When to Quit Your Job and Go Full-Time On Your Side Business

When to Quit Your Job and Go Full-Time On Your Side Business

Kevin Espiritu

2 года назад

6,412 Просмотров

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@Elizabeth-uz1mn - 22.05.2022 00:18

Don’t forget payroll taxes and sales taxes!!!!

@jeremiewampler - 22.05.2022 00:24

Yessir side hustle is always mechanic for me along with the day job…however I’d love to eventually move to market and just mechanic as a side hustle instead of basically having 3 jobs drop to 1 with a small hustle on the side

@buckeyethor - 22.05.2022 00:36


@Bento_Club - 22.05.2022 00:57

I learned more in this 7 min video than I did my entire 4 years of college. Thank you for your insight, Kevin. ✌🏽

@gregbishop4145 - 22.05.2022 01:15

I couldn’t stop watching the chickens running around behind you. 😂

I would also add to make sure it’s something that you really want to do full time. I started making good money as a sports photographer but realized after a few years that my side hustle was better as a side hustle because the joy of sports photography was being destroyed by the stress of needing to make money.

@growingtolive2040 - 22.05.2022 09:09

very good advice and straight forward, thank you for the video, I look forward to more

@trishdavi7049 - 22.05.2022 11:56

Do you have a rooster now? The hens are doing a funky chicken run around in their coup behind you. Interesting topic when to switch from wage to self employed

@karen-hillshomestead - 22.05.2022 20:40

Thanks for the info!

@Powerfamilygarden - 23.05.2022 01:51

This is incredibly helpful.

@Bbssochs - 23.05.2022 06:48

Great info! Very concise and direct, What type of professional should one speak with to help with such calculations plus benefits, retirement investing, and payroll taxes for other employees? That’s my biggest black hole of knowledge these days as I write out my business plan. Granted that is part of the 5 year plan but still want to learn.

@erinbyronma - 25.05.2022 20:35

Love everything you do, Kevin! 🌿💕
What lav mic do you use? 🎤 🙏

@camiscottage - 19.06.2022 12:00

So late but I loved this !!! So much great info! I haven’t even finished it yet 🤯

Not sure if you covered this already but I remember you telling a story about selling micro greens to a restaurant. What kind of permits or legal things do you need in order to sell your produce that you grow for consumption at a restaurant or farmers market?

@nadogrl - 19.06.2022 20:33

Brilliant explanation!❤️

@scottmiller9975 - 12.07.2022 06:30

Have you disclosed anywhere the 17.5 million investment funding you received from the TCG firm? I get a little bit dubious over the direction the channel now takes and how that ties in with sustainable gardening practices, especially when there's no statement of the new contract(?). Obviously TCG are looking for monetary returns here. Will the channel prioritise pushing product sales (either through your own webstore, or through the affiliation you have with Amazon) over giving unbiased gardening advice, a lot of which requires absolutely no purchases or can be achieved via 2nd hand pick ups. I know these things aren't necessarily mutually exclusive, but over the years I have seen other independent operators gain in popularity, then get "bought out", which triggered the demise of their credibility.

@ericg9636 - 30.09.2022 23:38

great advice for sure. one YT-specific question, do you think its prudent to form an LLC/S corp before launching a YT/site platform that's been in the works for a while? or should I go all-in on content and focus on moving the YT to an LLC/S corp later when things actually begin to take off?

@Tastygarybites - 14.09.2023 00:49

Great advice Kevin thanks for sharing your experience

@nancy_weis - 15.01.2024 13:38

Thanks for this! Amazing learnings. Currently thinking if I go all in on an idea or trying to start a side hustle. You saying you are also not taking big risks helped me make my decision 😊

@DorianDevelops - 16.01.2024 22:32

It's so much harder to go all in on your side business when you have golden handcuffs with your day job. I've decided to go all in this year and take the pay cut so that I can focus on my business fulltime but like you said I have savings and we're lowering our cost of living by traveling to a cheaper country while I focus on growing my side thing to become my main thing. Thanks again for the videos great info!

@user-nlvmruu - 18.01.2024 20:37

hey kevin, how did you basically 10x your businesses profit in a few months? i am working fulltime on my side business and i am struggling to increase the profit

@MrFitbikeco10 - 20.03.2024 20:28

I quit my job when my after tax/costs exceed my jobs pay PLUS benefits. Remember, just because you make more on your own, health insurance, vision, dental etc have to become an expense now. Out of pocket. So factor that in as well. Once you make more than all that combined vs a job, bounce

@Setapartfilmz - 09.06.2024 03:56

Well done

@Towcrazy - 30.07.2024 17:52

My problem is I can't grow my side business anymore than it is because of the time my job takes. In order to grow my side business enough to go full time. I need more time to put into it which I don't have.

@intradibles - 31.08.2024 16:36

Your day job may give you lots of experience, skills and the opportunity to leverage your wealth in an initial manner, but it's your side hustles that will make things easier.
