Four Door Supercars - Top Gear - Series 15 - BBC

Four Door Supercars - Top Gear - Series 15 - BBC

Top Gear

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@DarioDraganDabeski - 23.09.2024 22:46

Forza Maserati 💯👍💪💓🇮🇹

@MadeinItaly-Maserati - 24.09.2024 09:50


@jhsigmund - 24.09.2024 20:13

This is one of my top most favorite episodes, this budget supercars in spain, gt cars in vegas, there are others but those ware what come to mind immediately.

@garagebizio - 28.09.2024 19:42

THE Dream car of mine that Quattroporte Sport GTS Award Edition

@jackbryan4676 - 01.10.2024 16:50

Out of these three I'll take an M5.

@abrahamdraper1911 - 02.10.2024 15:28

Panamera is a fine motor, and way too good for these superGBs. The Maserati looks and goes like a chubby old Rover, and the Aston is like a Mondeo for guys with short willies.
That Porsche is a serious vehicle, with a mission and a defined purpose.
"He got a bit squirrelly there".
SuperG 😑

@daisaigaming6836 - 08.10.2024 18:18

Ah yes , the Maserati which you can buy now for around 20k used, which is probably about the same price as the check up.

@galaxymyt4834 - 09.10.2024 18:54

Those old good days

@vishwah5367 - 11.10.2024 22:04

Episode name and #

@jeffmartin2973 - 11.10.2024 23:57

Porsche is the best as after all this time, it would be the only one you can buy and use with the others falling apart if not scrapped already.

@england902 - 19.10.2024 11:10

Your like little children

Grow up

@cjvrsa - 25.10.2024 23:46

I miss THIS so much

@SlimRhyno - 28.10.2024 05:35

October, 2024, and I STILL want that Maserati 😅

@KIoakk - 04.11.2024 12:32


@pabl0_vdv - 06.11.2024 21:39

I always liked how the first gen panamera looks like, it just needs a better wheels and some drop.

@msen37 - 08.11.2024 23:45

Maserati ❤

@michaeloconnor4735 - 09.11.2024 19:12

I think the Porsche has aged much better than the Maserati. I love my Panamera.

@stevecooksley - 10.11.2024 14:10

The Porsche's looks were ahead of its time - there's a lot of cars in 2024 that are far uglier than this (hi there IONIC 6).

@alagrenada - 19.11.2024 01:37

I like the Panamera

@billiedharmajaya - 20.11.2024 11:00

When you live in the electric cars era maybe 10 years from now just save the quattroporte because the ramble of the v8 will no exist in the future accept electric cars can make a v8 noise like what the quattroporte did but im not sure that electric cars voice audio can beat the v8 quattroporte or even the v8 c63 black series

@hEXordo - 20.11.2024 17:18

But a cls63 or e63 would shit on all these

@miguels5426 - 03.12.2024 10:10

But Porsche sells the most. And the buyers know why.

@TravelFar2 - 04.12.2024 00:09

the maserati sound is just eargasm

@Watt_Ihr_Volt - 21.12.2024 19:20

If I wanted and could afford to own such a luxury sport sedan, I would literally never go for the Porsche, because it is too ubiquitous and boeing, nor the Aston Martin because it is too expensive for what it is. I would always go for the drama queen, the Maserati even though it is comparatively poorly built (as a tesla owner I know something about that 😂) and often in need of repair. But it is just majestic!❤ and who can afford such a car, never hs only one so reliability if not really such a big thing.

@MrSniperfox29 - 22.12.2024 16:55

Interesting Clarkson pointing out that not every car needs sports suspension, I wonder who else makes that comment a lot?

@ProwerTheFox7 - 23.12.2024 06:03

The Panamera was hideous, but I really liked the second gen especially after seeing them in real life

@redohealer2 - 29.12.2024 01:58

"Oh...No noise at all"

@LiezAllLiez - 31.12.2024 15:17

Two categories to go by: looks and engine sound
Aston: top of the board with looks, second in engine sound
Maserati: second in looks, first in engine sound
Porsche: DNF/DQ

@koenigcertified - 05.01.2025 06:54

It’s an Aston Martin Rapide and Porsche Panamera, just as a friendly correction :)

@VaishnavKethu - 19.01.2025 13:02

One day I will get a Quattroporte

@grst4508 - 22.01.2025 18:28

captain slow is going very quick

@CoreyGolphenee - 26.01.2025 00:50

That Aston is one of the prettiest cars ever made in my opinion, when you see one in person it’s proportions are arstonishing

@CoreyGolphenee - 26.01.2025 00:54

I love that you can tell that Porsche took this to heart lmao, the parameters today is one of the prettiest cars on the road

@StephanHeinemann1 - 27.01.2025 17:54

The latest Porsche Panameras got a facelift and are good looking cars now

@taviherache5210 - 08.02.2025 17:40

I absolutely love Porsche as a brand,I m a very die-hard fan

That version of the panamera is absolutely hideous, in my opinion 😂😂😂😂

@speedbird737 - 09.02.2025 03:54

Farnborough business park next to Farnborough Airport and 5 mins drive away from me!

@BibTheBoulderTheOriginalOne - 13.02.2025 08:17

If it's 4 doors you want, why would anyone look beyond the Ghost, Phantom, or Mulsanne.

@Семён-р9п - 17.02.2025 17:28

На расии детям есть нечего в школах

@emilv.3693 - 08.03.2025 19:43

I don't thinkthe Porsche looks too bad

@philiproseel3506 - 09.03.2025 03:09

Those Panameras look a lot better nowadays.

@Fotosynthesis858 - 09.03.2025 06:00

I had the pleasure of driving behind a Maserati Quattro Porte on the long windy backroad that runs through Gilroy, CA to Santa Cruz, CA. And the exhaust note of the Maserati was so pleasant that I drove the entire hour-plus long drive with my windows down & my music off. It may not be the the best looking car, but that engine is something special.
