I vote this 10-10
Ответитьwhere does roger miller come up with this
ОтветитьThanks for printing the lyrics. I''ve been wondering what they were since I was three in 1966, lol. :)
Ответить"Gaping at the dapper men with derby hats and canes"
Everyone in London was either asian or pakistani...just sayin'.
If you get offended by this, you're over-analysing.
Been singing along to this song ever since I was a child and I never get tired of doing so.
ОтветитьI forgot all bout this FUN song! I love it!!!
ОтветитьEngland swings like a pendulum do...
ОтветитьWhen I visited London, it came to my memory of this song on walking around Big Ben and Wistminster Abbey, 20 years ago.
ОтветитьThis video w*s *s good *s "Looking Out My B*ck Door" (by CCR) [SEE Both of these - you'll UNDERST*ND me]
ОтветитьThanks for posting the song and lyrics. I remember only the 1st verse ever.
ОтветитьI’m 63 years old and remember singing this as a child with my mom. I’ve always remembered the words as “Erin” swings like a pendulum do...... surprised to now learn it was England....
ОтветитьHeard this in F. R. I. E. N. D. S. SN 4 e24😍
ОтветитьStill irritatingly upbeat - thank you, it's now firmly earwormed into the head for the rest of the year (and then some....). Sweet.
ОтветитьTune thank you mum x. Love you
ОтветитьIt's "the Tower and Big Ben".
ОтветитьClassic country is best, heard this on 98.7 the buck as all they play is good classic country. Thought was TOM T HALL at 1st. Such a good happy upbeat song 🙂 . Also reminds me of the song on Disney's Robin hood
ОтветитьThe Clash, London Calling, counterpart
ОтветитьI used to think that the second verse was “Poppies gone by, sector two by two” 😂
ОтветитьI was 5 singing this song. One of my faves.
Ответитьmy nickname was london..cuz.......
ОтветитьI'm a filipino and I know the chorus so well since I was like 11 🤣 now I'm in my 20's
ОтветитьIsn't this sung by the same guy who sang "You can't rollerskate in a Buffalo herd"?
ОтветитьWhat a track
ОтветитьAn absolute master of the craft. Hats off to Mr Miller. God gives us gifts like this man, not very often. He just wants to see us happy. God bless him.
ОтветитьExtra, extra, read all about it!
ОтветитьThe young people probably don't know this but England was a country in Europe. It was where modern-day Rapeanistan is, the very same island. Back then when the song was written there were white people, having white children and they had rosy cheeks. This have changed a lot.
ОтветитьTower OF BIG BEN.... the tower is now called Elizabeth tower. Big Ben is the bell
ОтветитьAnyone here in 2025?