OP VIDEO GAME CHARACTER CYPHER | Jacob Cass & @natsu-fuji Feat. @KnightOfBreath, @KBNChrollo, & MORE!

OP VIDEO GAME CHARACTER CYPHER | Jacob Cass & @natsu-fuji Feat. @KnightOfBreath, @KBNChrollo, & MORE!

Jacob Cass

1 год назад

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@0LTMusic - 06.05.2023 03:49

This cypher was too broken!! 🔥🔥

@KnightOfBreath - 06.05.2023 06:26

Absolutely INSANE rap battle! 😭🙏🏼 Thank you so much for having me as a GOAT 😎 Everyone killed it for real 🔥🔥

@Denzellol - 06.05.2023 07:07

Im absolutely shocked this man only has 9K every single cypher he makes he just spits flame, Liu Kang? Fire, Yuji? Fire, Reaper? Fire, Kratos? Fire

@natsu-fuji - 06.05.2023 19:25


@ashimpact5740 - 06.05.2023 22:51

Omega went off

@smdrespectfully9415 - 07.05.2023 05:36

Kbn chrollo went the hardest 🤷🏽‍♂️

@real_apexrambo - 07.05.2023 16:33

This joint went crazy we all killed it. Had so much fun recording this verse.🔥🔥

@krazedkyng8508 - 07.05.2023 20:05

Its was a great cypher I just wish everyone went a little longer but still 🔥

@StarManSean - 08.05.2023 01:10

Sheesh, y’all did amazing on this! You got some pretty OP video game characters on here! Love seeing you give them the recognition they deserve! 🔥🔥🔥

@smdrespectfully9415 - 08.05.2023 18:16

Who ever made them beats need a raise 👌everything was perfect every verse goes well their different styles somehow go with one eachother ya bodied it 🤷🏽‍♂️

@kamaleyonvt - 09.05.2023 20:20

This Cypher is definitely in my top 20, it has a beat that is just absolute energy, and deserves to have alot more listens, while some verses were weaker than others they all were great and did something different, but definitely a stand out for this Cypher is Cass and Light with Kratos and Atreus, these 2 on a similar beat could easily carry an entire song

now if you stop reading here then the take-away is the song is fire and is going on my playlist, but keep reading and i'll expand on the song as a whole and each verse there within

now Dante being the introduction is also perfect since he's the oldest character and probably the strongest, his verse is perfect as an opening since it starts small and quiet but instantly takes your attention, the sheer level of Sass in each line is a level above the last and that's perfect for the character, Dante may have one of the shorter Verses and that's sad but Vanquish Soreal makes it work

Raiden picks up the beat perfectly and Omeg@ Redd has some of the deadliest flows on the entire track, not to mention his bars are probably the most insane and on brand of the entire Cypher, his rhyme scheme is also flawless, each rhyme hits just as hard as the last and he keeps it going, where normally you would have a 1 2 1 2 scheme Omeg@ keeps it going on 1s with 2s and 3s mid line, so it feels like he gets alot more done and said than the others

now Chief is strange, since not only does the beat cut feel jarring the change is unexpected, but KBN Chrollo makes what he has work for him and takes it to the extreme, and the slightly softer acapella actually works wonders for the more drum centralized beat on top, not much to be said for his bars since it's just hype, but his flow works and i honestly can't complain about it on it's own, with the cypher as a whole it's kind of out of place, but it works as OP character

Apex Rambo as the doom slayer is the absolute pinnacle of hype, not only is his beat a perfect continuation of the hype set beat from chief but his flow is similar to Omeg@ and his voice on the beat is by far the best one here, Apex Rambo is someone i'll be keeping a close eye on moving forward

Bayonetta has one of the more jarring openings of a verse here going from what is close to be heavy metal to an acapella but her verse is short and sweet, has some good bars and Chimera makes it work for what she's been given, overall not as strong as some others but is still excellent

Samus is probably number 2 on the verse, an absolutely amazing beat to work with, Knight of breaths voice is soft but slightly deeper and that's flawless for the character, some of the hardest lines on the Cypher and a few jabs at nintendo and other people, overall this is the kind of thing you'd expect from a standalone song, easily 9/10

Bonnie acosta as Sephiroth is probably one of the more unexpected castings but it was actually perfect, his beat had a strange transition from Samus but the drop near the middle keeps you invested and his flow and voice are honestly perfect for the character, his bars are powerful and relate heavily to the lore so you have a smile if you know it but can still enjoy it regardless

Chris Craig is on the same plate as Rambo, just hype, it's a punch you in the face and teabag your mother level of hype and Chris not only has the flow but the bars and voice for Asura to be as overwhelming on the track as the character is in game

and Greyson just keeps it going, being almost identical to Chris, the same beat and if their voices were any more similar you wouldn't know the character switched

Jacob Cass has the single most overwhelming voice for this track, he comes at you hard and just keeps punching, the beat they used can only be described as battle music and even though the transition to it is a little strange it works not only on this cypher but for the character

Yung light absolutely makes his verse what it is, he keeps what Jacob had going and makes it a thousand times better, not only does he switch to a much faster pace but he closes out with a slower pace and really ties the entire verse to a close perfectly

overall i'd say this cypher is an 8.5/10 really strong contender and some incredible verses but with the strange order and amount of beat switches how they are it's a little lackluster in some areas, but everyone did really well and i really enjoy the track as a whole

@SegaFan25 - 10.05.2023 23:35

Ight bro this needs a sequel cuz god damn 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

@jeremiahwilliams4016 - 10.05.2023 23:37

Yall went crazy with this ! 💯🔥

I'm speechless.

@royd209 - 10.05.2023 23:59

Just clicked on this on a whim and i am thoroughly impressed, usually most songs i see from smaller nerdcore channels are not the highest in quality but this sounds like something i would find on rustage or shwabadi's channel. Great Job

@0ni160 - 15.05.2023 04:36

I normally never listen to something more than once a day, this is one of the few exceptions, thats how fire this is👌👌

@demon_gaming101 - 17.05.2023 16:08


@ObitoUchiha38200 - 23.05.2023 03:13


@1NsaNE-15 - 25.05.2023 11:34

It is a pity that there is no game "PROTOTYPE". As for the rest, I really liked it. Especially KBN as HALO

@zamabo218 - 28.05.2023 02:42

Epic cypher dude 😎 👍

@knightsblight - 30.05.2023 02:37

Bayonetta has my attention 👁‍🗨 👁‍🗨

@jasomega2446 - 31.05.2023 00:03

These Bars Are Overpowered!

@josiahsworld0311 - 15.06.2023 02:14

The Hulk Mcu rap cypher

@michaelscotts3949 - 20.06.2023 04:36

This is awesome. The only downside is most of the videos lack anything actually badass. Not really even any fighting.

@carolinareaper6342 - 29.06.2023 18:28

Bayonetta got like 2 seconds of screen time I feel robbed

@codyjames796 - 23.07.2023 03:39

Are you still playing to do the resident evil heros joints?

@smitefulaxe1344 - 08.08.2023 00:57

Ngl, it's missing Starkiller (The Force Unleashed)

@krollodiamond - 08.08.2023 09:39

Part 2 when?

@gamesarecool2148 - 19.08.2023 06:32

I have a recommendation
Can you do assassin's Creed Cypher with all of the assassin's

@heater1311 - 10.09.2023 23:52

This fucking needs more views holy shit

@GarryBautista-vp3wf - 04.10.2023 05:42


@seanrochon9240 - 20.10.2023 00:32

You dead

@HoldtheED - 07.11.2023 08:01

Ayo where’s the last dragon born?
He can be scaled to boundless Lmao

@madslayer4197 - 10.11.2023 03:16

While I loved chiefs verse I don't know why he's here. Like his a gaming icon sure, but he's not really op as such, he just does stuff that seems op just because it looks all cinematic and shit. His enemies are op I guess at least one of them is but that doesn't really say much for him. At the end of the day he's just a guy pumped full of roids and slapped in a mech suit. He's not op especially when compared to the other power juggernauts here. But like I said his verse was clean ant the video was lit so 8 ain't mad

@Megatron-m-v7t - 18.01.2024 09:06

You forgot one more fallout New Vegas courier 6

@bigcbear3785 - 25.01.2024 02:04

Maybe do mad scientist from anime cyoher (orochimaru , dr.stein as examples)

@WolfdaggerEditz - 18.02.2024 15:23

This is one of my favorites songs now. Thanks for making such a great song. Everyone did so good in this.

@Matheus01992 - 05.03.2024 23:10

Akuma's verse is my favorite as it perfectly describes him because man people would rage when they lost to him😂😂😂

@DOOMGUY420o - 12.03.2024 08:08

I'm not sexist but the girls parts are bad

@WolfdaggerEditz - 15.03.2024 19:50

@Jacob_Cass Where's Alex Mercer?

@houragents5490 - 15.08.2024 09:59

No Kirby aka the most OP video game character. 😔

@marcelbyrd7745 - 25.08.2024 04:01


@RobertHomer-p6x - 20.09.2024 08:47

Linnea Groves

@ichigoyeah4514 - 01.10.2024 10:08

Kratos and atreus cleared ngl

@freezerburn9538 - 04.10.2024 08:51

Why Atreus and not Vergil or Nero

@dozergames2395 - 05.11.2024 04:01

I need more of asura,s rap

That shit had me locked in

@TheRealCyberWolf_youtube - 02.12.2024 23:02

Arkham Batman has entered the chat

@Noir-m9b - 21.12.2024 01:37

The first beat had me tweaking 🔥🔥🔥

@liamfunnyman6965 - 16.01.2025 02:44

I feel like someone's missing. Guess it's up to me. Here we go.
Kirby, Kirby, Kirby, that's the name you should know!
Kirby, Kirby, Kirby, I'm the star of the show!
Kickin' back with a snack, but if Dream Land's under attack, imma smack the hack who's behind it
I'm taking down eldritch cosmic threats! Think you can top that? Let's see you try it!
Anything you can do, I can do it too! If that's not enough, I can bring in my crew
Waddle Dee, Meta Knight, Dedede, Gooey, Magolor, Adeleine, Ribbon, Rick, Kine, and Coo
And the list goes on, but we're unstoppable together
Powerful pink puffball and his pals; none can do it better

@TKDHero_Editz - 27.02.2024 04:46

Anyone realize sephiroths final words and kratos' first lines up perfectly?
