Sysadmins are Super Heroes! (System Administrator Appreciation Day 2022)

Sysadmins are Super Heroes! (System Administrator Appreciation Day 2022)

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@Andrii-zc4dp - 29.07.2022 17:01


@justinspoerle1739 - 29.07.2022 19:46

My title is IT Specialist. In a 2 man team. Aka, I do a bit of everything. I have always been a generalist since I tend to work in smaller companies. Keeps me on my toes though!

@bevintx5440 - 29.07.2022 20:22

I worked for a major oil company for many years. It always amazed me how knowledgeable and hard working their sysadmins were.

@yousefkhaled2 - 29.07.2022 22:42

what brought Jürgen Klopp here?

@dennisolsson3119 - 29.07.2022 23:12

The country song "American Soldier" I thought was fitting for me when I worked as a sysadmin for a small start-up in my youth :)

@adiposerex5150 - 30.07.2022 00:35

All I got was more overtime as a sys admin, but I loved it.

@loizostheochari1509 - 30.07.2022 04:25

Can you do a full course on nftables. To teach newbies how to fully utilize functionality of NFTABLES.

@ConGames007 - 30.07.2022 23:31

This year we got doughnuts for all the office 🙂

@AcidiFy574 - 31.07.2022 18:47

What about Network Engineers ??

BTW, I have nothing against SysAdmins

@MrWongtonSoup - 03.08.2022 06:57

I'm so close to hitting my one year mark of being a sysadmin! Honestly this job is what I like to do. Even though I'm doing SCCM I'm moving toward the RHEL path. If anyone here is helpdesk trying to get on that path, keep grinding!
