Critics warn Trump tariffs on Canada, Mexico & China will leave Americans to pay the price

Critics warn Trump tariffs on Canada, Mexico & China will leave Americans to pay the price

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@gavinchurch6109 - 04.03.2025 03:43

Just remember when you wake up and no oil or electricity from canada and your pushing your car to work hug a maga you mite need them to help push lmfao

@RJDA.Dakota - 04.03.2025 03:47

We need to have our own energy supply options open.

@slapkit51 - 04.03.2025 04:17

It's about time. America should be like Canada and Mexico and charge tariffs to bring back American jobs.

@changethegame113 - 04.03.2025 04:28

Quit buying foreign, buy American products.

@indoornepenthes7809 - 04.03.2025 04:29

Naw, just buy American and youll be fine 👍

@MrZeewe70 - 04.03.2025 04:29

Not as much as Canada….

@Bowhunters6go8xz6x - 04.03.2025 04:31

It was just on the news today by retail stores that the Tariffs won't hurt anything, might actually help US businesses over helping China.

@amandawallace891 - 04.03.2025 04:32

Buy American. Even then at this point with how much this country has been taken advantage of.. people are willing to pay more. it won't last forever anyway.

@maddogfargo3153 - 04.03.2025 04:33

TSMC just invested in building plants here and as a result they will avoid tarriffs. So, it IS WORKING.

@MDJ-f7k - 04.03.2025 04:33

Deporting farmworkers will bring $5 tomatoes. "Mexico is the largest single source of U.S. horticultural imports. In 2023, Mexico supplied 63 percent of U.S. vegetable imports and 47 percent of U.S. fruit and nut imports."

@WiseMan22 - 04.03.2025 04:34

Canadian's will pay approx 7 times more than the US. Lets get ready !

@RobertSilva-n5w - 04.03.2025 04:34

Trump wouldn't have Tarrifs if the neighbor country's wouldn't be bringing illegal aliens and drugs to USA !!

@lastmanstanding1954 - 04.03.2025 04:34

if they raise prices people will not buy their imported products,,,,,,,,,we will start making things again in America as they did in the 70's
in the 70's BOSTON MAS. had hundreds of factories,,,,,today there are NONE !!!!

@ketowithstacy8882 - 04.03.2025 04:34

It did not leave us paying last time he put tariffs on China. I'm sure he has a plan. Have to wait and see how it pans out in the long run.

@OldMiner-wj6rr - 04.03.2025 04:35

Just stop buying Canada and Mexico stuff! At Least we have a choice! We don’t have a choice on what out taxes go fore until Trump

@asrealmradio - 04.03.2025 04:35


@felicianoau - 04.03.2025 04:36

As an American I approved President Trumps impose tariffs we might feel the pain in short term but in long runs we definitely better off with equal tariffs with foreign country buy America be American Amen

@bigdaddystovepipe - 04.03.2025 04:36

Heard Nissan was coming back to Indiana!!;

@ashleymorgan-kp7um - 04.03.2025 04:36

Nope. With all the tariff money, we can make up for it by paying less tax elsewhere. Tax from outside countries=less tax for american citizens

@rogerchambers9575 - 04.03.2025 04:37

The Smoot Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 was a completely failure, it worsened the
Great Depression.

@joeweeks3794 - 04.03.2025 04:38

MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

@mikefyfe9695 - 04.03.2025 04:40

Oh shut up dum sss media

@Andres-wy5du - 04.03.2025 04:42

What we need is utility and insurance companys investigated, medical companys regulated mecial care made affordable, its literally cheaper and better quality when i go vacation in mexico and get my teeth fixed than it is just to get teeth fixed here and faster

@snowleopard7991 - 04.03.2025 04:43

Y'all realize part of the reason the standard of living is so high in America because we are the largest consumer in the world and many of the products we rely on are manufactured in China, Indonesia, and Mexico in sweatshops. BUt bUy AmErIcAN. You Cannot Afford American. We pay our labor insanely high wages and that has become the expectation in the United States, it's also the reason so much of the agriculture work is done by migrant workers. Your children aren't going to abandon their privileged middle-class lifestyle for picking strawberries and if they are then the strawberry prices are gonna skyrocket because they'll demand higher wages. Suddenly goods you rely will become luxuries and you'll realize how poor you actually are, especially when not relying on other countries to do your dirty work.

@831sabino - 04.03.2025 04:45

Biden example:
Brass plumbing backflows with Biden went up 100% and the left never said anything or cried. Supposedly now things are going to cost a 25% more and they are crying like babies!

@mikehuy6049 - 04.03.2025 04:50

If I have to pay more, still love my country and my president. By the way, I been pay more 4 years already.😜😍😄🤑.
Happy to hear people cry about high price.
Life is short. Keep crying😆😋.

@normandoughty8737 - 04.03.2025 04:59

You need money to start businesses, and the average person cant afford the interest of making a business. When Canada stops their fuel supply, there price alone will hurt the economy. Big business outsourced over 20 years ago becof cheap labo dont have to pay insurance, medical, overtime or any benefits. Get real, these tarrifs will destroy the US economy. Done been proven it will not help, but harm the economy. Trump bankrupt every buhe touched and now well on the way of destthe nation.

@RighteouBS - 04.03.2025 05:07

We will ride eat and live with what we can afford buying made in USA products. Bring the jobs back made and sold by legal immigrants and Americans.

@penultonj760 - 04.03.2025 05:12

Im 65yrs and I'm looking forward to seeing,,,MADE IN AMERICA 🇺🇸,,, again like it should be,,,,, tariffs= Dollar for Dollar,,, they pay us to sell their products here in the USA, it called competition,,,,,

@DavidBrown-uc4yv - 04.03.2025 06:04

Paying for what? Just general “paying”. Oh — a car. What car? Are journalists dumb or do they think consumers of information are dumb? The prime lesson of BudLight dealt with consumer alternatives. The consumer was able to not just tell the brand to pound sand, but to easily tell the brand to pound sand. Right next to BudLight in retail were 40 alternatives. Boycotting iPhone would not be so easy. I have read the list of 200 major Canadian consumer products by brand. Very few do not have easy alternatives. Additionally, the tariff at retail does not put the product out of reach, it only makes the alternative more attractive. It messes up Canadian price point positioning.

@The.Mad.Catter - 05.03.2025 00:27

Farmers in USA were told on Truth Social to "have fun"..ffs I fear commercial farming will take out more farmers at an alarming pace. More money to the rich I it goes
