ОтветитьMSM sucks
ОтветитьThe nerve of Israel destroying rockets lined up to be fired at their citizens, right?
ОтветитьThe Grim Beeper 😆
ОтветитьIsrael can't say 10/7 was a surprise since the intel community told them weeks in advance... Weak excuses to frame this as a war and not what it really is...
ОтветитьCBS sucks
ОтветитьDo not confuse Hezbollah with the Lebanese people. The Lebanese are rightful citizens of a sovereign nation. Hezbollah is an Iran-backed terrorist organization which operates primarily out of Lebanon & leeches Lebanon's citizens & economy to further its terrorist goals. Israel has thrown Hezbollah into disarray with its communications disruption of the terrorist group, & is now pressing its advantage. If Iran, Hezbollah, & other so-called "supporters" of the Palestinian people really gave a damn about them & Gaza, they would insist that Hamas negotiate in good faith with Israel for some sort of ceasefire. However, Iran & its terrorist proxies only care about furthering their own extremist ideologies, & use civilians as tools to achieve those goals - nothing more.
ОтветитьMay the only One GOD defend, lead and protect HIS only one Chosen Land, People, Israel.
ОтветитьWhy did the Zionists have to start the occupation and commit ethnic cleansing and cultural genocide over 75 years ago?? Shame on cbs for normalizing genocide, occupation, and apartheid.
ОтветитьLet me put this way that reporter is wearing a helmet in a bullet resistant vest for show they won't give him much safety 😊 based on the fact that it's soft armor designed to stop handgun rounds lol
ОтветитьI can't believe we have to fund this BS with our tax dollars.
ОтветитьThis is toilet journalism at its finest 💩
Check out Sky News Australia for real news
So Israel bombs numerous neighboring countries and then tomorrow, when those countries retaliate, Israel will cry foul, again.
ОтветитьBlinken is pathetic.
ОтветитьHez. was bombing the northern part of Israel (60,000 evacuated) while Ham. was attacking the South.
Israel fights on 2 fronts, while Hostages are still not returned.
When they get their hostages back the war ends.
What's so hard about this?
Iran is NOW announcing a declaration of war?
ОтветитьThe reason you don't go hiking with a dog in bear country is the dog will go ahead of you, scare up and upset a bear, then run back to you for protection. If the US wasn't swearing to defend Israel, no matter what, Israel would be a lot more careful about upsetting their neighbors.
ОтветитьNasaralah said he vow for revenge but he ho hide as a rat in the tunnel
ОтветитьWilliams Maria Hernandez Ronald Jackson Dorothy
ОтветитьMilitant group? These are innocent civilians,. AGAIN. Netanyahu is bad for Americans around the world. A vote for either one of the murderers is a vote for terror. VOTE INDEPENDENT!🇺🇸✌️
ОтветитьYes, Mr. Blinken, you tell that to Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas, not Israel
ОтветитьThe US spokesperson, the United States Secy of State Blinken, is straight-up telling stories.
Ответитьi do not want my tax dollars funding israel's war
ОтветитьLong story short...Israel after wiping Gaza, wants Sth Lebanon, parts of Syria for themselves. Mass amount of oil by Gaza. Izzy don't care about the hostages.
ОтветитьISRAELIS KNEW this "retaliation" would happen and were waiting for them.
ОтветитьHezbulluh is a joke pure talk and nothing behind it like the other if you ask me only the citizens suffer from all this senseless killing in the east in all my years here on earth it’s about billion people die in the east because of the senseless killing. Get better leaders over there and get rid of the Judas and rehab over there.
ОтветитьAnd Hamas launching THOUSANDS of rockets at women and children is no big deal??
ОтветитьUs is clown of war everytime they just get economical hit and Israel gets stronger.
ОтветитьMove on hesbulah lebanon hamas houti
ОтветитьCertainly Netanyahu favors Trump over Harris…like minded criminals.
ОтветитьVow vow vow... I've heard that a thousand times before.
ОтветитьThe difference between Blinken and Nothing is clear, the later has at least a meaning.
ОтветитьBlinken, Kirby etc. All talk no walk.
ОтветитьOh so Israel is basically just extending its borders
ОтветитьShould stop before illegal nuclear weapons are used This is madness
ОтветитьIs he just going to scream that until Israel eventually finishes what they set out to do?
ОтветитьWhat did Hezbollah expect when they attacked Israel?
ОтветитьThe welfare terror state, Isteal.
ОтветитьWhy is Hezbollah using missiles that can be intercepted? Why aren't they using old fashion artillery? Not saying I want them to fight, but I don't understand why they are using drones and missiles that are easily intercepted by the Israeli missle defense system.
ОтветитьCan someone educate me ,how on earth we have HEZBOLLAH a terrorist group and a militaryof Lebanon 😂
ОтветитьIsrael is determined to drag American troops into a war
ОтветитьThis sounds silly, but wasn’t there a cease fire? This is evil.
ОтветитьWell done Israël 🇮🇱
ОтветитьIn the last month alone, there have been 14 terrorist attacks, either carried out or foiled, by "PEACEFUL ISLAM" extremists in Europe, Africa, and Asia: Afghanistan, 02/09 – Kabul: A suicide bombing outside a government building killed 6 people and injured 13 others. Germany, 05/09 – Munich: Attempted attack involving a shooting. Somalia, 17/09: A mass shooting by Al-Shabaab killed at least 70 people. Netherlands, 20/09 – Rotterdam: A stabbing left one dead and two injured, investigated as a potential terror attack. Burkina Faso, 25/09: A mass shooting resulted in the deaths of at least 400 civilians, with over 300 injured. France: Three foiled attacks targeting the Olympics. Germany: A plot to attack a Taylor Swift concert was thwarted. Austria: Dozens arrested for terrorism links. Congo: 10 people shot dead in Mulekera. Uganda and Kenya: Al-Shabaab attacks. Somalia: Multiple suicide bombings. Somalia: Another suicide bombing in Mogadishu. Russia: Over 140 people killed, and more than 500 injured in a terrorist attack at a concert in Moscow. Germany, September – West Germany: A stabbing attack left at least one person dead and others injured.
ОтветитьThey hit ! That’s crazy!