History Of Kratos - God Of War Ragnarok Series

History Of Kratos - God Of War Ragnarok Series

History Behind The Warrior

55 лет назад

2,966,547 Просмотров

Hey guys!

Its History Behind The Warrior and welcome to a new Lore series I will be bringing to the channel, God Of War!

Kratos Is such an iconic face In gaming that It was only a matter of time that I got around to him and fully explored what makes Kratos so unique to the genre of gaming, hes been man, monster, a Zealot, god and a father since his debut but what has really brought him to were he Is now?
Tangling with the likes of Thor & Odin?
Well find out here In todays HOUR long special History Of video on the ghost of sparta himself, Kratos.

Now Im not gonna lie, this video was alot of work to make BUT In order to do It I wanted to REALLLLLLY pull from every single canon bit of God Of War media, this ranged from comic book tie Ins to Mainline instalments, to spins off and even a freaking MOBILE GAME!
So i hope you appreciate the extra effort that went into this one, covering the GOW series has been a passion project of mine for an extremely long time, so I do hope you join on this journey throughout the lands of the Olympians and the 9 realms!

Their will be plenty more content on the way as this is the start of a chapter for the channel going forward!
ALSO this video will be releasing at the same time the History Of Baldur Is release so It will be a whammy back to back line up for you guys tonight!

Im so sorry this took so long but from what you can tell, this was alot of work for myself and my editor to throw together, so thank you for your patience, I hope you feel like it has been rewarded!

And feel free to get in touch with me here!
Follow me - https://twitter.com/HBTheWarrior
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/hbtwarrior



#God_Of_War_Ragnarok #Kratos #Story #History #Atreus #Thor #Odin #Asgard #Freya #Baldur #Brok #SIndri #Durlin #Tyr #Angrboda #Fenrir #Fenris #Hel #Surtr #Gameplay #Reveal #Details #God_Of_War #God_Of_War_2 #God_Of_War_3 #Ghost_Of_Sparta #Comics #Chains_Of_Olympus #Jormungandr #Magni #Modi #Thimble #Winter #Zeus #Ares #Poseidon #Hades #Ascension #Furies #Betrayal #Mobile_Game #Athena #Ending #Mimir #Pandora #Hephaestus #Gaia #Titans #Aphrodie #Boobs #Boob #Hercules #Medusa #Callisto #Calliope #Lysandra #Faye #Frost_Giants #Jotun #Jotunheim
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@stevesand8845 - 15.11.2022 00:46

“You have to be calm Atreus, or
you will
end up murdering your Wife, Daughter, father and brother”

Atreus “that’s strangely specific

Kratos “trust me boy”

@stevesand8845 - 15.11.2022 02:08

i gotta say this was a BRILLIANTLY done narrative of the story, you put
together an amazing movie and explained it all so well
thank you!

@vaughn8703 - 15.11.2022 03:59

this needs a update

@MyDCCollection123 - 16.11.2022 15:54

Awesome job I really enjoyed it thank you

@SnakeRoadComicsOfficial3677 - 16.11.2022 17:29

I sense a remaster of this vid given Ragnarok's release and the possibility of Playstation All-star and mk9 being Canon in GOW.

@arconnelly5365 - 18.11.2022 21:14

Are you going to do another history of kratos as an update with gow ragnarok included?

@colechestnut6627 - 19.11.2022 17:35

I didn't know ascension was a prequel to the games,

@gerroddunn4455 - 20.11.2022 03:06

Here cause of the game just came out and you guys did a good job

@colorfulltriangle9432 - 26.11.2022 11:25

i love these god of war stuff
even tho i have never played it
because i can recognize most of the gods titans and monsters xD

@pb7856 - 27.11.2022 22:20

you said understandably way too often, and that, understandably, made it hard to watch

@pokedweeb8920 - 05.12.2022 01:28

So question, did he keep the power of a titan and the bit of power atlas gave him when he restored his original power or did it just go away?

@themightymander_extra - 05.12.2022 06:23

What a beast of a video. Great work!

@jesslove8372 - 05.12.2022 13:29

Delude thanks for this. So interesting

@AstaIsAMonster - 05.12.2022 21:51

Also great video man love the storyline in these games.💪🏽

@robg8025 - 11.12.2022 12:59

Yessir thanks for the history lesson ☯️

@nathanpears5028 - 15.12.2022 00:58

How did kratos survive stabbing himself?

@ilikecheese4518 - 16.12.2022 09:52

why are there 2 content warnings before this?

@tarunarora757 - 17.12.2022 06:07

This is amazing 🔥

@AstaIsAMonster - 18.12.2022 21:54

Maximilian Dood just said that the old kratos was 1 dimensional or doesn’t really have any deep lore on his finale of GOW video he dropped yesterday.🤦🏽‍♂️

@bigpapa4789 - 29.12.2022 02:37

This man crawled out of hades twice.beastmode

@aidenparker5955 - 03.01.2023 21:38

Kratos is very deep.

@Classiccolin - 04.01.2023 03:55

Man the original games fast paced hack and slash with the combo counter was just so much better to me hate how every game now has the same souls like combat

@Blastertronus - 14.01.2023 05:34

Not really surprised about the age restrictions on this vid tbh. I mean, this is KRATOS we’re talking we’re talking about.

@DV_shooster_999 - 21.01.2023 08:47

I just feel like there’s not way the barbarian king could have beat kratos cuz even if it was b4 he met the god he was still a Demi got and there’s no way a normal no matter how strong beat him

@tcbowen12 - 16.02.2023 19:35

Man I wish I had found this before I played Ragnarok. But holy hell what a game. The story is absolutely amazing. Once I turned the game on I didn't play anything else until I finished it. And I'm prob gonna go back and play it again. Such a good game. One that's actually worth the money.

@RoccoConnelly - 18.02.2023 01:29

why did he not bring up the mural at the end of kratos in atreus's arms

@TehSunnydayz - 21.02.2023 22:30

Please do a video on master chief

@itsyeboi7976 - 22.02.2023 20:40

As somebody who started playing GOW in GOW 4 and eagerly wanting to know his backstory but unable to play previous games, this video was amazing

@R3N3.4LV4R3Z - 22.03.2023 23:00

Please do guts from berserk

@tonecapone5571 - 22.04.2023 04:57

Why play it now when we get a movie documentary on the game 😁 love watching these videos more videos like this one

@Preetansh1 - 25.04.2023 15:14

This was very well illustrated. Thank you for this beautiful compilation.

@mike14987 - 30.04.2023 01:58

The rest of the series needs a remaster to PS5.

@Tennessee_Plumbing - 30.04.2023 13:34

and now after playing Ragnarok, I am beyond excited for what comes next... G.O.W is my favorite game... and to think I never had any intention of playing ANY G.o.W cause I thought those types of games wasnt my style..... boy was I wrong. I played the first god of war 3 months before Ragnarok was released and it has grown to be the best games ive ever played, to date. Its gonna suck having to wait another 3 years for the next installment in Kratos' journey, but the wait will be soooooo worth it.

@nikolascecil6352 - 23.09.2023 06:04

Ulrich was a Hades's Champion.

@robertokratosrage102 - 15.11.2023 23:33

Awesome video! Keep up the great work!

@leonardog.2491 - 27.12.2023 05:02

30 minutes of class 😩😭🤬😑😓
+1h of this video 🚬👌🗿🤌🍷🍸

@LPSCANDY10 - 28.12.2023 23:11

Oshit you know it gets serious when you get a warning to watch the video 😭

@Matt-zq1gi - 06.02.2024 16:40

I miss these I wish u would do more of gow

@sammcfarlane2494 - 26.03.2024 20:22

Is Hermes the messages of the gods in GOW or is it his son, Ceryx?

@HopeReviews - 01.04.2024 04:59

Great video!

@naserbuzz5504 - 04.07.2024 21:12

You missed out way too much shit bro

@AtticusTheDeathMetaller - 28.08.2024 01:14





@kratos-ys6zu - 05.10.2024 01:57

Eu vou continuar sendo kratos a minha primeira e única carreira agora é o meu novo sucesso e eu vou aproveitar tudo 🌏🌎🌍
