Stopping someone from saying first.
ОтветитьIsn't the original timeline where future cell trunks went back to?
ОтветитьThe real question is does Goku actually love Chi Chi?Jk jk hahaha
ОтветитьAs if time travel movies arent confusing enough, freaking Goku's actual age is just as confusing
ОтветитьAlso I like to think that Goku's physical age doesn't really equate to his calendar age so technically he wasn't officially born until he was out of his own incubator
ОтветитьNice to see you back! Also, its kind of funny how Dragon Ball, a series that’s a bit infamous for yelling out numbers, makes something that should be as straightforward as the ages of characters to be something you have to actively look into. (Also, wow! I did not realize how young Goku was back in early Z, being only 24/25 when he first turned Super Saiyan, and having Gohan when he was 20!)
ОтветитьLike 40
Ответить+ add GT Goku:
Physical age at the start of GT 48 - after the wish 12
Metal Age 56
Calender Age 52
+1 Year after the Galaxy Tour for the black star dragonballs
Either way I am now older than Buu Saga Goku. Yikes. And I was 16 when starting to watch the show. I'm 40 now going on 41 when he fights Beerus 4 years after the Buu saga. Feeling old. I like to compare my age to Gokus. Cuz in 6 years I'll be as old as he was at the end of Z .
ОтветитьGoku stated that he was 12 in the 21st tenkaichi budokai, so he would be 11 at the start of dragonball since Goku was able to search for the dragonballs immediately after the tournament, signifying that a year passed since the start of dragonball. His calendar age, physical age, and mental age should be 1 year shorter than stated in this video.
ОтветитьId love to see you do a continuation of this for GT, really see how desynced those 3 ages can get XD
ОтветитьYour ages are slightly off or its a matter of Goku having a late year birthday or something. He actually confirms he's 12 during the 21st tournament thus making him 15 and 18 respectively during the 22nd and 23rd tournament's.
They also used the Namekian dragonball's not earths which only took 4 months to use each time. And only a year passed between Goku's fight with Frieza and his arrival on earth. King Kai states this when he feels Frieza coming to earth and it could happen they could have used the Dragonball's the 2 times and then Frieza arrived 4 months or so later.
Also Goku and Gohan came out of the chamber 3 hours (or 45 days) early. Not much but still not a full year. All these minor changes are what make Goku's age hard to pinpoint
This video is about as accurate as you can get with this subject. Although its also interesting to note that Goku doesn't even know his true age, considering everyone who was present for it was killed by Frieza. Not that Toriyama had that in mind when making Goku's age, we just have to go off of statements and guides lol
ОтветитьHow the devil did you think of this?
ОтветитьGoku is chronically 45 although mentally he’s 12.
ОтветитьGoku spent a month in the Time Chamber while training with Kami to fight Piccolo, so he is slightly older physically and mentally by a month
ОтветитьI wonder what would happen to vegeta since he's got 30 years left
ОтветитьIt almost lines up, in '86 he was 12, 38 years later in '24 he should be 50, by looks King Vegeta must've been at least 60 and Paragus 70-80 before aging badly in exile.
Ответитьdidn't goku go in the time chamber as a kid
ОтветитьDragon ball minus? The hell is this fanfic doing in here😅
ОтветитьDo GT goku next
ОтветитьHow annoying would it be to say that I’m the 71st?? Jk, this is a real well made video, you seem like you’ve been perfecting your craft over the years 😅
ОтветитьYou made an mistake Goku and gohan never spent a full year in the time chamber but I get why you kinda just rounded it out.
ОтветитьImagine how amazing the show would be if goku never die💀😭😭😭
Ответитьmy wenor sore and puffy.
don't pin this or else.
I don't mean to be that guy. But i thought (at least in the anime) Goku and Gohan were in there for only a few months not a full year
ОтветитьThe question is how did Gok know his age, when no one knew the year he was born in? On planet Vegeta the way years are counted isn't the same as on earth.
ОтветитьIf you add the final age numbers together Goku is currently 141 years old.
Ответитьa 4 feet 16 year old 💀
ОтветитьGoku is supposed to be 46 years old in the end of the Dragon Ball Super anime and 55 years old at the start of Dragon Ball GT. And 155 years old in the epilogue of Dragon Ball GT.
ОтветитьWhat a fun video!
ОтветитьSuper retcon'd BoG's timeskip
ОтветитьWell you got Goku's age in the RR arc wrong, because he says he's 12 DURING the tournament, the training for the torunament was just like a couple months long, there's an inconsistency with the dragon balls being available in that arc when they are supposed to be stones for a year, but the official timelines officially say that we don't have a year timeskip in between.
ОтветитьDidn't he go into the chamber as a kid
ОтветитьAnd GT??? 🙂
ОтветитьEbu sent me
ОтветитьI got send by our father
At end of z vegeta is 53
Goku is 47
And broly is 53 ( he is as same age of vegeta)
Goku literally says he's 12 during the tournament, and there isn't a time skip when he attacks the red ribbon army immediately afterward.
There's a contradiction between the manga and the "official guides" timeline.
I turn 41 this year so I already am his calender age when he fights Beerus for the first time. Yikes. I was a fan for 25 years. Because of all the fresh content coming out. About the same length of time when Goku fights Frieza on namek.
ОтветитьShould Goku be retconned to be just be 43 and the mental and calendar ages be dropped ?
ОтветитьBardock is 64 years old
ОтветитьNah, I think Goku was right about his age the first time. Toriyama forgot he made him younger.
Dragon Ball Super Broly showed it was the year 737 when Goku was sent to Earth. It's the year at the start of the time skip montage.
I’ll be 22 this May 6th. I got 2 more years before I reach my “Z phase” “Raditz Phase” of Goku’s life.