WFABB Leader Jasmine Elizabeth | Girl Bossing & Using BIG words! Never mentions iGenius | Anti-MLM

WFABB Leader Jasmine Elizabeth | Girl Bossing & Using BIG words! Never mentions iGenius | Anti-MLM

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@sayhellotodeecee - 22.09.2022 20:59

eating some tacos and watching this video!

@sayhellotodeecee - 22.09.2022 21:07

I think she ripped off the perfectionism-procrastination loop from someone else.

@sayhellotodeecee - 22.09.2022 21:21

Is she talking about the bad audio from the episode 3 of the heels over hills or whatever? Is that what she is procrastinating on?

@linnwi1336 - 22.09.2022 22:34

Well, the intro on the wfabb girly gave me a major jump scare!

@linnwi1336 - 22.09.2022 22:54

“Literally wear a badge of honour” - please let me see that badge, who gave it to you? How big was it? Was it that goldish W?

@samtyers8236 - 23.09.2022 00:50

getting ready to get ready???

@samtyers8236 - 23.09.2022 00:52

my dog has the best opinion, as soon as she started to talk, he fell asleep and started snoring

@samtyers8236 - 23.09.2022 00:56


@samtyers8236 - 23.09.2022 00:57

stuck in business or business stuck

@samtyers8236 - 23.09.2022 01:27

hair sticking up 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

@samtyers8236 - 23.09.2022 01:30

what is she on about????

@lorielovesbooks7315 - 23.09.2022 04:55

It seems that after a certain amount of time your "sob" story loses it's importance, she wants you to feel bad for her, but she definitely only cares about herself.

@gretchen3603 - 24.09.2022 17:23

@JanetMiller78 - 24.09.2022 17:57

In my adult life, I don't remember ever comparing myself to someone else. That seems really juvenile to me. I guess I was always working and raising kids to actually give a 💩 about something someone else has. Or maybe I was just happy for them ( that also goes with the argument of "you just don't want me to succeed" ... like what? I guess people who attend college graduation ceremonies are just there to secretly hate 🤦)
To constantly compare and compete are narcissistic behavioral traits. JS 🤷 ...if the shoe fits

@JanetMiller78 - 24.09.2022 19:38

Ma'am, when I look on social media I don't feel an intense pressure to live a fab lifestyle cause that's all you see on social media. Like huh? That's weird
Maybe you should stay off of social media if that's what you see and feel. JS

@MercedesMermaid - 24.09.2022 20:09

You definitely can't generalized because everyone is different. That being said, some people who are perfectionist do suffer from procrastination because they are afraid of not being perfect. That's why I won't do certain things I know I'm not good it. It's like why try when I know I can't do it? But to me it sounds like she came from a therapy session and was like this is the solution for everyone! When that's not true. Not everyone thinks or is built this way. And not everyone is a perfectionist.

@JanetMiller78 - 24.09.2022 21:55

Oh good victim blaming....I love a good victim blame 😕.... so this is how she tied perfectionism and procrastination together is by victim blaming. Yep, sounds about right 🤦

@JanetMiller78 - 24.09.2022 23:06

Wow look at jasmine Elizabeth throwing out a Theodore Roosevelt quote 😂
But obviously Teddy stole the quote from Rachel Hollis 🤭🤭🤣

@meghanworkman6449 - 24.09.2022 23:58

Friendly piece of advice: we can't hear anything your dog is doing, so the dog isn't actually a distraction, but when you yell at him over and over to stop, that is definitely distracting.

@Jennifenner - 25.09.2022 04:16

Goodness Jasmine, every other sentence doesn't have to end with "right?"
