The Best Way to Silicone Caulk a Toilet & Bidet - Stress Free!

The Best Way to Silicone Caulk a Toilet & Bidet - Stress Free!

The Aiden Project🔨

4 месяца назад

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@turnerjoe - 17.10.2024 20:01

Silicon hates me. And I hate it. 🤣

@AC-gm6bq - 17.10.2024 20:08

No need to silicon them

@Oli_Hudson - 17.10.2024 20:30

Great job! I use a Fugi kit and Wonder Wipes and they work well!

@doric_historic - 17.10.2024 21:06

Imagine the Victorians used Silicone...

@Viken43 - 17.10.2024 22:15

I usually end up with more silicone one me... most stressful job there is!

@johnrumbles3068 - 17.10.2024 22:18

very timely Aiden, thankyou

@alanreeves459 - 17.10.2024 23:41

One of the simplest looking jobs that can cause the biggest mess😂

@happyglampers9053 - 18.10.2024 00:10

Nice work Aiden 💪👏👏👍👌PS …. Get yourself some knee pads, you’ll thank me in 20 yrs time 👍

@barryckemp907 - 18.10.2024 00:18

As an experienced plumber I would always suggest NOT siliconing everything in sight! You don’t need to silicone around the back a cistern lids or at the back of bidets or WC’s. Never ever silicone around the 4 sides of a shower unit (Electric) always leave a gap at the bottom and top so to help stave off condensation build up within the workings/electrical areas. Silicone is a doddle to use of you but the best products, have an extra clean surface to do it on. And practice certainly makes perfect. Use a strong wash up liquid mix with water when you smooth down the areas you are making good.

@jaytee8188 - 18.10.2024 03:24

Well Aiden, if you’re gonna do a vid, let it be about silicone-ing a bog!!! 😂

@tommyknightly1659 - 18.10.2024 13:37

Clear not white

@markwilliams9793 - 18.10.2024 15:45

The job I hate the most, I need to do some this weekend. I must by that tool!

@DepthWish - 18.10.2024 18:27

I highly recommend people consider NOT caulking/siliconing the base of the toilet because you will likely not know if the wax gasket is leaking and it can rot out your sublfloor and then you'll be lifting tiles, cutting out plywood, replacing plywood, trying to match tile, etc. This comes from a long time landlord

@ottofumbler7267 - 18.10.2024 22:56

I don't silicone between two non-porous surfaces. Personal choice. It's easy to keep clean with a spray bleach. Only place I'd use silicone is behind the sink in the kitchen, so as to inhibit worktop delamination, or outside around window and door frames. Silicone looks nice, but even the expensive stuff never lasts long enough, and it's a c*nt to remove from rough surfaces. And, because I'm shit at it. Bubbles, ripples, gaps, smeared on all the wrong bits. Tried the tools and geared guns. Still shit at it.

@harpo187bling - 19.10.2024 17:22

Use soapy water

@dwalsh3469 - 19.10.2024 20:17

I have the same electric caulking gun - it’s worth noting that you need to keep the speed low unless you have a BIG hole in the nozzle. Mine is currently awaiting an afternoon with a dremel to clean off half a tube of 5 minute PU hardened glue that came out the back of the tube. I’ve had the same before with silicone (which is far easier to clean up after).

@DisneyMarkUK - 10.02.2025 23:18

You make it look so easy. I’m doing some soon so your tips will help a lot, cheers.
