ОтветитьJa right SA
ОтветитьThese people live in filth and they expect us to respect them???How different are they from pigs we work hard to pay our way others just have fat tummies and take whatever they want and use courts to enable them???
ОтветитьKunini ndithi yoooooh yoooooh hayibo siyaqhelwa nyani
ОтветитьHire a company to renovate that building into luxuous appartment or into a hotel. It looks nice.
ОтветитьMaybe they could have collected "RENT" from each home over the last few years and fix everything up. Sad situation. Government dont care for their people. City of JHB absolutely useless.
ОтветитьWhat a disgrace.
ОтветитьTo the authorities, please enforce the law.
ОтветитьTaxis too.
ОтветитьWho is paying for their electricity?
ОтветитьAlmal welkom😂😂😂
ОтветитьEnforce the law, bet you some dodgy ANC thug is involved🤞
ОтветитьPlease allow people to speak in their Indigenous languages please.. They can explain themselves better in their languages
Ответить2 tire expropriation
ОтветитьWhy has it lost the purpose it was build for???
To serve the communiry
Completly mismanaged
So interms of a Problem Building it is the responsibility of the owner to manage and maintain the property. The people of Gauteng could take the Municipality to court for the Health& Safety issues, for Fire & Safety not being in place, for the Building Structure possibly being compromised even though the City has not given permission for the illegal occupation. Why? Because the building should have been made secure to prevent the possible invasion. Because the owner has failed the people can hold them accountable and include human rights in fiding alternative accommodation or ensure the building is safe for occupancy or secured to prevent such.
ОтветитьFirst hijacked building I know of was in 1986. Absentee landlord, upped rent, did not maintain, residents elected a commitee, canvased for skills to do maintainance, and paid those to fo so. Worked well. It was cleaner and safer than much of the surrounds. It is not the people there, they are just people, it is the context they sre placed in. Given space and skilled support they can and will organise. Help the residents renovate the building rather than blame them as some seem to do.
ОтветитьForeigners do as they please in our country
ОтветитьDit is wat ANC en Regering aan Sa gedoen het n Vark hok so lyk ons land nou
ОтветитьDeport illigal people to own coountry
ОтветитьOfcoz its foreigners doing this to our city! But we are xenophobic..
ОтветитьBo mageza are also there, I can think of a particular province.
ОтветитьThe guy in blue states he is the owner of the unit. Interviewer fails to ask how did you buy it ?
ОтветитьThey have lights = corrupt ANC sponsors them.
ОтветитьSo you don't have homes??
ОтветитьI was staying there paying rent luckily I left before time because they had given us 1 month notice eviction.
ОтветитьZulus are building hijackers we all know that bit fools will always blame foreigners 😅😅😅
ОтветитьJust admit you've lost control of every CBD. That's why business operates elsehwere
ОтветитьDo South Africa really have a government because our country it went down the drain, everything has collapsed, foreigners have taken over, I think ANC is very proud
ОтветитьThe people shall govern
ANC this are your promises 😭😭😭
And we keep on voting, these fat politicians do nothing to but allow foreigners to do as they please in our country
ОтветитьThats how it is.
ОтветитьThe ANC have no excuse for the mayhem they unleashed on south Africa it is time for them to go!
ОтветитьAnc knows everything about hijacked the buildings
ОтветитьAre they really hijacked or did jpc sell it illegally to foreigners
ОтветитьIn my view , the South African government has failed the citizens of South Africa. Whose responsibility is it to secure our borders? Who are the border officials that take bribe money? Who sits in city councils? Who is responsible for policing and enforcement of law and order? The South African government should be ashamed .
ОтветитьIs that a foreigner talking. Foreigners can't live free
ОтветитьLand grab
ОтветитьForeigners and anc looting tax of South Africa and destroying economy
ОтветитьWe want you to come to Hillbrow
ОтветитьYerrr Kruis Street opposite Gemini Parts😭
ОтветитьThis government doesn't follow any procedure to run the country, bunch of idiots.
ОтветитьResult of electing weak,greedy and non honorable leaders
ОтветитьOfcourse,ask cyril he told the foreigners to come so that the anc could still win the election,other countries chase the foreigners out but no we just say come on in
ОтветитьANC is useless
ОтветитьI would also not live on the streets while there is an open unoccupied building.
How disgraceful of our government to mismanage things to this degree! Yerrr
In Hotels In Berea There Has No Water At No Cold No Hit Taos Dry Dry And Still No Water Even In Hotels Thank You So Much For The Update News @ SABC News
ОтветитьCant even get together and clean the vicinity that you are living in
ОтветитьMmmmm what a disgrace.