so much floral patterns and pink .... hmm almost identical to my current belt > . > dam pwetty video dear
ОтветитьCats are connoisseurs of comfort and cool, and yours approves. I approve too, looks cosyyy :3
ОтветитьI like the angles that you shot from..and those lights..and that cat :)
ОтветитьI love these short creative videos of yours! 2 month ago you've asked what beauty is to us. Well, to me exactly these kind of videos are (such as "Rain", "as the sun goes down" etc.). Seems like you just know how to show that beauty actually is all around us (if intended or not) ^.^ Anyway, keep up the good work :-)
Ответить@HaulABalloon Haha a good belt. Thanks
Ответить@KaelOakley She is quite the connoisseur indeed! :) Thanks for watching!
Ответить@93jessicapaige Thank you! I love those lights :)
ОтветитьWas your room always that pink?? Lovely video, by the way. :)
Ответитьyour room is amazingly pink! =P aww yours and christina's forts are so pretty... mine were usually just bedsheets put on cabinets and weighed down by dictionaries and argos catalogues xD
ОтветитьReally liked the way this was filmed. Lovely, calming video :)
Ответить@flowerfades Has been for years! Thank you :)
Ответить@s2MeJustYou Haha mine wasn't so nice from the outside. And Argos catalogues are useful for so many things... but not shopping from. :P
Ответить@beefan090 Thank you :) <3
Ответить@candysomething hehe aww, well it's the inside that counts =P i feel like buying some fairy lights after watching this! haha o so true, unfortunately they are quite painful when your forts collapse in on themselves... xD
ОтветитьLove it! I'm now officially making a video response to Christina's video. Forts are fab<3
Ответить@romanticcustard YAY! I'm very excited to see that :D
Ответить@GemMcLean Ah Gem I'm sorry! :P Thank you <3
ОтветитьAww your cat is cute and i really liked this video... it was very relaxing :)
Ответить@Katest3r If Kate is relaxed and happy then I am relaxed and happy! :D
Ответить@aquatius5 Haha there was no room for standing up! :P Thanks
Ответить@candysomething <3 :)
ОтветитьYour videos are always so beautiful and they always put a smile on my face. :) -3
Ответить-3 *
ОтветитьThis is just the start of the FORT REVOLUTION! But really, you have excellent fort making abilities. When you come here we will make a great fort :)
ОтветитьBest fort ever!! :D I used to love to do that when I was a kid, I never had flash lights like you did though! What a sweet vid :) xx
Ответить@krazgrlw8n4acure Aw thanks, if you smile, I smile! (I may have just quoted Justin Bieber) :P
ОтветитьAw no! Why not? :(
Ответить@qwertyoctopus Thank you! :D
Ответить@unsignedletters I can't wait. <3
Ответить@karmagirl74 Haha my parents wondered why I was reverting to my childhood ways! Thanks for watching, Anna <3
ОтветитьHello,Candy. Forts are your forte! yes, I typed that.
ОтветитьThis video was soo pretty. Loved the visuals. i wish I could have seen more of the fort and the structure. But it looked beautiful.
ОтветитьIt looks so pretty <3
ОтветитьHey I like this one ! I made almost the same idea in my video on take a look (: Good job btw, it's cute !
Ответитьsuch a lovely video x
ОтветитьHah this is so cool n_n
Ответить@playingwiththesun Thanks! And yes but we need to upload on our main channels from time to time, I'm not very good at that :P
Ответить@oxMairixo Hahaha it does!
Ответить@Blargaldalien Hello. I laughed at that. :P
Ответить@Nephilim01 The outside was terrible looking :P But thank you!
Ответить@xoxokirstyxox Thanks for watching Kirsty :)
Ответить@CheekTV Thanks Gary! <3
Ответить@JimJamJayme Thank you :D
Ответить@MegIsNotSadistic My cat lives outside! I sneaked her in just for the video :D
Ответитьi've always wanted to make a fort.
Ответить@ambereenstar Do it! :D
ОтветитьI made a den at the weekend that was inspired by Christina! This is so gorgeous <3
Ответить@amoclin Thanks! Christina's was wondrous! :)
Ответить@RockMyStripySocksOff I have a love hate relationship with her! :P
Ответить(Let the commenting spree continue!) How magical, and what beautiful colours! :)