise fall into the congenitally handicapped category. Evergreen is EXACTLY what you get when you leave a roomful of toddlers alone, unsupervised. Hmm, Lord of the Flies comes to mind.

@magalie8628 - 09.11.2022 04:04

I hope she will close as soon as possible.

@TheInfamousHoreldo - 19.11.2022 23:08

*international attention

Please, please confirm this isn't happening at the others. Breaks my heart to see these young people radicalised

Makes me nervous to see this stuff in the leading superpower and our greatest ally

@Rob-uu1ic - 16.12.2022 23:56

Go woke, Go Broke.

@maxxwellbeing9449 - 04.01.2023 07:26

How ashamed would you be if these were your children? Pure woke madness. I wouldn’t hire a soul that came out of that woke hole. Pure madness.

@grandpathompson3329 - 11.01.2023 10:53

Rantings of a right wing nut job, the quintessential dog whistle blowing, assault gun loving, conspiracy theory lover of the worst ilk. White supremacist bullshit!

Oct. 15, 2022—The Evergreen State College's Board of Trustees had plenty to celebrate Friday when board members learned that new fall undergraduate enrollment rose 17 percent over last fall, finally reversing several years of declines.

@FloriaG777 - 13.01.2023 16:21

I am a 2001 alumnus and am extremely proud to be a part of this educational community. The education I received continues to impact my perspectives and how I choose to live my life. Absolutely, education on racism, inequalities, social justice, and responsibility are key factors that require action if those systems are to improve. It is unfortunate that a narrative continues to persist that these are negative factors. This video is a complete joke. I had no problem getting into graduate school with the comprehensive evaluation system that replaces the typical grading system. My transcripts from TESC provide a much greater picture through the use of a narrative format that details my individual successes and learning. While significantly less rewarding, I had no difficulty transitioning back into a typical grading system, as evident by my 3.9 GPA. Overall, enrollment for most higher education institutions is declining, including TESC. If you are looking for a well-rounded education that fosters critical thinking skills and creativity, then I highly recommend this outstanding college.

@robertmcnamara129 - 17.01.2023 21:46

My son is my most valuable resource and there is no way I would expose him to anything remotely like what goes on at Evergreen college. I can't imagine a parent that ever would.

@madladwhosvlad16 - 24.01.2023 10:33

Well, even without the video (which it is very informative of the shitshow “college”, I really appreciate the updated version of what’s going on at daycare for manchilds) it’ acceptance rate is about 98%, all you have to do to be accepted would ether be black or change your hair tone and identify as some sort of gender as long as your are not a boy originally and if you are not a heterosexual 🤣 🤣

@yourneologism - 25.01.2023 09:42

How awful!

@michaelcap9550 - 14.03.2023 04:32

Go Woke, Go Broke.

@nickcazares2851 - 26.03.2023 21:38


@nickcazares2851 - 26.03.2023 21:41

Reduction is staff was due to their lack of CIA credentials.

In other words, the college is a CIA camp.
Same for most university campuses world wide. United Nations mandates.
Gender.Man.Dates 😆

@hellogoodbye4061 - 01.04.2023 16:34

You can bet the farm that a good chunk of those new administrators are part of their newly formed "DEI office"

@youtubehatesus2651 - 04.04.2023 02:35

I watched the whole take over daily as it was happening.

@lordElpus10 - 09.04.2023 14:29

Evergreen house of horrors.

@procreation100 - 09.04.2023 17:29

Good to see, hope it folds

@isabelle9773 - 18.05.2023 21:49

This video is biased. Hear me out: I had severe undiagnosed ADHD + executive functioning issues my whole life up until middle of my first semester at another university. I was trying so hard to keep up with the work but it felt endless, like a drowning person trying to stay afloat. Even when i was prescribed Vyvanse, i couldn’t keep up with 3 classes a day 5 days a week + homework on top of all of that. One time i spent five hours trying to write an essay in the library (i’m more of a math person haha). I realized no medication could make me succeed at a school made for neurotypical people. I did extensive research on schools that are great for neurodivergent folks like me and found evergreen. Its funny, I’ve always told people that i was going to live in washington since i was like 14 lol. I am a hands on learner and am enrolled in a science program where we go to the ocean, collect water samples and analyze. We’re also going to help remove dams that are blocking salmon from entering the river, because the native people who live there rely on that for food. Instead of writing a few notes down and listen to a professor talk for 90min straight. I actually really like their grading system, it motivates you to actually participate and do well because the professor is going to write down a report of what you were like, Instead of cramming a bunch of knowledge for a test to try to get an “A” and then forget everything a a week later. The general public loves to shit on evergreen, but honestly its a real diamond in the rough. The people were so friendly, regardless of what either one of us looked like because that does not matter!! The people at my old school were standoffish and cliquey. And yes ive seen all of the news clips. They took it too far with that professor, and we’ve grown and moved on from it. But how about all the r*pe cases at big universities hm? Especially the frats! (I was in a sorority i’ve heard it all) Which is WAYY problematic and we let them get away with it every year. A sorority girl at my old school was found dead in her bed recently. So if we’re gonna shit on a tiny college because we don’t fit the typical cookie cutter college, lets hold other schools accountable too! Evergreen gives neurodivergent people a chance at college, because A LOT end up dropping because its too much.

@tomsanders5584 - 12.07.2023 01:48

Let's not forget one of Evergreen's most famous (or infamous) alma mater, Rachel Corrie, aka "Saint Pancake".

@Caitanyadasa108 - 15.07.2023 18:50

Cut all State and Federal funding and let the institution die since it's clearly worse than useless.

@ice-iu3vv - 22.09.2023 13:30

my impression has been that evergreen became a joke sometime after about 2012-13, but that it was a quality institution before that. is this fair, or is it your position that it was garbage considerably earlier?

@joernone - 26.11.2023 14:47

It's not a school. It's an institution.🤪

@datascientist4005 - 08.12.2023 21:26

These people that have exposed themselves as radicals and especially targeting white conservative males, have limited their career aspirations. No company wants to employ someone capable of vandalism and assault because of a disagreement in opinion. Why would anyone want to employ a person like that?

@jkbish1 - 20.12.2023 02:04

can i get a big pay job and do nothing?

@DaveZiffer - 06.01.2024 08:52

So happy to see that sensible people are respecting Everygreen's "Day of Absence" by being absent every day. May the trend continue!

@juliaperlowski5333 - 06.03.2024 03:26

Enrollment up 10% from last year to this. Love this school.

@brianbodge - 11.03.2024 07:02

Evergreen was the Manhatten project of wokeness and Bridges was their Oppenheimer ☢️💣

@phoebehill953 - 23.09.2024 00:46

This is the same college who sent a dozen students up Mount Rainier in a snowstorm, resulting in death and trauma.

@FoundLamb - 06.10.2024 20:15


@fastfreddy3103 - 08.10.2024 17:19

Bret and Heather

@johncartledge1114 - 30.11.2024 23:55

Bridges immediately folded to the toddlers and let them have the run of the daycare. This is waht resulted. Enforcing and implementing DEI and social justice policies will always make the leadership structure top-heavy. If you like the idea of open discourse this is not the place for you. It's a grreat place to attend if you aspire to Democratic politics. Beware, woke policy is on the decline as a potential future.
