@Halflaughproductions You have to believe me when I say I don't have them any more! They all got deleted! :P
Ответить@dzee1975 Thanks friend! :)
Ответить@candysomething well thats cool with me so, from your vlogs i'v watched u certainly are strange! WEHAY! (In a goodway though!)
ОтветитьYour've 17 and half and very attractive
ОтветитьMesmerizing eyes you have.
Ответить@vedinaren Thank you :)
ОтветитьWow, you're gorgeous.
ОтветитьAre you inspired yet?
Ответить@bodyonesome haha! Yes, actually! :D New one soon :)
Ответить@candysomething Well good then :) Don't want to push you, but I really enjoy your charm.
Ответить*shakes your hand* NICE TO MEET YOU!
ОтветитьWhy would you be french ?
Ответить@ophelielikes I got asked if I was French in the comments of an earlier video! :D Just wanted to clarify :P
Ответитьyou have beautiful eyes!
Ответитьvery funny vlogs :) and i loved your 'looking for alska' song form a while back x
ОтветитьSubscribed from this video :) Thank Mike Lombardo :)
Ответитьvery cool enjoyed watching
Ответить@Jaysuslawds i think so as well
Ответитьawkwardness is amazing and you are wonderful to watch , Amykilbride x
ОтветитьI just noticed you posted this last year on my birthday. <3 By the way I think I like you. ^_^
ОтветитьA Very Potter Musical :D yaay
ОтветитьI feel like I have no other choice but just loving your personality. :) I discovered you over Bribry's video "Bribry & Candice (#54) and now I quite understand why you two are together. Gosh, you're both so amazing it hurts. Now I feel even more like a lonely sucker that drools over the awesomeness of other people's relationships. Excuse me while I go and drown my face in bucket of ice cream while reading a book. (Kisses from Slovenia. :D)
ОтветитьI LOVE YOU -3
ОтветитьYou are adorable! :)
ОтветитьIn a cupboard under some stairs...
ОтветитьI quote a very potter musical too, I also sing horrible histories songs constantly...
Ответитьyou look so different :o
ОтветитьBefore my internet dies I must say that I also posses that purse! It's not a very thoughtful comment but it to be said! :)
Ответитьyou are the CUTEST! omg the ending made me laugh so much
ОтветитьHello Candance Nice to meet you. i'm going to start watching your videos..
BTW I didn't think you where french becouse most of the time I go to france they don't even speak english. ;S
Oh my goodness! Your wrist band.. :) DFTBA! I have mine on too!
ОтветитьYou look so young here! I can't quite comprehendthat you're married! Congrats!:-)
Ответить"not french" LOL.
ОтветитьOMG Candice!! I just found this video and it is so weird an cute because I've only found you at the beginning of this year (2015). You looked so different back in 2011. By the way I love your videos. Greetings from Argentina. =D
ОтветитьOmggg you like the Beatles! It's strange and at the same time very exciting when I find links between things I love. I enjoy a lot your videos because they're unique and you make me think and feel a lot of emotions through them. I hope one day I can meet you ( fortunatelly i'll have the strength to say hello, my shyness won't interrupt (i have threaten it)) keep on being this awesome an unique!
Ответитьher northern irish accent was so much more prounouced
ОтветитьOmg you like the Beatles that's so cool now I like you even more haha :D
ОтветитьShe was such a beautiful 17 year old. Don't get my wrong she's still beautiful but wow
Ответитьwas she dating bey at that time?
Ответитьu were so cute back then
Ответитьawwwwww you look so adorable !
ОтветитьHow tf did i end up here?
Ответить17!!!!! 😭😭😭😭
you need to stop being so adorable!
I am lost in your beautiful videos