Addressing Osteopathic Medicine’s Vulnerabilities: The View through an External Lens

Addressing Osteopathic Medicine’s Vulnerabilities: The View through an External Lens

Sheriff of Sodium

3 года назад

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@Wiley224 - 21.11.2021 22:42

DO schools have a toxic atmosphere and they will protect the NBOME even thought they terrorize DO students with their useless disgusting expensive test.

@Wiley224 - 21.11.2021 23:34

The simple fact is COMLEX is a way to make money and in their greed they try to force it down DO students throats

@JL-kk9hl - 22.11.2021 05:50

I just don't know how we can reasonably consider an osteopathic education equivalent to an MD- they seem very different....

@soccerdreams7955 - 23.11.2021 05:40

Another banger that was expected 🤑🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱

@mr.medtech731 - 23.11.2021 06:17

Totally agree.

@rachelgrubbs - 23.11.2021 20:29

Is there a transcript of this?

@jessi74 - 01.12.2021 01:24

I very much enjoyed this talk, as I usually do. It would be fascinating to have someone do the same sort of thing from the MD side

@leewisnioski95 - 07.12.2021 22:09

One can not research Osteopathic PRINCIPALS (not Techniques) the same way you research Allopathic treatments. If you do, then half the time the treatment will work and the other half of the time it will not.

@jonfilibuster8499 - 16.12.2021 09:55

Very well put together presentation. As a DO student, you hit everything perfectly, especially when talking about rotation sites and how not everyone is meant to be a doctor.

@WeirdLittleDreams - 08.01.2022 00:17

You brought up the lack of research on Osteopathic treatment methods!!!! That was bold!!!!

@WeirdLittleDreams - 08.01.2022 00:43

Sir!!!! Why do you have audiobook voice?!?!?

@davidr4523 - 02.08.2022 03:46

What an excellent presentation and one not encouraging for hopeful medical students to choose the DO route. Without question, USA MD programs are superior to USA DO, which you have clearly proven. The bigger question now is Caribbean MD a better option than USA DO?

@NhanTran-tm9hu - 05.06.2023 07:14

Primary care is the core of US medicine. You need to get away from the old MD money hungry specialty ideology!!!!!

@NhanTran-tm9hu - 05.06.2023 07:15

You have no idea what you are talking about. You are living in the 1980s

@rickypen - 17.07.2023 19:23

Gun control has around that favorability, im pretty sure access to safe abortion at least up until 15 weeks. I think even some type of Medicare for all or govt funded medical access. There is actually a lot of agreement for a lot of issues, it just seems a lot more divided than it is.

@oliverallen5324 - 22.02.2024 18:16

I've been in EMS a long time, and I tell those new to the field that working in a rural setting is likely more rewarding as you mature, but at the beginning you need that big city volume of calls to even sort out what you're doing. You need repetition, 10s of thousands of calls. I'm working on my return to medical school and I don't figure it's any different at the MD level as it is with the EMT-B/A/P levels. It's getting tough everywhere. You're going to have to be the best at w/e you do to get your spot.

@wol_ves - 26.02.2024 00:22

I can't imagine this was a very popular presentation hahaha but I think you made some excellent points. I would love to hear some responses or thoughts from some of the DO deans--we all have our blind spots, and the way they think about things could be very different in some cases but I'm not a DO so I don't have the necessary background. Regardless, I think this was a great presentation that seems to very accurately not only diagnose some of the potential issues or challenges facing DO schools but also suggest some potentially difficult but necessary recommendations. Thank you for sharing it with us!

@brennengodeen3796 - 08.04.2024 05:16

If AI is capable of replacing physicians, I question its capacity to replace many other professions. I also ask patients I encounter on rotations about their thoughts on the future and predictions of AI in the workplace. I typically ask while I am trying to stall and make some small talk. They frequently respond with hesitancy and skepticism. Many prefer the patient doctor interaction and this response is especially common among primary care services. However, I do hear positive feedback from patients who are not currently receiving care and yet to develop a report with a PCP. Few answer positively and with optimism because they say that their prior healthcare experiences were “robotic” or their concerns were not heard and addressed appropriately. Almost as if they were being moved through an assembly line and that they provider didn’t perform a physical examination and that AI could produce comparable results.

@emilyh3644 - 21.06.2024 23:39

I had a 511 and 4.0 GPA and only got into top osteopathic programs, one with a MCAT average of 510 and the other 508. As a Californian, I think those who matriculate to DO programs from CA have higher scores on average.

@JN-kk4nk - 24.06.2024 15:43

A beautiful presentation ! How was the reaction of the deans ? Is in your opinion place for a fusion between the two diplomas ?


@claytontindell9939 - 06.07.2024 02:13

My do school is putting a research lab on campus.

@JB23669 - 26.08.2024 16:43

The problem with osteopathic medicine is that it’s mainly voodoo. If it was that useful I’d imagine Hopkins or Harvard would be using it. In general your average DO student isn’t as smart as an MD. The numbers show it. It’s not to say they’re bad doctors but they certainly didn’t score as high as their md counterparts. Majority of the DO students are only there because they did not get accepted to an md program.

@compositeur8455 - 09.11.2024 08:17

Doesn't IM have good options for fellowships? It's just the default if you want to specialize in any organ system.

@on-the-DL - 13.12.2024 08:15

As someone who only applied to DO schools because of my interest in OMT, I completely agree with your COMLEX argument and I’d venture that 95% of my colleagues do too. I’d gladly take a 3 part series of OPP exams, hell even a CS equivalent for OMT, if it meant not having to pay for and take both USMLE and COMLEX. And as long as DO students perform as well as MD students, that’s just concrete defense for any critics claiming osteopathic education is inferior.
