Multifamily vs. Single Family Homes - Grant Cardone vs. Kris Krohn

Multifamily vs. Single Family Homes - Grant Cardone vs. Kris Krohn

Kris Krohn

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@Dave-rh1ry - 30.11.2019 18:33

Grant talks about a single family for a primary vs single fam investment vs multi. Its apples to oranges when he talks about it.
I dont view my primary as an investment. It's a liability. But I expected to hear SFR investing vs MF investing

@Cinsear - 03.12.2019 09:52

Grant cardone networth : 300 million

Kris krohn networth : unsearchable

@stefansly1990 - 20.12.2019 00:31

I agree with both of you. Have both your books. What I like about you though is I'm a little guy and your methods are just more realistic right now. Cardone does the big plays.

@nk768 - 23.12.2019 00:54

How about townhomes?

@Freeridin07 - 28.12.2019 04:51

Lol begs in the asket...

@DariusWelch - 04.01.2020 21:59

This whole video is invalid. Next time get on the phone with Uncle G and record it instead of MANIPULATING one of Grant videos just to look like you're right.

Grant is talking about owning multifamily properties compare to owning and living in single family property.

@MsOMGwtfnoOb - 06.01.2020 21:36

I like you your being realistic 76% of Americans living pay check pay check so single home is the way to go

@bvm437 - 09.01.2020 22:23

Grant Cardone has a lot of BS to sell.

@yonatanzenebe5931 - 01.03.2020 00:50

No one has ever heard of a Property Manager like cmon man you are saying it’s harder to maintain that’s why you hire a manager.

@greytlyf7031 - 04.04.2020 17:10

I think advantage of mfh is that if someone leaves there are still tenant that can pay so you wont freak out quickly unlike sfh if it becomes vacant you can freak out more because you will shoulder all the monthly.

@roolyfe - 06.04.2020 18:47

How many houses do you own?

@farrilandlyndadefoor3357 - 08.06.2020 07:15

I am interested
ested in the whole life insurance any idea who is best to contact.
I enjoy your videos

@alfred43211 - 05.07.2020 21:34

Cardone just want to get people to invest with him and make if and big if 4.5% NOI

@paulinlasvegas - 09.07.2020 20:06

You two are both great at what you do and I'm sure that both strategies work very well,. That's why I would love to see you do a live one on one interview that would probably clear up a lot of these questions.

@Moneyonmymind209 - 12.07.2020 11:57

Take it easy on the coke homie

@brandonwilliam5541 - 16.07.2020 10:39

Robert Kiyosaki

@Haddie1 - 30.07.2020 03:38

I do think a big part of it is your location. You cannot just look at what the "average everyday American" wants, you have to look more at what the demand in your area is.

@raheemtheinvestor - 21.08.2020 17:04

Too be completely honest KRIS IS a freaking genius him and “jerry norton” I get mostly false info from Grant a lot. Seems more disingenuous in his approach also.

@BrentonHanes - 09.09.2020 23:35

Going to have to disagree with you on several of you points. Having owned multi-family for 20 years and my family for 60 years, multi-family out performs single family. Its truly a more passive income stream that is more stable and can appreciate better. We own almost 900 units in Los Angeles. Single family does have some better benefits. Easier entry point is probably the biggest one. But once you get your systems dialed in and have enough equity, multi-family should be the end game. Loving the content.

@maamoonkhan - 22.09.2020 15:27

Kris i watched that grant show. And i agree to your points...

@dionmcneeley7859 - 29.10.2020 15:00

Great info. Thanks.

What has worked for me is a blend. Small multifamily.
Financial independence happened at 7 units but only roof 4 properties. I’m at 11 now with 5 properties and under contract for a triplex.
Same lending options as sfh but more doors, so scaling happens faster.

@RamaSivamani - 30.10.2020 00:36

What about things like duplexes or 4 plexes. I would assume they are not as complex as dealing with a large 16+ unit building but you also do have a little more protection against the binary nature of a single family where the building is only either 100% rented or 100% vacant.

@bigdaddyozone8574 - 04.11.2020 05:04

great points -

@marklagasse3263 - 17.11.2020 23:32

Does grant have a rebuttal?

@AlMontasar - 29.11.2020 19:51

not this or that .. we can say its depend in locationss

@malcomfetus1748 - 01.01.2021 03:23

Hello I am trying to understand what does it mean to have give a homeowner a lease and still make profit of it? Like are they renting it while they’re on a lease (just like an apartment)?

@StGlaciers - 16.02.2021 21:53

dude, need a new logo, the one you have is so 1990's hair rock. just sayin. which WAS cool, but not in a way that is coming back anytime soon.

@Theconfidentrealist - 17.02.2021 03:34

thank you Kris for making this video... I do enjoy listening to GRANT but I think he's a bit bizarre at times which is fine dudes a shark.. but for people getting into the game i like the strait path better

@5thsealministries685 - 15.04.2021 19:46


@AdrianEnglish - 21.04.2021 06:33

Still think this Kris? Thanks for the perspective! Adrian

@venelinbarbov9964 - 26.04.2021 16:36

Thanks Kris !!

@akshayjbansile3678 - 10.05.2021 14:31

Great Video

@viktora762 - 06.08.2021 22:17

Great video, even made me comment!

@kennethcaneza5480 - 24.09.2021 20:45

Grant talking about investing in SFH to live in vs. MFH to rent out. While Kris here talking about both SFH vs. MFH to rent out. Enjoy.

@kingjimmy442 - 25.09.2021 07:11

Kris you make sense

@kauabarros9638 - 08.10.2021 00:56

I’ve literally been bing watching and reading and getting both your courses this is the EXACT video I needed thank you!

@jerryhuff86 - 12.10.2021 03:09


@victormendoza3295 - 17.10.2021 08:48

This video helped out a lot, thanks Mr. Krohn.

@Simonsaysboxing - 16.12.2021 03:09

Actually apartment complexes can gain a lot of value through forced appreciation with a few minor upgrades

@Sabrina-GTI - 09.01.2022 02:03

ypu're the best!

@constanceshandraw5503 - 20.02.2022 15:09

interesting program

@davidarchibald1124 - 17.03.2022 05:16

Grant was comparing buying your own house vs multi unit investment, not renting a single family house...

@derekfredericksen6149 - 26.03.2022 21:24

begs in the asket

@adelinamontes668 - 19.04.2022 16:21

Your amazing!!

@Ruben_something - 19.09.2023 09:05

What about a duplex? Wouldn’t that be the best if both worlds?

@cleppermarketing4155 - 30.10.2023 04:12

It's a debate of what do you want. Better Cashflow or better ROI.

@BrandonPhillips-d3k - 20.03.2024 17:36

This is why cardone offers cardone capital he accepts non accredited investors. He’s walking circles around you. Cute video.

@okc9698 - 25.10.2024 22:20

I have invested for 20'years in SFH and rented out and it has worked great for us. However, I think once you reach a level we should look into mfh as way to diversified your money. SFH is a great way to build passive income in my opinion

@ricksteelcustoms3196 - 31.01.2025 09:59

I own 4 free and clear single family homes worth about 1.1 million dollars I also own about $500K in collector cars. Only 1 house is putting money in my pocket and they are moving out tomorrow, and I am renovating the other 2 because of all the damage the tenants did to them over the past 10 years. Watch my video. I also own my own home and I believe that is what Grant is talking about. Your personal home is a liability. ANYTHING that takes money from you IS a "LIABILITY." Anything that puts money in your pocket is an investment. My personal house takes money from me every month in the form of Taxes and insurance. I am currently considering buying a Quadraplex for $480,000 and paying cash for it. I am planning on selling one of my houses that I paid $62K for back in 2011 and NEVER once rented. It is now worth $200K and I have $200K in the 401 K I am looking for a way to NOT pay north of $30K in taxes when I withdraw it. Hopefully I can do a 1031 exchange. I figure on walking away from the house with $180K and if I hav to pay taxes on the 401K then I will get another $170K and then I will borrow the rest on one of my rentals for the balance to pay in full for the quadraplex. My 2 rentals pay me $1,800.00 and $1,600.00 a month. The quadraplex will pay me $4,750.00 a month. So buying the quadraplex is a no brainer.
