The UNTOLD TRUTH of a New Zealand Campervan trip

The UNTOLD TRUTH of a New Zealand Campervan trip

Jordan and Emily

1 год назад

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@71jdanziger - 24.02.2024 01:53

so what happens if you rent or own a yellow or pink vehicle? Do you just win spotto by default?

@benpuss - 24.02.2024 02:19

What an adventure! Enjoyed every moment

@Star-u3t1l - 24.02.2024 03:02

You've done $1. a day before, why was this so different?????????????? Buy a composting toilet, much better. from Star Gazer

@tiinah-b2326 - 24.02.2024 03:10

That worked out so well for you. Yes, I know how costly hiring one is because we did it back in 2007 when our 3 children were young (8, 11 and 13 at the time) but for a 3 week holiday, it was THE best family holiday. Question! If you have the time, can you do these $1 a day transfers back to back?

@leslee_fw - 24.02.2024 05:07

You have survived the worst parts of van life🎉🎉🎉🎉

@suayhughes8103 - 24.02.2024 05:41

Enjoy watching you guys!!

@DarrenandMelissa - 24.02.2024 06:07

I take care of everything on the outside of our RV, and she takes care of everything on the inside of our RV. I day we traded on day, and she realized she had the better end of the deal!

@MichaelsMusicMix - 24.02.2024 07:12

About 1000 years ago when I was a kid, you could actually get Spotto cards from servos. My parents were road trip fiends so us kids played a LOT of Spotto!
Another awesome video guys!

@oxenrat - 24.02.2024 09:24

Next time you get back down here, follow one coast down, middle islands up and one coast back down. If time allows, its the best way to see all the really different types of places we have.
I really have enjoyed all of your travels world wide, just been partial to see you here - no idea why.
Hobbiton was close to where I grew up, not so much your dad, more finished off growing there.
Be safe, Aunty Rat x

@richardcaldwell9160 - 24.02.2024 11:46

Thanks guys, I really enjoyed your video's

@davidspencer4893 - 11.03.2024 06:42

RV life not van life😊

@hayleyrichardson9203 - 16.03.2024 04:27

I'm glad you showed the harder parts of van life cos it's not something I would think about it. I'd be so tempted to just avoid using the loo on board lol. Spotto reminds me of "punch buggy" but there's nowhere near as many VW beetles anymore

@DariaThomasNr1 - 26.04.2024 10:45

Love the intros! 😊

@heathersmiliekiwi8528 - 19.06.2024 06:12

Now is a good time to buy one .. just saying Ü

@cjbrown3396 - 28.06.2024 17:50

Did you guys add the toliet fluid? It should be fine without the smell lol.

@CLATYRhe - 05.08.2024 03:39

Renting such camper costs around 300$ a day.. how did you come up with 1$?

@sathishrajathiyagarajan4853 - 29.08.2024 09:11

How much kms you guys travelled totally which brings the diesel levy 144$??

@joharrison3469 - 11.10.2024 06:21

Don't fll up with fresh water at the dump station! That outlet is contaminated. There is always a freshwater tap a few meters away. You can get ill doing that. Or, in this case, the next people renting your van might.

@Waiheke-Transcend - 15.10.2024 13:12

The deisel tax is actually Road Users Tax and nothing to do with the environment - because diesel cost doesn't include any road tax like petrol. This is because it's often used by farm and other 'off road' or sea vehicles which don't put pot holes in the roads. So you pay 7c per km when you're a road using vehicle. You'll also have noticed that diesel is less expensive than petrol - because it doesn't include any road tax. 😃

@FranklinMrmadrazto - 23.10.2024 12:17

my country and Emily

@Frank-rx8ch - 30.10.2024 08:12

At least you always have fresh water throughout.

@Frank-rx8ch - 30.10.2024 08:14

Toilet smelling like Rotorua🤔

@marwilolay980 - 08.11.2024 02:58

How much is your van

@greenfrog7070 - 19.12.2024 09:41

Fresh water from the dump station???🤮
Incredible how many people have no common sence with hygiene around these stations.
Maybe you should stick to social media from inside your own walls.

@bartdeking - 08.01.2025 23:23

Btw you do not need to replace the bottle. You can refill it at a gas station.

@sun-man - 10.01.2025 06:20

Renting those vans is insanely expensive. I don't need to visit new zealand that much, lots of other superior destinations

@markboere8391 - 10.01.2025 23:06

Road User Charges are for all Diesel vehicles that operate on the road. With petrol the tax is in the price, and with diesel some of it is an extra, I.e. RUC to cover usage by heavy vehicles on the road. That way tractors/bulldozers/etc don’t pay the ‘road’ component of the tax.

@kennethhammond4028 - 11.01.2025 03:04

Dollar a day, yeah nah

@JenCuba - 11.01.2025 06:23

If you two aren’t married by now, this is proof that you guys are SOLID until death do you part!

@ObiePaddles - 12.01.2025 00:08

You got a great deal, and made the most of it. Well done!

In the 1980s there was a joke that a boss and secretary talked after the summer holiday break:

Secretary asks about boss’ holiday. ‘. Amazing! We hired a camper and went around NZ for 4 weeks. What about you?’ ‘We couldn’t afford that so had a month in Europe!’

Back in the day the vans were around NZ$300 per day hireage’

@Gibbroin515 - 12.01.2025 05:19

Gaspy app would have helped with petrol/diesel prices...Bp is the most expensive place to fuel up

@craigknights - 13.01.2025 02:12

Lol. We occasionally drop our cassette in our spare toilet.. but oh it reeks inside the house! So usually we try to do it at the last dump site on the way home! The one just last week, who forgot the blue chem? Oh it was a hold ye breath one!! 😂

@lesleyhughes3174 - 13.01.2025 08:33

You were obviously not using the correct chemicals in your cassette, making a real issue for those renting that van after you.

@lesleyhughes3174 - 13.01.2025 08:34

Sanitise your hands before touching key, doors, steering wheel?

@stevelloyd5785 - 15.01.2025 12:44

10 seconds in, $1 a day? Yeah right it's not! Why would anyone believe that?

@stevelloyd5785 - 15.01.2025 12:44

10 seconds in, $1 a day? Yeah right it's not! Why would anyone believe that?

@melissas8731 - 15.01.2025 17:20

Love your content! Looking at doing a van trip of the south island later this year. Really curious about the $1 a day hire?? I don’t understand how thats possible haha what's the catch? Because $143 is a hell of a lot cheaper than $1,000+ most other rental van places charge. Does that also include insurance? TIA ✨️

@perryanderson9103 - 17.01.2025 03:22

Nz has become a rip off big time local for over 50 years

@diggerman3377 - 19.01.2025 00:25

How much was your van rental for those few days

@THEDADDY7770 - 05.02.2025 23:03

Where's part 1 2 and 3?

@Gloryboyquan - 09.02.2025 23:15

Must Be So Cool Finding someone To Visit 100 Countries with Hope I Find Somebody To This With Someday ❤

@donmatson3220 - 10.02.2025 05:16

Just finished 3 week trip in large campervan (RV) rented from Britz in New Zealand North and South Islands. Followed the rules and had zero issues upon return.

@bumcy2010 - 21.02.2025 07:23

I dont know what they are going on about the smell it's their waste

@bumcy2010 - 21.02.2025 07:26

If you use the right chemicals it doesnt smell at all
